
Routes in Ghana

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Showing all 33 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
5.7 Butt Cheeks

Climb over the interesting depressions in the rock and follow the bolt line straight up to the anchors to the left of the overhanging tree.

Set: Craig Pearman, 2009

Sport 20m, 6 Mount Krobo

There are two bolts direct above the route to rappel 4m and set up a top rope.

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 24m Mount Krobo
5.10b Cinnamon Whisky

FFA: Kelly Baker, 2012

FA: Kelly Baker, 2012

Set: Kelly Baker, 2012

Sport 24m Mount Krobo
5.10c Sushi Rolls

There are two bolts direct above the route to rappel 4m and set up a top rope.

FFA: Nathan Heston, 2012

FA: 2012

Set: Nathan Heston, 2012

Sport 24m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 6- Trick or Treat

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 10m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 5 Cailler Haselnut

Set: Guido von Ohlen

FA: Guido von Ohlen

Sport 10m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 4 Superfudge

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 8m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 8- Go and Come

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 23m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
Rusty Monkey

Set: Craig Pearman, 2009

Sport 16m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 8- Mammoth Tusk

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 24m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
5.11c Kellys Corner

FFA: Steve Heston, 2012

FA: Kelly Baker, 2012

Set: Guido Von Ohlen, 2012

Set: Kelly Baker, 2012

Sport 30m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 8 I climb it free!

This route is a real optical illusion. The name is coming form Andre, who sad "I climb it free!" when he has first seen this wall. There are two bolts on top of the big roof, so you can rappel down and set up a top rope - if you can swing to the wall

Set: Guido von Ohlen

Sport 12m, 5 Shai Hills Resource Reserve
{UIAA} 5+ Unkown ???

Set: Guido von Ohlen

Sport 12m, 6 Shai Hills Resource Reserve
{UIAA} 5+ Easter Corner

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 10m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 5 Crocodile in the river - no place to be

Project from Guido von Ohlen and Anthony Rouhana. Second pitch is a nice fun climb in perfect rock. There are 5m after the second stand to the top.

Set: Guido & Anthony Rouhana, 2014

FA: Guido & anthony Rouhana, 24 Sep 2015

AlpineProject 50m, 2 Mount Krobo
Africa Hangout

Set: Craig Pearman, 2009

Sport 18m, 6 Mount Krobo
‘Tis Easy ’Mon

Set: Craig Pearman, 2009

SportProject 14m Mount Krobo
5.7 Bat Shit Crack

An attempt to find that rare route on Buruku with rock you are willing to trust gear in. On north side of monolith. So named for bats who live deep within the crack right who were surprised by Laura Staupin when attempted to climb the using her body as a wedge. Needless to say, Laura wound up coated with bat shit. Currently a short one pitch route that tops out underneath a roof at top of vertical crack systems with series of small roofs. Second pitch was work in progress, but not looking good due to chaussy garbage to the left, right and above.

Set: Kelly Baker

FFA: Kelly Baker

FA: Kelly Baker, Laura Staupin & Danielle Knuppel, 2012

Trad 18m Buruku Rock
5.6 Unknown #2

From obvious west-facing end, climb right down some scree and head along the base of the cliff about 5 meters.

  1. Follow obvious system of cracks up and left towards the ledge with a tree. Anchor on the ledge using the tree and the horizontal cracks at eye-height.

  2. begins by stepping out into space into good stance underneath a small roof. Place gear and wander up through a small sloping slab/chimney with an exciting one-move crux roof-pull, then easy ground straight up to bolted anchors at the top.

Place gear carefully. Rock quality is crap.

Set: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

FFA: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

FA: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

Trad 50m, 2 Buruku Rock
{UIAA} 5 I'm not a Penguin

A top rope can be set up by foot at 20m. Also Trad can be done on this route.

Set: Kelly Baker

FA: Guido von Ohlen

Set: Guido von Ohlen

Sport 24m Mount Krobo
5.6 Standard Route
  1. (^8 meters) starts at obvious west-southwest facing end, at the end of assent trail. Climb through series of small roofs with crappy rock quality to gain ledge. Rock is really smooth on the first 4 meters. Anchor using tree/boulder set back from the ledge, or the two bolts 1m behind the edge.

  2. starts at a tree back against the rock and wanders up right through some more crappy but easy rock. Good anchor with two bolts and a chain on the small ledge.

  3. straight up to the top. Two anchors with Maillon rapide are at the top to rappel.

Equipment: 2 x Sling 1m 1 x Set of Cams 1 x Hex for first pitch. 5 x 40-60cm slings to extend the cams

Set: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

FFA: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

FA: Dr Swaine & Pete (?)

Mixed trad 60m, 3, 6 Buruku Rock
{UIAA} 4- They forced me

Set: Anthony Rouhana, 2010

Set: Guido von Ohlen, 2010

FA: Anthony Rouhana, 2010

Sport Shai Hills Resource Reserve
{UIAA} 6 Carolina

Only the top anchor is bolted in the moment. You have to abseil from the top to set up the route.

Set: Anthony Rouhana, 2010

Set: Guido von Ohlen, 2010

SportProject Shai Hills Resource Reserve
{UIAA} 6- You Lie, See God

Set: Craig Pearman, 2007

Trad 15m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
Who's Your Daddy

Set: Craig Pearman

Sport 14m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
Vanilla Twilight

Set: Craig Pearman, 2010

Sport 16m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 5 Heaven Gate - No Bribe

Set: Craig Pearman, 2007

Trad 13m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
{UIAA} 6 The Nose

The Nose is the biggest wall in Krobo with 80m.

Set: Ziad Orfali

FFA: Ziad Orfali

Alpine 80m, 3 Mount Krobo
5.11b Death By Chocolate

Set: Craig Pearman

FFA: Steve Heston, 2012

Sport 22m Mount Krobo
{UIAA} 5+ God Dey!

Set: Craig Pearman, 2007

Trad 14m Shai Hills Resource Reserve
5.11c Take Me direct

Go around the big boulder at the base of Vanilla Twilight and start in the right-facing open book on the other side of the boulder, about 1 meter to the left of Death By Chocolate. Head up the easy book end to the crux overhang. Then keep heading straight up.

Set: Kelly Baker, 2012

FA: Kelly Baker, 2012

Sport 24m Mount Krobo
5.10a Take Me

Start the same as Take Me Direct, but at the top of the boulder (~7 meters), head left along the top of the boulder about 3 meters and head up easy overhang. It's a little run-out here to avoid rope drag.

Sport 25m Mount Krobo
5.13 Birthday Crack

Mixed route. Bottom half follows beautiful vertical overhanging crack that takes medium to small pro, about 5.12b. Upper half is probably 5.13, and remains unbolted. Bolted anchors sit just below a tree about 25 meters up. Must rappel down to them from the 3 top rope anchors above Kelly's Corner. Early attempts by Kelly Baker on trad/TR, Ziad Orfali and Anthony Rouhana on TR. Steve Heston has made highest clean TR assent so far.

Top ropeProject 25m Mount Krobo

Showing all 33 routes.

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