
Ascents in Europe as Onsight by Lee Cujes

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 776 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Date
Europe Switzerland Alpen Berner Oberland Thunersee Lehn Rosengarten
6b Hey Joe Sport 25m Classic Tue 14th Sep 2004
Awesome folded gneiss - like gritstone in parts

7a Wackelstein Sport 30m Classic Tue 14th Sep 2004
Another cool OS

6b Troya Sport 30m Classic Tue 14th Sep 2004
Fantastically varied with big flake. One of the best 6's around

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Tabaira Fantasía
6b+ Joan - with Sammi, Christopher Glastonbury Sport 27m Very Good Tue 28th Feb 2017
Ascent of the trip! Sneaker action maximum. Sick boy today. More drugs, drinks at the bar, then bed.

6a Champagne para todos (L1+L2) - with Sammi, Christopher Glastonbury Sport 36m Classic Tue 28th Feb 2017
Classic at the grade on bullet verdon-style limestone features. Sneakers.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Pantano Chorreras
6b+ Long Dong Jhon (Long Dong John) - with Sammi Sport 38m, 16 Mega Classic Tue 7th Mar 2017
I am struggling to think of a better 6b+ sport route. Long, consistent, interesting blobs and tufas the whole way. The opposite of a grey slab.

7a+ 7a Magic line - with Sammi Sport 30m Mega Classic Tue 7th Mar 2017
Okay, so this was very wet, as it turned out. Like, running with water in several sections. Which made this very, very challenging and my best onsight of the trip for sure. Every technique in the book to get up this - jams, chimneying, arm bars, leg locks, mega stemming, cartoon slippery-feet. Final route of the trip and what a way to end. Thanks Chulilla. Peace out.

7b Sendero Luminoso (right-ext) (Sendero Luminoso L1+L2 (right-direct)) - with Sammi Sport 50m, 30 Mega Classic Tue 7th Mar 2017
I waaaay ran out of draws. Took 20 and needed 30. Serious backcleaning action. The final transition from tufa chimneying to upper slab top-out was ... engaging!

7a Sendero Luminoso (Sendero Luminoso L1) - with Sammi Sport 37m Very Good Tue 7th Mar 2017
A bit tricky/techy and pumpy in the first 15m before easing off a bit on bigger holds and steep ground. The extension is a no brainer - awesome!

7a+ Pim Pam Pons (L1) - with Sammi Sport 20m, 10 Classic Tue 7th Mar 2017
Tufa slab! Very unique indeed, quite incredible.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Pantano Oasis
7a+ Gárgola (L1+L2) (Gargola L2) - with jjobrien, Sammi Sport 27m, 13 Very Good Wed 22nd Feb 2017
Some very touch and go moves fully stretching to tips underclings.

6b Gárgola (L1) - with jjobrien, Sammi Sport 18m, 8 Very Good Wed 22nd Feb 2017
Was far from dry, but pretty cool at the grade on tufa blobs up a corner and arete.

7a+ Sendero sinuoso - with jjobrien Sport 35m, 14 Classic Fri 17th Feb 2017
Crag very busy, hopped on as the warm up. 8°C and I was battling finger freeze the whole way up.

6b+ Magnetoresistencia gigante (Magnetorresistencia) - with Sammi Sport 35m Good Thu 23rd Feb 2017
Took a week for this to not have a party on it. Super long, kinda awkward, with a definite ledge-fall possibility on that first ledge.

7a+ Miguel Gómez (Miguel Gomez) - with Sammi Sport 27m Very Good Mon 20th Feb 2017
Pretty interesting wall climbing.

6a+ Los pagafantas - with Sammi Sport 24m, 11 Good Mon 20th Feb 2017

6c Qué hago jugando a la petanca con este cacho de tranca - with Sammi Sport 18m Average Thu 2nd Mar 2017

6c+ El Chamarilero (Chamarlliero) - with Sammi Sport 28m, 15 Very Good Sat 4th Mar 2017
One of the better routes on this section of wall. Crux comes at you in the very last section. Balancy and techo.

6b+ Richi - with Sammi, jjobrien Sport 27m Good Sat 25th Feb 2017
Brutal hard start, and then another butt hard move above a ledge - like most of the other 6's here!

7a El Oasis - with Sammi Sport 27m Good Sun 26th Feb 2017

6c+ 7a Chevo (Xevo) - with jjobrien Sport 29m Very Good Sun 19th Feb 2017
Really cool! Somehow felt like climbing a Coolum route, but vertical. No grabbing and pulling on holds, it's all pushing, underclinging, sidepulls.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Pantano Algarrobo
7a Top of the rock - with Sammi, jjobrien Sport 30m, 13 Classic Sat 25th Feb 2017
The best easier route I've tried here. Mostly big holds, cool tufa-flow formations, super interesting the whole way.

7a+ Sin pena ni gloria - with jjobrien, Sammi Sport 30m Very Good Wed 1st Mar 2017
I'm learning everything feels hard regardless of grade. That being the case, you might as well just get on the really hard things.

7a 7a+ Abril 4x4 - with Sammi Sport 25m, 10 Very Good Mon 20th Feb 2017
Reminded me of a Rifle route on blocky limestone. Had to drop the clutch at the top, lol.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Pantano Pared Blanca / Monte De Venus
7a Periclónica (L1) (Periclonica L1) - with Sammi Sport 35m, 13 Classic Mon 20th Feb 2017
One yucky move down low negotiating a sloping ledge, but made up for with a stunning broccoli slab with huge pockets in the upper third. I hate slabs, but this was a classic.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Pantano Cañaveral
7a+ El gran dinosaurio blanco (L1) (Gran Dinosaurio Blanco L1) - with Sammi Sport 35m Classic Mon 6th Mar 2017
Okay, so there is a shitty crimpy section at half height you have to get through, but then it is seriously stellar (Kalymnos quality) climbing to the anchors (and beyond). The best of this grade in Chulilla.

7a Ansia (L1) - with Sammi Sport 20m Very Good Mon 6th Mar 2017
Cool "go for it" moves up the face/arete up top, with the anchor just slightly higher than you want it to be.

Europe Spain Comunidad Valenciana Valencia Chulilla Chulilla Town Pared de Enfrente Tierra de nadie
6c+ 7a Dumbo Love - with jjobrien Sport 22m Good Thu 16th Feb 2017
Got quite pumped on the phat slopers.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Santa Linya Futbolín
6c+ Els iluminati Sport 22m Good Fri 8th Nov 2013
The bright orange rock on this looks and is quite amazing. Cool cracks and features, and a lil bit powerful.

6b+ Red dusk Sport 25m Very Good Fri 8th Nov 2013
Looks like pox from the ground but climbs really well. Bang on for 6b+.

7b Cólera Sport 28m Very Good Fri 8th Nov 2013
Two hard moves, jug. Two hard moves, jug. Fun.

7a+ Spanglish Sport 25m Very Good Fri 8th Nov 2013
One night, two girls: English, Spanglish.

7c Opium Sport 25m Good Fri 8th Nov 2013
Hardest thing I've done since ruining my shoulder. Felt pretty good - I think the rehab is working. Route was cool - very thin crimping start to a rest ledge. Then an overhanging crimp ladder for about 6 bolts. I just held it together.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Terradets Monsetes
6a+ sn-4 Sport Don't Bother Thu 14th Nov 2013
Well I did you a service and cleaned perhaps half the plants off this. Nearly every clip was scary. Worst route on the wall, but it's done now.

6a experiencia positiva Sport 25m Classic Sun 10th Nov 2013
This is a Dani Andrada route. Say no more. Awesome. Seriously. Best 6a I've done this trip.

6b monsetes Sport 25m Very Good Sun 10th Nov 2013
Very interesting, and not a romp through the crux. This wall reminds me of the Grampians somehow. Rock texture and slopey horizontals.

6b+ sn-2 Sport 25m Very Good Mon 11th Nov 2013
6 year wedding anniversary today. Brushing and prepping this route was my gift. I am a rare husband indeed.

6c sn-1 Sport 25m Good Thu 14th Nov 2013
I've done easier 7a's for sure. You're cruising along fairly happily and then you get bit. Proper cranking required at top.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Terradets Paret de les Bruixes
7b Penya Xunga Sport 30m, 11 Very Good Fri 15th Nov 2013
This was my warm up, and I got plenty warm. Especially up top where it turns into a Blue Mountains sandstone crimpfest.

7b+ Derribos Arias Sport Very Good Fri 15th Nov 2013
Happy to come away with this today.

7b Jam Session Sport 30m Classic Mon 11th Nov 2013
Blazing sun - my eyes actually hurt. It was probably the reflection from the polished holds. I found this one easier than Pasta sin Agua 7a+, but Sam definitely didn't. Shows what I know.

7a+ Pasta Sin Agua Sport 30m, 10 Very Good Sun 10th Nov 2013
Nails! Great though. Footers are polished to a high sheen.

7a+ L'ansia Sport 23m, 10 Good Fri 15th Nov 2013
I said I wouldn't do this Adam! End of day, emptying the tank. Yep, I reckon this is harder than the lot of 'em.

6a+ Chasquilla Sport 15m, 6 Good Wed 13th Nov 2013
This has perhaps the most polished footholds I've encountered. I tested this by rubbing my face on one. It felt like a baby kitten.

6c Tan me Fa L1 Sport Don't Bother Wed 13th Nov 2013
Ugly, hard, sharp.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Vilanova de Meià Zona roca dels Arcs Roca dels Arcs
6c+ El Senor de los Bordillos - with Sam Sport 200m Very Good Sat 23rd Nov 2013
8°C when we started at lunchtime. All onsight except for last couple of metres. Ran out of rope and comms trying to link the final three pitches with a 76m rope. Did not work. Downclimbed, built a belay in the middle of the pitch, brought up Sam, it went dark and we simul-rapped off into oblivion. I lost a havaiana. If you find it, please post to Australia, it's my favourite. 3°C back at the car.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Camarasa Kuestelon la France
6a+ Tascones lejanos Sport Good Wed 6th Nov 2013
A big obvious corner. A bit old school feeling for sure. Felt like trad. But with bolts. Not Sam's style - she did well to handle the runouts above ledges

6c Fisura garreta Sport 25m Classic Wed 6th Nov 2013
Amazing pocket climbing around an arching seam. Very good stuff. Hard for 6c!

6c+ Encantats de la vida Sport 20m Very Good Wed 6th Nov 2013
Hell. This looks like piss from the ground. It is not! You've got to pull hard from the first move to the top. Would be 7b at some other crags. 6c+ - the nails grade.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Camarasa Marcant Estil
7a+ A Lourdes Sport 8m Average Wed 6th Nov 2013
A bit testing for the shoulder. Bouldery.

6b Del Guillem Sport 18m Good Wed 6th Nov 2013
One "go for it move". This was recommended by Beth Rodden. So it has to be good.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Tres Ponts Main Wall Section 3
6b Santa Paciencia Sport 20m Good Thu 21st Nov 2013
Ice-block fingers. Crux up the top.

6b 7c+ Anthrax Sport 40m Average Thu 21st Nov 2013
Crux moreso down low.

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Tres Ponts Main Wall Section 1
7b Unknown 1 L1 Sport 27m Very Good Thu 21st Nov 2013
How many high undercling gastons do you want to throw at my shoulder in 5°C? Not cool, Tres Ponts!

Europe Spain Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Collegats gramuntill Cine
6b Licencia para Escalar Sport 25m Classic Tue 5th Nov 2013
This was pure gold. Literally. As the sun set. Just fantastic. Do this one.

7a Romao i Julieta Sport Average Tue 5th Nov 2013
Completely easy romp - until it's not!

6a Thor Sport Classic Tue 5th Nov 2013
Excellent. Double overhangs on great football holds.

6c Come Trankas Ministre Sport Classic Tue 5th Nov 2013
Oh this was the most perfect 6c project route. If you're at this level, do this route for sure! Builds to a great climax.

Europe Spain Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Cabernet
6b+ La Expo Sport 30m Very Good Sat 9th Oct 2010
Expo alright! Airy and scary! Have your shit together on this one. Very very good though!

7b Califato Coach Sport 35m Mega Classic Sat 9th Oct 2010
Holllyyy shit this was amazing! 35m long and continually interesting. Not easy.

6a L'anormal Sport Average Sat 9th Oct 2010
Approach pitch

Europe Spain Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
6b+ Magrana Sport 19m, 8 Mega Classic Wed 6th Oct 2010
Amazing flowstone!!! DO THIS ROUTE!

6c Okemaka (Okomaka) Sport 23m, 8 Good Wed 6th Oct 2010
Corner thing, yowza. Awkward!

7a+ Entretres Sport 15m, 6 Good Wed 6th Oct 2010
Not the casual warmup I expected

6b+ Lo Diedre Del Guill Sport 25m, 9 Very Good Thu 7th Oct 2010
Crazy corner with bottomless start

7b Pitus I Flautes Sport 23m, 8 Good Thu 7th Oct 2010
Fucking brutal

7c Festa Fotre Sport 20m, 10 Classic Wed 6th Oct 2010
Woohoo! Reubs is my lucky charm

Europe Spain Catalunya Costa Daurada Arboli El Falco
6c+ Haber Pedido Muerte Sport 36m, 14 Mega Classic Wed 13th Oct 2010
To last bolt. Good OS attempt Sam in the clouds

7a+ Per Tutatis Sport 35m Classic Wed 13th Oct 2010
40m super pitch. Super!

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Riglos Visera
7a La Fiesta del Bíceps (Fiesta de los biceps) Sport 240m Mega Classic Tue 26th Oct 2010
One of the world's most famous multipitches. 8 pitches of ever increasing steepness and largeness of holds. If you were only climbing 7a, you would STRUGGLE on this. It's runout and the crux pitch is delicate and quite hard. That said, it's absolutely superb journey.

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar Barrio de los Gitanos
7a Lola Sport 20m, 8 Good Sat 16th Oct 2010
Waaaay overhyped. Not particularly good at all IMO!

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar Surgencia
7a+ Coco loco Sport 28m, 10 Very Good Sat 16th Oct 2010
Wet. Cold. Hardcore. I was shitting myself.

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar La Fuente
6a Nique la folle (Nique ta Fiole) Sport 14m Sun 12th Sep 2010
Good warmup

5b 5 Ta Finde con Tónica (Ta Fiole con tonica) Sport 15m Sun 12th Sep 2010
Good warmup

5b 5 Route #11 Sport 14m Sun 12th Sep 2010
5b 5 Qué pasa pues, Zagal? (Que pasa pue, Zagal) Sport 15m, 6 Sun 12th Sep 2010
5b 5 Los Zorrillos Sport 15m, 8 Sun 12th Sep 2010
6a Ardilla Sport 20m Sun 12th Sep 2010
6a+ El Ratón (El Raton) Sport 20m Sun 12th Sep 2010
5b 5 Los Jumbis Sport 15m, 5 Sun 12th Sep 2010
6b+ Route #5 Sport 17m Sun 12th Sep 2010
Hugging sidepulls route

6a+ Route #4 Sport 17m Sun 12th Sep 2010

6b Kompakt Sport 17m Sun 12th Sep 2010
Sling 3rd bolt for newbies

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Callejon
7a Pasaba por aquí (Pasaba por aqui) Sport 25m Very Good Fri 17th Sep 2010
In the mini canyon. Pretty stout! Upper section is best slab at Rodellar

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar Furia Latina
6b+ Noir tango Sport 10m Don't Bother Tue 21st Sep 2010
Quite shit I remember

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Delfin
7a+ A toro pasau Sport Very Good Wed 20th Oct 2010
Underclingy and powerful

7a La Gatera Sport Average Sun 26th Sep 2010
6c Route #43 Sport 15m Very Good Wed 20th Oct 2010
Sam did well - good headspace

6b+ Tu aqui no has venido a escalar Sport 15m Very Good Wed 29th Sep 2010
Sam crushed it with authority

6b+ El Beduino Sport 15m Good Mon 25th Oct 2010
The other side of the arch. A couple of reachy moves.

6a+ Route #38 Sport 17m Very Good Sun 26th Sep 2010
Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar Las Ventanas
7a+ La bruja de blair Sport 20m Mon 1st Nov 2010
I was shattered. Super close to falling multiple times. Wrecked! I can't give a quality rating in this shagged state. I'm sure it's good.

7a Bis a bis Sport 20m, 7 Classic Wed 29th Sep 2010
Later repeated in sneakers

7b+ 7b Canita brava Sport 20m Very Good Mon 25th Oct 2010
Alex's proj. Gear on. Big moves, big holds. My style.

7a+ la del taco Sport 16m, 6 Very Good Mon 1st Nov 2010
A stiff warmup which got me pretty well pumped.

6c+ Las chicas del puente Sport Good Tue 2nd Nov 2010
Crimpy and tough Margalef-style beginning, easy middle, and tough tufa top.

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar Aquest any si
7a Spasiva (Spasiba) Sport 15m Good Thu 9th Sep 2010
First section only. 7c+ extn

7b Caprichos de lujuria Sport 17m Very Good Sat 23rd Oct 2010
Gear on, quick burn.

7b+ El sici Sport 20m Very Good Thu 9th Sep 2010
Pulpit continuousness

Europe Spain Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Camino
6c Espartanas Sport 20m, 8 Don't Bother Mon 15th Nov 2010
#4 Pretty yucky. Spits off the punters.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 776 ascents.

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