
Ascents in Zentralschweiz as Onsight by Philip

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Showing all 13 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
7a+ Bengelzwerg - with Moxi
1 6c 20m
2 7a+ 6m
Sport 26m Schlänggen Classic Sun 10th Jun 2018
7a+ Wundertüte Extension - with Moxi Sport 30m Sarneraatal Very Good Thu 21st May 2020
7a Six Killer - with Moxi Sport 31m, 16 Schlänggen Classic Sat 9th Jun 2018
7a Kaffee x Plosio - with Moxi Sport 30m Sarneraatal Classic Wed 20th May 2020
7a Wundertüte - with Moxi Sport 30m Sarneraatal Classic Thu 21st May 2020
6c Schotter Piste - with Moxi
1 6b
2 6c
Sport 25m Schlänggen Classic Sat 9th Jun 2018
6c Eros - with Moxi
1 6a+
2 6c
Sport 30m, 14 Schlänggen Very Good Sun 10th Jun 2018
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6c Luegisland - with Moxi Sport Sarneraatal Very Good Wed 20th May 2020
6b+ Popeye - with Moxi Sport 15m Schlänggen Sun 10th Jun 2018
6b+ Mao Am - with Moxi Sport 15m Schlänggen Average Sun 10th Jun 2018
6b Black Arête (Black Arete) - with Moxi Sport 38m Schlänggen Good Sun 10th Jun 2018
6a+ Sechser - with Moxi Sport Schlänggen Average Sat 9th Jun 2018
4b True Love - with Moxi Sport 12m Sarneraatal Wed 20th May 2020

Showing all 13 ascents.

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