
Ascents in Tāmaki-makau-rau / Auckland

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Showing 201 - 300 out of 10,001 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Chris Hailey
Thu 18th Nov 2021
Repeat for filming

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Chris Hailey
Thu 18th Nov 2021
Wouldn't recommend in the full sun. a good day of running laps on this and every time my beta changed for the bottom section 😂 Lost more skin than I realised and got nuked by the sun all day

25 The Troll - with Aparajita Chakraborty Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Classic
Alex Popinga
Wed 17th Nov 2021
Absolute beaut of a route ❤ every type of hold - crack, crimps, sidepulls, slopers, underclings, pocket, jugs, pinches - wonderfully techy, high feet, heel hooks, toe scums. Imagine if this route was twice as long!! 😍

Thank you, Apara, for the expert belay 😎

25 Hrgngh Direct - with Alex Popinga Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Alexei Drummond
Sat 20th Nov 2021
Trying the boulder problem. Couldn’t quite decide on the beta I wanted to try hard with Will come back.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Classic
Sat 20th Nov 2021
1st go today, #4thGo overall. Probably on the softer side of the grade, even though it suits my style of climbing. For my height anyway... Great movement and well bolted. Highly recommended, especially for climbers looking to break that grade barrier at TP as more accessible than Giarda and Strong Men, IMO.

25 Giardia or Nothing - with Ryan Yang, Samuel Malan, VillaBot Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point Good
Sat 20th Nov 2021
Crux between the two bolts, with a dynamic catch to a good hold. The rest of the climb also has cool moves.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Classic
Ryan Yang
Sat 27th Nov 2021
Shout out to James FM for retro-bolting this masterpiece. Quite possibly the best climb at Ti Point. Sadly couldn't get the tick today nevertheless thoroughly enjoyed it.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Classic
Jongin Chae
Sat 27th Nov 2021
25 Hrgngh Direct Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs Good
Reece Deacon
Wed 1st Dec 2021
Again probably different beta to previous ascents, but managed to tick it on just the 3rd session. Hmu if you want beta and you're under 6ft lol

25 The Troll - with VillaBot Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Mon 28th Feb 2022
Technical climbing. Probably one of the least physically demanding climbs of this grade (My Opinion). Nice line with multiple beta options.

2nd go of the day, tried once before at an earlier date without shoes (forgot them at home).

25 The Troll - with Tom Burfoot Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Travis Rangi
Sun 6th Mar 2022
first go, pretty stoked

25 Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs Very Good
Braden Van Leer
Sat 5th Mar 2022
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 14th May 2022
First time trying it. After working I can get to the hold directly above the 2nd bolt clean. Need to work next section

25 The Troll - with Dali Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Classic
Rowin Chendriah
Sun 22nd May 2022
Send train with Dali after decking it to the ledge between 2nd and 3rd bolt on my first redpoint burn. Extend 3rd draw if you’re a shortie

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Clément S
Sat 2nd Jul 2022
25 Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Clément S
Sat 16th Jul 2022
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Clément S
Sun 28th Aug 2022

25 Strong Men Also Cry Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point
Clément S
Sun 11th Sep 2022
Haven't unlocked either of the two top sequences.

25 Hrgngh Direct Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sun 11th Sep 2022
25 Strong Men Also Cry Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point
Clément S
Sun 13th Nov 2022
25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Aidan Sarginson, Tom B, Max, Anastasia Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Very Good
Aidan Sarginson
Sun 13th Nov 2022
Had a working attempt. Tried various different betas at the crux, but none (so far) have gotten me to the next bolt. The Troll feels like of a reality than this at the moment.

25 Giardia or Nothing - with Travis Rangi Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point
Reece Deacon
Sat 26th Nov 2022
25 Strong Men Also Cry Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Classic
Rowin Chendriah
Sun 13th Nov 2022
25 Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs Very Good
Tom Buckett
Sat 24th Dec 2022
25 The Troll — 2 attempts Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Good
AJ Lee
Sat 21st Jan 2023
25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 25th Feb 2023
Put up the draws and chalked holds

25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 25th Feb 2023
Worked the moves until I could do the route broken into two sections

25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 25th Feb 2023
Fell on first lead go heading to the big break. Worked out new beta

25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 25th Feb 2023
Couldn't get the foot up on down facing crimp so fell

25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sat 25th Feb 2023
Last go best go. Glad I worked the top section.

25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Marnus, Nathan, Jarod Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Classic
Sam Turner
Sun 19th Mar 2023
Sick technical climb. Can link start to crux, and last crux move to top. Made good progress on the crux on last attempt of the day

25 Strong Men Also Cry Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Very Good
Tue 28th Mar 2023
25 Giardia or Nothing Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point Good
Tue 28th Mar 2023
25 Strong Men Also Cry Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point
rafael ferreira
Fri 31st Mar 2023
Crying rivers. Hard stuff.

25 The Troll - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Sun 2nd Apr 2023
Had a play on it while Kiera was working the moves with the new shoes (Katakis are better). Might work out trad gear placements next time.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
James Wuu
Sun 2nd Apr 2023
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Jake Clayton
Sun 11th Jun 2023
25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Ryan Yang Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Classic
Alexei Drummond
Tue 13th Jun 2023
Attempt to repeat. Clean to the 4th clip. Almost pulled off the crux, but the crimp felt worse than expected. The top was fine, but had forgotten the micro beta, so felt a bit more desperate than I remember Still a great route.

25 Giardia or Nothing - with Ryan Yang Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point Good
Alexei Drummond
Tue 13th Jun 2023
Got on this to remind myself why I hate it. Should also have a third bolt! There is a perfectly good clipping jug for it.

25 Strong Men Also Cry — 4 attempts - with Alexei Drummond Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Classic
Ryan Yang
Wed 14th Jun 2023

25 The Troll - with Alexei Drummond, Ryan Yang Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Tue 20th Jun 2023
Went up to show Ryan the moves, and surprised myself with how far I got. Might have injured myself on this though.

25 The Troll — 2 attempts Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Ryan Yang
Tue 20th Jun 2023
25 Dodor — 3 attempts Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs Average
Robin Nowlan
Tue 4th Jul 2023
Quite the challenge. I had the wrong shoes for the route so I will come back with the right ones and try again for sure.

25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Alexei Drummond Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Very Good
Aidan Sarginson
Tue 4th Jul 2023
Jumped on for the first time in ages. Worked the various methods for the crux. The high heel seems the most plausible.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Sun 16th Jul 2023
25 The Troll - with Andy Baird Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Eric Horn
Fri 4th Aug 2023
Did all the moves on first attempt, which was way better than I thought it would go. Watched Chris Haileys YT vid right before which definitely helped!

25 The Troll - with Eric Horn Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Andy Baird
Fri 4th Aug 2023
Couple of tough reachy bits, very hard on the feet, fingers could cope with most of the holds, that one crimp is intense. Super balancy, bottom crux by laying back to reach up to side pull.

25 Busted Bicycle Mixed trad 14m, 1 Mt. Eden Quarry
Blair Johnston
Sun 19th Oct 2014
25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Kiera Montgomery Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Very Good
Aidan Sarginson
Sun 8th Oct 2023
Another dabble. Remembering the nuances of the crux

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Jake Clayton
Sun 15th Oct 2023
25 The Troll - with Erin Hager Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Joey G
Sat 16th Sep 2023
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Sat 4th Nov 2023
25 The Troll — 3 attempts - with John Park Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Good
AJ Lee
Sat 4th Nov 2023
Working beta for the move after the sidepull. Struggling to find the right position to move to the compression section at 2nd bolt

25 Strong Men Also Cry - with Sam Turner, Nathan Sport 18m, 6 Ti Point Very Good
Sun 12th Nov 2023
25 Giardia or Nothing Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point
Matthew Briggs
Tue 21st Nov 2023
25 Dodor - with Eric Horn Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Andy Baird
Mon 27th Nov 2023
Pulled through the lower crux, but completed the rest of it.

25 Dodor - with Eric Horn Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Andy Baird
Mon 27th Nov 2023
Got all the moves this time, couple of rests. Lower crux still difficult, but managed all the moves.

25 Dodor — 2 attempts - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 9th Dec 2023
Worked out the moves. One very strong cruxy move in the middle.

25 Dodor - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 9th Dec 2023
All the way from the ledge.

25 Dodor - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 9th Dec 2023
Clean from the ground.

25 Dodor — 3 attempts Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs Good
AJ Lee
Sun 10th Dec 2023
Fingers too weak to pull on da pockies

25 Dodor - with Eric Horn Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Andy Baird
Mon 11th Dec 2023
Not even remotely clean, bottom crux is the key, top doable.

25 Dodor - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 16th Dec 2023
Reworked the moves.

25 Dodor - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 16th Dec 2023
Reworked the moves.

25 Dodor - with The Atlantic Puffin Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 16th Dec 2023
25 Dodor — 2 attempts - with Eric Horn Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Andy Baird
Wed 20th Dec 2023
Two attempts on the project, completed the top, but that crux move still escapes me. Did manage to stand up on crappy hold and grab the left hand crimp (right hand on the two finger half pad) but then couldn't move the feet up, and couldn't repeat it.

25 Easy Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sat 23rd Dec 2023
25 Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Thu 28th Dec 2023
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Wed 3rd Jan 2024
Looks easy in the videos but actually not easy

25 Dodor Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Sun 14th Jan 2024
Trying the mono to jug sequence but feels like my pulley will explode. Will probably shelve this project.

25 Dodor - with Gerald Lanning Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Andy Baird
Wed 24th Jan 2024
Technically working the project, that move. Did manage to sorta do the pocket to crimp throw, then had trouble stepping up. So it's a twofer.

25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Sun 28th Jan 2024
Worked on everything up to the third clip. Able to do all the moves, just have to link sections now. Shoutout to Tony and Oliver for letting me project with them.

25 The Troll - with HyeonJoo, Tommy Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Sat 27th Jan 2024
Worked the moves on top rope, some really nice moves

25 Giardia or Nothing - with Rick Chen Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point
Andy Baird
Sat 17th Feb 2024
Could not get past those first moves, so steep and holds so slopey/non existent.

25 Hrgngh Direct - with Gerald Lanning Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs Very Good
Andy Baird
Fri 23rd Feb 2024
That start, once I got the slopey jug I was able to do the rest, i.e. no top cruxes. Still no clue of how to connect up those first few moves, but I suspect I need to be further left so that the crack can be used for layback (as the holds are most positive that way).

25 Hrgngh Direct Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs
Clément S
Tue 27th Feb 2024
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Joey G
Fri 22nd Mar 2024
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Arham Amer
Fri 22nd Mar 2024
Fell at the dumbest part (jug after all the crux moves). Will feel easy if you are comfortable crimping. Start is deceptively annoying too.

25 Giardia or Nothing Sport 8m, 2 Ti Point Good
Clément S
Sun 21st Apr 2024
25 The Troll Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point
Thu 25th Apr 2024
25 The Troll — 2 attempts - with Toby Jackson, Kiera Montgomery, Fergus Roache Sport 12m, 4 Ti Point Very Good
Trent Porter
Sun 12th May 2024
Really happy for this one to go down so quickly. Thank you for the immense belay Toby

25 Hrgngh Direct - with Alexei Drummond Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs Good
David Jefferson
Wed 22nd May 2024
Very cryptic boulder problem that I came relatively close to solving, but alas, time was short. Reminiscent of Steaming Wally at Kangaroo Point, the other dingy urban quarry crag I’m familiar with.

25 Dodor - with Alexei Drummond Sport 12m, 4 Maungarei Springs Good
David Jefferson
Wed 22nd May 2024
Took a few goes to make the feet work, but got there in the end. Actually rather fun in a manufactured rock kind of way.

25 Hrgngh Direct - with David Jefferson Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs Very Good
Alexei Drummond
Wed 22nd May 2024
Worked out some beta on the bottom boulder. Seems harder than 25, but maybe this is a V5 with good beta.

25 Hrgngh Direct - with David Jefferson Sport 9m, 4 Maungarei Springs Very Good
Alexei Drummond
Wed 22nd May 2024
Had a second tie-in with second pre-clipped to make trying the boulder a bit more pleasant. Definitely made some progress, but eventually just pulled up to jug and climbed to top to clean since wanted to get David on Dodor before it got too late.

24 Load It For Me Trad 17m Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Sheerlux Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Chasing After Charlie Mixed trad 14m, 4 Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Splatter Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Porkland Mixed trad 14m, 1 Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Melquiades Mixed trad 14m, 1 Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 The Engineer Of Human Souls Mixed trad 14m, 1 Mt. Eden Quarry
Xavier Wilson
Tue 13th Apr 2010
24 Chasing After Charlie Mixed trad 14m, 4 Mt. Eden Quarry Average
Regan McCaffery
Sun 18th Nov 2012
24 Chasing After Charlie Mixed trad 14m, 4 Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Wed 3rd Dec 2014
Dangle and thrash on top rope. Shut down at the side step to Bad Behaviour. Grrr.

24 Spanish Moon Trad 11m Mt. Eden Quarry Average
james ritchie
Mon 29th Dec 2014
24 Chasing After Charlie Mixed trad 14m, 4 Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Wed 18th Feb 2015
Usual story on top rope. Bah.

24 Desolation Angel - with Grant Johnston, Angela Hewlett Trad 10m Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Sat 7th Mar 2015
Hahaha. Fail.

24 Melquiades - with Grant Johnston Mixed trad 14m, 1 Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Wed 25th Mar 2015
Got about 3 moves off the ground on top rope. Hard start!

24 The Raven Trad 10m Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Wed 28th Oct 2015
Can get through the crux but need to work on the sequence above. Having to re-do the crux after rope stretch every attempt is knackering.

24 Desolation Angel Trad 10m Mt. Eden Quarry
John Pitcairn
Sun 24th Jan 2016
On top rope with Blair coaching. Too knackered to get fully into the top crack but setup sequence improved.


Showing 201 - 300 out of 10,001 ascents.

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