
Routes in Miroir d'Argentine

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Showing all 16 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
7a Lyre
Sport 15 Miroir d'Argentine
7a Succes Flou
Unknown 400m Miroir d'Argentine
7a Mamba
Unknown 400m Miroir d'Argentine
5c Remyxte
  1. 5b

  2. 5c

  3. 5c+

  4. 5c

  5. 4c

  6. 4a

  7. 5b

  8. 5b

  9. 5b

  10. 5b

  11. 3c

  12. 4c

  13. 3c

  14. 3b

Sport 450m, 14 Miroir d'Argentine
6c Le Grand nuage de Magellan
Unknown Miroir d'Argentine
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5c+ Papageno

Belle ligne, suivre les spits violets puis les spits rouges. Dans la deuxième partie, l’équipement est très espacé (jusqu’à 20m), y compris sur certains passages engagés. Prévoir friends et coinceurs à ajouter. Ainsi que du temps perdu à chercher la ligne. Sûrement une mauvaise idée pour ceux qui n’ont pas une grosse marge sur le niveau.

Sport 450m, 14, 85 Miroir d'Argentine
6c Flûte enchantée
Sport 16 Miroir d'Argentine
6c Inferno
Sport 14 Miroir d'Argentine
7a Psycho
Sport 16 Miroir d'Argentine
5c+ Normale / Y
1 3a
2 5b
3 3a
4 5c+
5 5a+
6 3c
7 3a
8 3b
9 3c
10 4a
11 4a
12 4a
13 4a

The historical route, set in 1926.

  1. walking on a 6m-8m wide ledge

  2. 5c+ or 4a if helping with the bolts

Set: F.Delisle, Ch. Rathgeb & A. Moreillon, 1926

Sport 450m, 14 Miroir d'Argentine
5b Directe

Great classic route on this gorgeous slab, with not too many bolts altogether. A few cams and some slings would be useful. Prepare for the mental challenge of climbing well above your bolts on easy pitches. Prepare for the cold, in late summer there's no sun until the top. Consider topping the cross by adding a 6a route.

  1. (5a) Straight up in the corner (metallic sign at the start)

  2. (4a) Stay in the corner, avoid the bolts on the left-hand slab

  3. (5a) Up the slippery chimney

  4. (4a) Still in the corner, few bolts but a lot of jammed stones - use your slings! Some bolts can be up to 10m apart.

  5. (5a) From the anchor point on top of P4, move left about 10 meters on the ridge to find another anchor. In between these two there are two more routes ('Zygofolis' and 'Divine Martine', both names are written next to the start). The continuation of 'Directe' goes straight up and then continues slightly to the right. Placing trad gear is advised as this is the first route on the slab part, with bolts placed 5 to 10m apart.

  6. (4a) Follow the big crack slightly to the right.

  7. (4c) Idem dito.

  8. (4a) Follow the crack to reach the ledge. There's one anchor point just below the next pitch and one on the bigger ridge below.

  9. (5a) Follow the small diagonal crack that goes slightly left.

  10. (5a) Idem dito.

  11. (4a) Keep right. On the left hand side you'll find bolts of the route 'Normale / Y'.

  12. (4b / 5a) Follow the slab to the lowest point of the ridge ahead, climb over the ridge while keeping right.

Set: C. Gollut, E. Wattenhofer & J. Winistorfer, 1963

Sport 450m, 12 Miroir d'Argentine
6c Zygofolis

Set: Claude Remy & Yves Remy, 1997

Sport 400m Miroir d'Argentine
6b Le Bal des Mutans
  1. 6a+

  2. 6a+

  3. 6b

  4. 2a

  5. 5c

  6. 5b

  7. 4c

  8. 4c

  9. 4c

  10. 5a

  11. 5a

  12. 6a+

  13. 6b, or 6a+ if helping with the bolts

  14. 3a

  15. 3a

Set: claude Remy & Yves Remy, 1997

Sport 400m, 15 Miroir d'Argentine
6c+ Bel hasard

Exits: Either along the ridge toward the top of the route "Remyxte" or rappelling down the route "Lyre".

  1. 6b

  2. 6a

  3. 5c

  4. 2a

  5. 6b

  6. 6a

  7. 6c

  8. 5c

  9. 6a

  10. 6a

  11. 6c

  12. 6b+

  13. 4b

  14. 4a

  15. 6c+

  16. 5b

Set: Yves Remy & Claude Remy, 1997

Sport 16 Miroir d'Argentine
7a Divine Martine
  1. 5c

  2. 6a+

  3. 5c

  4. 6a

  5. 6a

  6. 5c+

  7. 7a+, or 6a with the help of the bolts

  8. 5c

  9. 5c

  10. 5b

  11. 5b

  12. 5b

  13. 4b

  14. 6b

  15. 6b

Set: Claude Remy & Yves Remy, 2003

Sport 400m, 15 Miroir d'Argentine
6b Le Gardien
1 5a 35m
2 6b 30m
3 6b 49m
4 6a 50m
5 5b+ 42m
6 5c+ 45m
7 5c 50m
8 6b 25m
9 6a+ 25m
10 4c 45m
11 4c 48m
12 4c 48m
13 4b 35m

(6a+ obl.)

Topo available from Rebolting.

FA: Urs Wildeisen & Raphael, 2015

Sport 530m, 13, 14 Miroir d'Argentine

Showing all 16 routes.

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