
Ascents in Boulder Natural Area

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 305 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
V10 Blaow Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V10 Blaow Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Dave Graham
Sun 31st Oct 1999
V8 Mothra Stewart Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Sun 10th Nov 2019
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V6 Terrorist Boulder 4m Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Brett Merlin
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Andrew Serack
Fri 21st Oct 2016
V6 Terrorist Boulder 4m Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Andrew Serack
Fri 21st Oct 2016
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V6 Provia Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V6 Terrorist Boulder 4m Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Mega Classic
Sat 9th Nov 2019
V5 V6 Bulletproof Boulder 3m Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sat 9th Jul 2022
V6 Ride The Lightning Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Sat 9th Jul 2022
V6 Terrorist Boulder 4m Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Huy Le
Sat 9th Dec 2023
V5 Profess or Pull Boulder 2m Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Ed Dillon
Tue 13th Apr 2010
Yah, it's short. I liked the pinch indeed

V5 Profess or Pull Boulder 2m Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Brett Merlin
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 When Im On My Own Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 The Runaway Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
J Hart
Fri 24th Mar 2006
V5 When Im On My Own Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 When Im On My Own Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Brett Merlin
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V5 The Runaway Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Josh Villeneuve
Fri 2nd Jun 2017
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Sat 27th Apr 2019
V5 Trigger Happy Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Sun 28th Apr 2019
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sun 10th Nov 2019
V5 The Runaway Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sun 10th Nov 2019
V5 When Im On My Own Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sat 9th Jul 2022
V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Sergey Komarov
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
Not sure how to pull off the ground.

V5 The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Sergey Komarov
Sun 23rd Oct 2022

V5 Hard The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Huy Le
Sat 9th Dec 2023
V5 Hard The Professor Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Huy Le
Fri 15th Dec 2023
V4 Vintage Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Blues Drift Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Flakes of Life Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Blues Drift Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Sun 4th May 2003
V4 Flakes of Life Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Sisyphus Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 John's Standup Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Flakes of Life Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Justin Rouleau
Sat 15th Nov 2003
V4 Power and technique Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Vintage Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Four Eyed Blues Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Four Eyed Blues Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V4 Flakes of Life Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Patrick Iseli
Sun 20th Apr 2014
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Sat 27th Apr 2019
V4 John's Standup Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sat 27th Apr 2019
V4 Hitman Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Sun 28th Apr 2019
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Sun 10th Nov 2019
V4 Hobbit Direct Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Sun 22nd May 2022
V4 John's Standup Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Sergey Komarov
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
V4 Easy Poseidon Boulder 5m Pawtuckaway State Park Mega Classic
Huy Le
Fri 15th Dec 2023
V3 Kalbro Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Power and Grace Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
fun problem. Did all the moves but couldn't put them all together.

V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Ed Dillon
Tue 13th Apr 2010
Well, sure it's fun!

V3 The Outback Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Storm Pockets Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Dustin Siegel
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Realms, Regions, and Concepts Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
J Hart
Fri 24th Mar 2006
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mark Robbins
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 The Warrior Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Jordan Zapakin
Sun 30th Sep 2007
V3 Barnacle Bill Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Justin Rouleau
Sat 25th Oct 2003
V3 Power and Grace Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Don't Bother
Justus Zimmerman
Mon 28th Jun 2004
V3 Storm Pockets Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Justus Zimmerman
Sat 25th Sep 2004
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Justin Rouleau
Sat 25th Oct 2003
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
J Hart
Mon 2nd Aug 2004
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Realms Regions and Concepts Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Kalbro Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 The Outback Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Dustin Siegel
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 The Warrior Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Average
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
mick gunn
Sun 1st Sep 2002
great moves! solid grade

V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Michael Baetz
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Good
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
ben reardon
Fri 4th Feb 2005
V3 The Warrior Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
mick gunn
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Storm Pockets Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Ed Dillon
Tue 13th Apr 2010
This was a great problem

V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
mick gunn
Sun 1st Sep 2002
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Realms Regions and Concepts Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Justus Zimmerman
Sat 25th Sep 2004
V3 Kalbro Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Jordan Zapakin
Sun 30th Sep 2007
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Classic
Justus Zimmerman
Sat 25th Sep 2004
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Brett Merlin
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Power and Grace Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Jordan Zapakin
Sun 30th Sep 2007
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Jon Young
Wed 1st Sep 2004
V3 Storm Pockets Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
aj koulovatos
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 The Warrior Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Barnacle Bill Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Mike Shore
Tue 13th Apr 2010
V3 Hobbit Hole Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park Very Good
Sun 19th May 2013
Tough feet, still working it.

V3 Barnacle Bill Boulder Pawtuckaway State Park
Patrick Iseli
Sat 19th Apr 2014

Showing 1 - 100 out of 305 ascents.

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