
Ascents in Oberbayern as various tick types

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Showing 2,001 - 2,100 out of 2,870 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
7 Füßeln erwünscht Sport 12m Krettenburg
Thu 24th Aug 2023
7 Chasing Shadows — 3 attempts Sport 15m, 5 Kochel Classic
Lucas Kugler
Sat 2nd Sep 2023
7 Sacklaus Sport 22m Unteres Inntal
Little Lee
Tue 12th Sep 2023
7 Streck dich Sport 14m, 7 Klobenstein
Christian Manni
Sat 14th Oct 2023
7 Moonwalk (Struktur) — 2 attempts Sport 15m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen Crap
Mon 25th Mar 2024
7 Weidmannsheil - with Hannes Sport 12m, 5 Katzenstein
Max Kurthen
Sat 6th Apr 2024
7 Sacklaus Sport 22m Unteres Inntal
Chris Martin
Sat 6th Apr 2024
Yep, still hard.

7 Linke Sonnenplatte Sport Oberammergau
Sun 14th Apr 2024
7 Rapunzel Sport 15m, 4 Kochel Very Good
Sun 14th Apr 2024
7 Korsisches Feuer Sport 13m Lamprechtsfelsen
Wed 1st May 2024
7 ~7+ Rampenweg Sport 20m Technowandl Very Good
Detlef Kosanke
Sun 5th May 2024
7 Bleib geschmeidig Sport 15m, 4 Kochel Good
Thu 9th May 2024
7 Powder Crack Sport 15m Marmorbruch
Carlotta Fabian
Thu 9th May 2024
7 Sacklaus Sport 22m Unteres Inntal
Jan Gosmann
Sun 12th May 2024
6b Fingerzerrer - with Bärbel, Esa Sport 12m, 4 Zellerwand Average
Sun 17th Mar 2019
7- 6b Homotechnicus Sport 14m Katastrophenfels Good
Sat 1st Jun 2019
6b Unendliche Geschichte - with Nina Sport 32m Kaltwasserl Mega Classic
Tom B
Sat 14th Sep 2019
Zug für Zug hochgekämpft, durchweg spannend, eher langfristiges Projekt.

6b Zorro Sport 12m, 4 Unteres Inntal Average
Sun 15th Sep 2019
Vermutlich ne schöne Route, aber viel zu batzig

6b König Max der II. Sport 15m Unteres Inntal
Sat 16th Nov 2019
6b Fingerzerrer Sport 12m, 4 Zellerwand
Chris Martin
Sat 18th Apr 2020
Beta gefunden, klettert sich besser als es aussieht!

6b Langes Abenteuer - with Alexander Sport 24m, 11 Unteres Inntal Very Good
Tom B
Sun 12th Jul 2020
Super schön, die Platte muss noch bezwungen werden!

6b Joy Boy - with Fia Weis Sport 24m Zellerwand
Tom B
Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Phu, trau mich nicht am 3. Haken. Doch recht weite Abstände. Letzte Tour für heute.

6c 6b König Max der II. Sport 15m Unteres Inntal
Wed 14th Oct 2020
Ich fand diesen Einstiegboulder echt schwer für eine 6b und heute habe ich eine Leiste mit einem Haufen anderen Sachen ausgebrochen (sorry!) Und jetzt ist definitiv deutlich schwerer

6c 6b König Max der II. Sport 15m Unteres Inntal
Wed 14th Oct 2020
6b Birkensteiner Walli Sport 15m Zellerwand
Davor Zupancic
Mon 16th Nov 2020
6b Da Hartl - with Fabio Sport 25m Unteres Inntal Very Good
Tom B
Thu 26th Nov 2020
Nice. Knackige Platte zu Beginn.

6b Sisyphos - with Bärbel Sport 31m, 9 Zellerwand Good
Mon 30th Nov 2020
Vermutung: nur bis zum Zwischenstand (Einzelhaken mit festem Karabiner) geklettert

6b Langes Abenteuer Sport 24m, 11 Unteres Inntal
Sun 7th Mar 2021
6b Langes Abenteuer Sport 24m, 11 Unteres Inntal
Sun 7th Mar 2021
6b Langes Abenteuer Sport 24m, 11 Unteres Inntal
Sun 7th Mar 2021
6b Langes Abenteuer - with MariaZz Sport 24m, 11 Unteres Inntal Very Good
Tom B
Fri 9th Apr 2021
Abschlusstour. Jeah, die Panikplatte bezwungen, dafür für den Start zu platt ^^.

6b Lonesome Ranger - with Thomas Sport 13m, 6 Zellerwand
Sun 11th Apr 2021
6b Klein aber fein - with Thomas Sport 8m, 3 Zellerwand
Sun 11th Apr 2021
6b Birkensteiner Walli Sport 15m Zellerwand Very Good
Martin Püreschitz
Wed 28th Apr 2021
6b Lonesome Ranger Sport 13m, 6 Zellerwand
Wed 28th Apr 2021
6b Lonesome Ranger Sport 13m, 6 Zellerwand
Wed 28th Apr 2021
6b Klein aber fein - with Alpinlama Sport 8m, 3 Zellerwand Very Good
Sat 1st May 2021
6b Joy Boy - with Alex Sport 24m Zellerwand Very Good
Tom B
Sat 8th May 2021
Nochmal austüfteln.

6b Zorro Sport 12m, 4 Unteres Inntal
Mon 10th May 2021
6b Homotechnicus Sport 14m Katastrophenfels
Maxi H
Fri 21st May 2021
6b Äha Sport 25m Unteres Inntal
Sun 13th Jun 2021
6b Racer's Edge - with Thomas Sport 18m Burgau
Sat 3rd Jul 2021
Crux durchgestiegen, aber oben am Ausstieg ein Hänger

6b CO2 Crack - with Matze Sport 16m Katastrophenfels Very Good
Dennis S.
Sun 17th Oct 2021
6b Birkensteiner Walli Sport 15m Zellerwand
Mon 22nd Nov 2021
6b Ökorunner Sport 8m Katastrophenfels
Maxi H
Mon 3rd Jan 2022
6b Fingerzerrer Sport 12m, 4 Zellerwand Good
Thu 20th Jan 2022
6b Sisyphos Sport 31m, 9 Zellerwand Very Good
Sun 13th Feb 2022
6b White Warrior - with Dani Sport 24m Unteres Inntal
Tue 21st Jun 2022
Route war oben sehr rutschig. Sonst gut.

6b Kugelbachriss Sport 11m Karlstein
Maxi H
Sat 3rd Sep 2022
6b CO2 Crack - with sRich Sport 16m Katastrophenfels Very Good
Dennis S.
Wed 14th Sep 2022
6b CO2 Crack Sport 16m Katastrophenfels
Elena Wolf
Wed 7th Sep 2022
6b Bacchus — 2 attempts Sport 14m Zellerwand Average
Little Lee
Sat 18th Mar 2023
6b Goldfinger - with Till Klee Sport 12m Burgau
Thu 8th Jun 2023
6b Fingerzerrer Sport 12m, 4 Zellerwand
Little Lee
Sat 3rd Feb 2024
6b Schneeflittchen Sport 11m Zellerwand Good
Sat 10th Feb 2024
6b Schneeflittchen Sport 11m Zellerwand Good
Sat 10th Feb 2024
6b Fingerzerrer — 2 attempts Sport 12m, 4 Zellerwand Very Good
Sun 7th Apr 2024
6b CO2 Crack - with Kara, Miriam, Henning Sport 16m Katastrophenfels
Wed 1st May 2024
6b Mmh lecker - with Chris Sport 30m Zellerwand Average
Knut Amberg
Sun 19th May 2024
6b Einzelarbeit Sport 20m, 6 Kaltwasserl Good
Carlo T.
Sun 26th May 2024
6b Unfinishd Business - with Leonie N Sport 18m Zentrale Hochschulsportanlage im Olympiapark
Jonny S
Tue 11th Jun 2024
7- Avocado-Hype Sport 15m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen
Fri 21st Jul 2017
Cooles ding, angefahrene Schlüsselstelle

5A - 6A
5C 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Sun 26th Jul 2020
5B 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Wed 12th Aug 2020
5C 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Wed 2nd Sep 2020
5C 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Wed 2nd Sep 2020
5C 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Wed 2nd Sep 2020
Hart für weiß

5B 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 4m Boulderwelt München Ost
Wed 2nd Sep 2020
5C+ 5A - 6A Weiß Boulder 3m Boulderwelt München Ost
Sat 12th Sep 2020
Puh immer no ned

5A - C
5C 5A - C Sportlich Boulder 4m Kletter- und Boulderzentrum SVN München e.V.
Wed 5th Aug 2020

7-/7 Grünkohlkönig Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen
Fri 22nd Sep 2023
zu platt am Ende. Zwischendrin noch kurz gebouldert. Nette Autobelay Session

7 7-/7 Zappeldackel (NN2) - with Daniel Sport 15m Kochel
Christoph Rauch
Wed 15th Jul 2015
Loose blocks in the top part, quite hard.

7- to 7
7- 7- to 7 Cold Water Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching Average
Wed 19th Jul 2017
7- 7- to 7 Rock Non-Stop Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Thu 14th Sep 2017
7- 7- to 7 Play That Funky Music (volcano) Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Sandra †
Wed 29th Nov 2017
7- 7- to 7 Karma Police (volcano) Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Wed 28th Feb 2018
7- 7-/7 Oma Bea Sport 15m, 8 Kochel
Mon 30th Apr 2018
Absolut keinen Plan schon am ersten Haken.

7- 7-/7 Flame - with Anderl Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Sandra †
Wed 19th Dec 2018
7- 7-/7 Saturday In The Park - with Anderl, Arvin, Jarno Sport 12m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching Average
Sandra †
Fri 4th Jan 2019
7- 7-/7 WizKid - with Anderl Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Sandra †
Mon 6th Jan 2020
7- 7-/7 Playful snicker Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen
Tom B
Fri 19th Jun 2020
Als letzte zuviel, aber schön

7- 7-/7 Orinoco Flow Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Tue 21st Sep 2021
7- 7-/7 Oma Bea Sport 15m, 8 Kochel
Tue 2nd Aug 2022
7-/7 ~7+ Hornaksler - with Klara R Sport 30m Oberammergau Very Good
Fabian Michel
Sat 3rd Jun 2023
First a nice and easy slab on good quality rock. The upper part is slightly overhanging with some nice pockets which were however quite dirty and sometimes also wet. It took me too long to find a hidden hold while I was slowly sliding out of relatively good pockets with dirty fingers.

6+ 7- Gesicht - with Bärbel Sport 14m Krettenburg
Sat 7th Nov 2020
6+ 7- Rubber Sport 25m, 7 Oberammergau
Sun 13th Sep 2020
1 6a+ 20m
2 6a+ 15m
Sport 35m, 15 Karlstein Classic
D. B.
Thu 19th Aug 2021
Easy first meters, crux comes towards the end. Put up quite a fight for me.

7- Enemy Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Tue 7th Sep 2021
7- Fliag Vogel fliag Sport 20m Spielleiten
Brad Hill
Sat 23rd Oct 2021
7 7- Katzensprung Sport 10m Spielleiten
Brad Hill
Sat 23rd Oct 2021
7- 7- Unknown 10m Boulderwelt München-West
Sat 15th Jan 2022
7- Been Ace - with Jalal, Andrea Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Wed 30th Mar 2022
Interessant, aber durchgehend sehr heftig, mindestens ne harte 7 finde ich

7- Sundowner - with Anderl Sport 13m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Gilching
Fri 1st Jul 2022
7- Freemantle - with Georg, Jarno Sport 10m Spielleiten Good
Tue 1st Nov 2022
Zu blöd für diese Welt. Eigentlich total einfach, das nächste Mal Aufwärmroute

7- The man with the red face Sport 17m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen
Wed 11th Jan 2023
7- 7- Unknown 10m Boulderwelt München-West
Sun 5th Mar 2023
7- Damische Gretel - with Wiebke P Sport Oberammergau
Tom B
Sat 15th Jul 2023
Klassische Risspanik. Das steile Ende ist natürlich willkommen

7- NN18 - with Diana Sport 14m Fuchslugergraben
Sun 3rd Sep 2023
Found the bulge very hard to read. Still lots of loose rock towards the top.

7- In ethischer Breite - with Autobelay Sport 17m DAV Kletter- und Boulderzentrum Thalkirchen
Thu 28th Dec 2023
7- Hard Via Pandemicus Sport 15m, 7 Pleitewandl
Maxi H
Sat 3rd Feb 2024
Scheint mir schwerer als 7-


Showing 2,001 - 2,100 out of 2,870 ascents.

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