
Routes as sport in New Zealand

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 6,524 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Gable Rock
14 ??? 5

Easy slab climb

Sport 10m, 4
15 ??? 4

Slab with nice little crux in the middle

Sport 12m, 5
15 The edge plays the blues

Slab with steeper last section

Sport 15m, 6
15 Red Guitar

Nice slab climb with steeper section at top

Sport 15m, 6
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Little Babylon
29 Jesus I Was Evil

Starts from right side of cave, up steep section and onto head wall.

Set: Al Ritchie

FA: Zac Orme, 2013

Sport 20m
28 Jesus Built My Hotrod

Right side of cave on steep terrain, then traverse left on lip.

FA: Kester Brown, 2008

Sport 15m
28 Double Clutch

Left side of cave.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2008

Sport 14m
27 Mica

FA: Jon Sedon, 2012

Sport 18m
27 Algorithm

Set: Al Ritchie

FA: Bruce Dowrick, 2012

Sport 22m
28 Aphrodite

Bulge right of Hell Boy.

FA: Zac Orme

Sport 22m
28 Hell Boy

FA: Jon Sedon, 2007

Sport 22m, 12
27 Crystal Method

Head up layback and onto face.

FA: Bruce Dowrick, 2007

Sport 22m, 8
27 Sick Bro

Climb as for Man of Substances but finish at the anchor on the bulge.

FA: Bruce Dowrick, 2007

Sport 20m, 7
29 Man of Substances

Follows weakness then onto head wall.

Set: Bruce Dowrick

FA: Jonathan Clearwater, 2008

Sport 25m, 9
32 Blood Meridian

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2009

Sport 25m, 10
32 Cyrus The Virus

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2009

Sport 30m, 11
30 Cyrus The Great

Set: Thomas Adamson

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2007

Sport 25m, 10
33 Colossus

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2008

Sport 25m, 10
31 The Giving Tree

Up slab to series of small roofs.

Set: Thomas Adamson

FA: Mayan Gobat-Smith, 2008

Sport 27m, 8
29 Prowess

FA: Mayan Smith-Gobat, 2008

Sport 28m, 12
34 New Testament

Extension to Moses.

FA: Josh Cornah, 2021

Sport 32m, 14
27 Moses

Overhanging left leaning crack line.

FA: Jon Sedon, 2007

Sport 24m, 10
26 Jugular

FA: Thomas Adamson, 2007

Sport 18m, 10
25 Fly My Pretties

Start as per ITP then head right after the roof to link 2 bolts then into Jugular

FA: Kester Brown, 2008

Sport 18m, 6
25 International Turkey Patrol

Climb slab until the roof. Follow chalked up weakness through the rock, then diagonally left to anchors.

FA: Tom Hoyle, 2007

Sport 20m, 8
35 Blood of Olympus

The original line of the crag. Same start as ITP then straight up into hard boulder and top of Xena,

Set: Aaron Ford & Sally Ford

FA: Josh Cornah, 2018

Sport 30m, 12
28 Tantalus

Extension of ITP. From anchors, left up vague ramp.

FA: Thomas Adamson, 2008

Sport 35m, 14
33 Xena

Extension to Hercules. Continue straight up through roof.

FA: Chris Münch, 2008

Sport 35m, 16
33 Tiger Blood

Extension of Hercules, left of Xena.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2013

Sport 35m, 17
29 Hercules

Start from tree on top of slab. Up whit steak rock. Join ITP.

FA: Matt Evrard, 2008

Sport 20m, 8
29 Hey Zeus

FA: John Sedon, 2008

Sport 20m, 8
29 No Country For Old Men

FA: Bruce Dowrick

Sport 20m, 9
30 Xerxes

Right diagonal weakness.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2008

Sport 20m, 10
34 Odysseus

Start up Xerxes, then straight up to join Hey Zues.

Set: Jon Sedon

FA: Josh Cornah, 2020

Sport 18m, 8
30 Here Come the Romans

FA: Josh Cornah, 2021

Sport 14m, 7
34 Open Project

Start up Rua Tahi but ever right through steep crux.

Set: Ivan Vostinar

28 Traverse of the Gods

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2013

Sport 30m, 11
27 Traverse of the Titans

From part way up the second pitch of Rua Tahi, head right to the anchor of Tantalus.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2013

Sport 30m, 12
25 Rua Tahi Extension

Extend or unclip from the top of Rua Tahi, step right to the bolt you can see, then head north on small edges then jugs and over a bulge.

Sport 24m, 10
23 Rua Tahi

FA: Jon Sedon & Max Farr, 2007

Sport 12m, 5
27 Bish Bosh Bash Extension

The awesome headwall above the ring bolt on Bish Bosh Bash. Finishes at the cold shuts.

Sport 25m, 10
23 Bish Bosh Bash

FA: Al Ritchie, 2007

Sport 12m, 4
21 Multitude

Right of Solitude. The names are nicely written on the rock.

FA: Erin Stewart, 2014

Sport 9m, 4
25 Solitude

FA: Brooke Sandahl

Sport 25m, 10
23 Little Lucifer Extension

Top pitch of Little Lucifer.

FA: Troy Mattingley, Thomas Adamson & Jon Sedon, 2007

Sport 20m, 7
25 Little Lucifer

Far left of the crag. Bouldery moves lead to a ring bolt belay and extension.

FA: Troy Mattingley, Thomas Adamson & Jon Sedon, 2007

Sport 14m, 5
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Babylon Right Hand Wall
37 9b Mudda F#$&@r

Start as for Requiem, then straight up to anchor.

Set: Derek Thatcher, 2005

SportProject 25m, 6
30 Requiem

Set: Derek Thatcher

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2004

Sport 26m, 6
32 Katalepsis

Set: Derek Thatcher

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2004

Sport 20m, 7
32 Hammurabi

Starts just right of Fuel, finishes up the last bolt of Katalepsis.

Set: Derek Thatcher

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2006

Sport 24m, 6
28 Sinanthropus

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2004

Sport 18m, 4
30 Rage

Set: Derek Thatcher

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2004

Sport 18m, 6
35 Red Dawn
SportProject 25m, 8
34 Nebuchadnezzar

FA: Roland Hemetzberger, Jan 2016

Sport 25m, 8
27 The Whore of Babylon

Starts from the bottom of the big orange streak. After reaching the break, exciting moves on fictional footholds lead to a glory jug at the anchors.

FA: Jonathon Clearwater & Derek Thatcher, 2004

Sport 16m, 6
28 The Random Element

A few tricky moves lead up to the break, followed by a traverse requiring an unlikely sequence. From here finish up the crux of TWOB, exciting moves on fictional footholds lead to a glory jug at the anchors.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2012

Sport 15m, 6
34 Pegasus

Pitch above Euphrates.

SportProject 18m
29 Euphrates

Weave up the white wall to the break.

FA: Mayan Smith-Gobat, 2008

Sport 20m
27 Smoke

Right of Fire.

FA: Jon Sedon

Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Babylon Left Hand Wall
25 Fire

Starts from the top of The Obvious Weakness.

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2005

21 The Fire Escape

Starts left of the top of The Obvious Weakness.

FA: Bruce Dowrick & Jon Sedon, 2005

Sport 25m
26 The Obvious Weakness
1 17 18m
2 26 18m

FA: Bruce Dowrick, 2004

Sport 36m, 2
19 Monsoon

30m if starting from the top of the fixed line, 35m from the ground. First bolt is slightly higher than comfortable.

FA: Craig Jefferies & Jon Sedon, 2006

Sport 30m, 8
25 Fading Grail
1 16 15m
2 25 32m

FA: Paul Rogers & Jon Sedon, 2003

Sport 47m, 2
24 The Right Groove

Variation to second pitch of Nature's Melody. Follow right-tending groove after third bolt.

FA: Sally Carter & Aaron Ford, 2005

Sport 7
23 Nature's Melody
1 21
2 23

Start on a ledge with a large block hanging above, 10m left of Birdsong. Place cams up to first bolt.

FA: Sally Carter & Aaron Ford, 2005

Sport 2, 9
28 Piopiotahi
1 25 28m
2 28 30m

FA: Bruce Dowrick & Jon Sedon, 2007

Sport 58m, 2, 17
25 Project Aqua
1 24 20m
2 25 20m
3 24 20m

FA: Bruce Dowrick & Lionel Clay, 2004

Sport 60m, 3
25 PSI
1 21 12m
2 25 26m
3 23 15m

FA: Jon Sedon, 2005

Sport 53m, 3
24 The Groper
1 17 12m
2 24 28m

Start from the first bolt along the ledge.

FA: Craig Jefferies, 2004

Sport 40m, 2
24 Tufa Dub
1 23 25m
2 24 25m

Begins halfway up first pitch of Leftism at the belay on the ledge. Follow the line of bolts directly up.

FA: Jon Sedon, 2005

Sport 50m, 2
Surface Tension

Starts from the top of the first pitch of Leftism.

FA: Bruce Dowrick, 2005

Sport 30m, 10
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Babylon Babylonia
21 Your Anus

FA: Tom Adamson, 2013

Sport 20m, 6
24 Osiris

FA: James Morris, 2012

Sport 18m, 8
23 ProHomie

FA: Tom Adamson, 2013

Sport 20m, 6
23 Divinorum

FA: David Hood, 2013

Sport 20m, 6
Slab Project
35 Charon
SportProject 22m, 8
34 Orpheus
SportProject 20m, 9
27 Cerberus

FA: James Morris, 2012

Sport 18m, 6
25 Tinnitus

FA: Troy Mattingley, 2013

Sport 20m, 7
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Darran Mountains Gertrude Valley Black Lake
21 Gypsy Heart

FA: Vlado Šuraba & Veronika Vlčeková, Jan 2023

Sport 300m, 9, 14
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Darran Mountains Homer Hut Area Shotwell Slabs
20 Tickety Boo

Climb two (or three??) pitches of Eureka, then branch out right for three pitches.

FA: Murray Ball, Nick Cradock & Dave Shotwell, 2012

Sport 230m, 6, 61
20 Eureka
1 20 35m
2 20 50m
3 17 50m
4 18 50m
5 15 35m

Fully bolted

FA: Murray Ball, Nick Cradock & Dave Shotwell, 2010

Sport 220m, 5
17 Sweet Sixteen

Start on the short bulge just right of ´Bad Judgement’.

FA: Murray Ball & Bronwyn Judge, Feb 2016

Sport 27m, 6
20 Bad Judgement
1 20 55m
2 20 45m

Fully bolted. P1: 11 bolts; P2: 7 bolts. Confusingly, start on the bolt line to the left of painted marking ´BJ’.

FA: Murray Judge & Dave Shotwell, 2012

Sport 100m, 2, 18
22 Perfect

The thin slab just right of ´Morris Dancing’.

FA: Murray Ball, 2012

Sport 40m, 9
19 Morris Dancing (In the Moonlight)
1 19 56m
2 16 57m
3 17 53m

Fully bolted. P1: 14 bolts; P2: 8 bolts; P3: 9 bolts. The line starts into a corner-like feature then veers left onto a smooth slab.

FA: Murray Ball, Nick Cradock & Dave Shotwell, 2010

Sport 170m, 3, 31
22 Gold Dust

Fully bolted. Follow groove on left then up the slab to the first anchor of Morris Dancing.

FA: Murray Ball, Nick Cradock & Dave Shotwell, 2012

Sport 30m
19/20 Twelve Good Summers Variation

At the top of the second pitch, you have two options. Left or right. Both lead to the top of the wall.

Sport 140m, 4, 12
19 Twelve Good Summers
1 16
2 16
3 19
4 17

Fully bolted

FA: Nick Cradock & Martin Hawes, 2010

Sport 120m, 4
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Darran Mountains Homer Hut Area The Pebble
19 The Slab Sport
Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland The Chasm
23 On The Perimeter

FA: Sally Carter & Aaron Ford, 2004

Sport 26m, 9
23 Stoned Immaculate

FA: Hugh Barnard & Paul Rogers, 1993

Sport 25m, 9
27 Doobious Tendencies

FA: Ivan Vostinar, 2004

Sport 25m, 7
24 Day Tripper

FA: Paul Rogers & Steve Walker, 1993

Sport 25m, 8
26 Piro Piro

FA: Sally Carter & Aaron Ford, 2004

Sport 27m, 9
25 Roaming Warrior

FA: Owen Davies, 2012

Sport 20m, 7
24 One Way Ticket

FA: Paul Rogers & Steve Walker, 1993

Sport 25m, 13
27 Fridge Lifter

FA: Derek Thatcher, 2010

Sport 30m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 6,524 routes.

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