
Routes in Penyes Baixes

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Showing all 22 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
5 Sostre Carajillo
Sport 15m Puzol
3+ Aranda muller (derecha)
Sport Puzol
5 Sostre Geranio
Sport 15m Puzol
4 Palmira
Sport Puzol
4 Directíssima
Sport Puzol
3 L'Administrador Concursal
Sport Puzol
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
3 Bavaresa
Sport 20m, 9 Puzol
4a Sostre Humphrey (A) "Caballitos"
Sport 20m Puzol
6a Bavaresa desplome
Sport 20m, 10 Puzol
3 Castillo
Sport 30m Puzol
4 Garrofa
Sport 20m, 10 Puzol
{UIAA} 3 Garrofa (A)
Sport Puzol
4 Directa
Sport 30m, 12 Puzol
6a Directa (A) sostre
Sport Puzol
3+ Exámen
Sport 30m, 12 Puzol
{UIAA} 3+ Aranda muller (izquierda)
Sport Puzol
5+ Exámen Planxa
Sport 30m, 12 Puzol
5+ Aranda muller (A) sostre
Sport 15m, 10 Puzol
6a Abigail

Set: Carlos Rebollo

Sport 25m, 10 Puzol
{UIAA} 5+ Sostre Humphrey
Sport Puzol
5+ Ocho cereales con miel
Sport 20m, 3 Puzol
{UIAA} 5- Pinxos
Sport Puzol

Showing all 22 routes.

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