
Routes in Lower Benson Bluffs

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Showing all 68 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
5.10d Vaccine Injury
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Ants Pants

The bolted line in the middle of the upper section of the crag. Shares an anchor with Bees Knees, which is located well below the top of the wall. Follows a sweet flake, and is a candidate for best 5.7 in Nanaimo.

Sport Mt. Benson
5.11c The Fringe
Trad 26m Mt. Benson
5.7 Missing Fridge
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Righty Tighty
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10c Goose

Starts on the intermediate ledge near the far right end of the crag. Haul up on a fixed line to reach the start. Shares the final four bolts and anchor with Maverick. The starting crack goes at 10a, followed by a second easier crack. The crux is the thin, steep bolted section just above a small ledge near the anchor.

Mixed trad 23m, 5 Mt. Benson
5.9 Hocus Pocus
Sport Mt. Benson
5.11a Superfreak
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Bar None
Trad Mt. Benson
5.8 Inception
Sport 18m Mt. Benson
5.7 Meat Locker
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10a Cold Shoulder
Sport Mt. Benson
5.9 Flying Projectile
Trad Mt. Benson
5.9 Abracadabra
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10a Quackery
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Nut Bar
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10b Eminent Emesis
Sport 41m Mt. Benson
5.7 Clam Digger
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Fringe Festival
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10b Fruit Cake
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10b Moonbeam
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10d Mumbo Jumbo
Sport Mt. Benson
5.11a Sublime
Trad 31m Mt. Benson
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.9 Ear Worm
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 The Verge
Trad Mt. Benson
5.6 Dilly Bar
Trad Mt. Benson
5.8 Delhi Belly
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Trigger Happy
Trad Mt. Benson
5.11a Genesis

Second pitch is 8m, Gear to 2”, A1. However, will probably go free this year.

Sport 27m, 9 Mt. Benson
5.7 Pig Skin
Trad Mt. Benson
5.7 Bony Fish
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Banana Split
Trad Mt. Benson
5.9 Beaver Fever
Sport Mt. Benson
5.6 Squatty Potty
Trad Mt. Benson
5.12a Pulp Friction

FA: Ryan Kurytnik

Trad 32m Mt. Benson
5.7 Corn Dog
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10c Barracuda
Trad Mt. Benson
5.6 Cheesecake
Trad Mt. Benson
5.7 Drifter
Trad Mt. Benson
5.8 Cheap Trick
Sport Mt. Benson
5.11a Frictissimo
Sport 23m Mt. Benson
5.10c Dirty Money

Chimney up the distinctive detached fang of rock, then tackle the thin crux above it. A bit spicy, as the fourth clip is done from very thin holds and a fall there will land you right onto the top of the fang.

Sport Mt. Benson
5.10a Kokanee
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Mud Pie
Trad Mt. Benson
5.8 Sledgehammer
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Thorny
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10b Stat Section
Trad 25m Mt. Benson
5.9 Yard Sale
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Half Mast
Sport Mt. Benson
5.9 Gold Digger

Starts on the intermediate ledge, directly above Ear Worm. After rambling up some starting cracks and ledges, tackle the distinctively black, overhanging but juggy lieback crack. A second, easier crack is just above it.

Trad Mt. Benson
5.9 Tin Pants
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10b Air Guitar
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10c Seepage
Sport 15m Mt. Benson
5.7 Hollow Leg
Trad Mt. Benson
5.9 Bats in the Belfry
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10c Awesome Sauce
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Dill Pickle
Trad Mt. Benson
5.11b Trump Tower

Starts on the intermediate ledge, near the left end of the “original” LB crag. Use the Sublime anchor to belay from. After climbing through some easy ledges, tackle the steep, cruxy dihedral. A second crux awaits at the short headwall above. Bring some gear to protect the final crack before the anchor.

Sport Mt. Benson
5.9 Defervescence
Trad 20m Mt. Benson
5.8 Knuckle Sandwich
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10b Dough Boy
Sport Mt. Benson
5.8 Bees Knees
Trad Mt. Benson
5.10b Crossover
Trad 30m Mt. Benson
5.8 Sour Cream
Sport Mt. Benson
5.10a Pipe Dream
Sport Mt. Benson
5.11a Maverick
Sport Mt. Benson
5.7 Gun Shy
Sport Mt. Benson
5.12c Airborne Blackthorn

Start on Mumbo Jumbo for the first four bolts, then traverse left onto the slightly overhanging face. Crux is near the top.

FFA: Kynan Shurniak & Hunter Shurniak, 26 Jun 2023

Sport 22m, 8 Mt. Benson

Showing all 68 routes.

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