
Ascents in World as Onsight by Harry Kadi

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 203 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Date
Oceania Australia Tasmania North East Launceston (Cataract) Gorge The Gorge - Bouldering Sunny Side Bouldering 1st boulder
V0 Boulder Crack - with Will Vidler Boulder 4m Very Good Thu 4th Jan 2018
Cruisy approach shoe ascent

Oceania Australia Tasmania North East Cluan Tier and Whiskey Jim Hill
23 Cluecified - with Gerry Narkowicz, Will Vidler
1 23 lead by Will
2 23 lead by Harry
Sport 85m, 14 Classic Thu 11th Jan 2018
Awesome fun! Climbed a direct start to p1 up clueless to the traverse, much more sustained with some tricky sections! 2nd pitch was tricky! Rapped down off the second belay to skip the last (lower quality) pitch

Oceania Australia Tasmania North East Ben Lomond Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
17 Barbe Di Vendetta - with Will Vidler Trad 90m Mega Classic Mon 8th Jan 2018
Hardest 17 i have ever climbed, the first pitch being just off hands and not quite fist made it super desperate and quite tricky! Second pitch was a bit spicy climbing the choss arête with the ledge and gear well below. Third pitch had another desperate start and a scary mega choss section to finish! Nice to finally top out the ben!

18 Rajah - with Will Vidler, Nathanael Hinton Trad 80m Mega Classic Sun 7th Jan 2018
the best hand crack!! So clean and not too hand destroying! Didn't have enough number 3s so the climbing after the first ledge was pretty sketchy until I could squeeze in the number 4 (first pitch only)

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Tasman Peninsula Mount Brown Hidden Face
23 Wagon Wheel Express - with Will Vidler Sport 25m Classic Sun 14th Jan 2018
Super varied climbing! Awesome span around the arête at full extension with poor feet made for some nice exposure!

22 Psycho-Man - with Will Vidler
1 lead by Will
2 lead by Isaac
3 lead by Harry
Sport 95m Mega Classic Sun 14th Jan 2018
Every pitch was mega classic, super exposed and awesome to be climbing directly above the crashing waves! The end of the 1st pitch was particularly exciting

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Tasman Peninsula Cape Raoul
18 Jihad - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Very Good Fri 19th Jan 2018
Didn't climb the split, instead climbed the face just left of the split then stepped left when the judge started, was super enjoyable getting into the jugs up high and cruising to the top!

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Tasman Peninsula Fortescue Bay The Totem Pole
24 Deep Play - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 20m, 6 Mega Classic Tue 16th Jan 2018
Unbelievable adventure! Was pretty intimidated rapping in and swinging across (which I nailed second shot) luckily nothing was too wet until just as I was setting off and a very big wave came and drenched everything. A 0.5 cam off the belay is key to not splashing into the raging sea below. So stoked on the onsight!!!!

Oceania Australia Queensland South East Scenic Rim Frog Buttress West of the access track
21 Conquistador - with Will Vidler Trad 45m Mega Classic Wed 10th Jul 2019
after resting for a while before the crux, Gerry advised me "not to spill my latte because I am not at shipley clipping bolts anymore"

a highlight for sure

17 Smoked Banana - with Will Vidler Trad 40m Wed 10th Jul 2019
My favourite of the easier routes, a proper and varied adventure!

19 Thor - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Very Good Thu 11th Jul 2019
Worst rock we climbed at the cliff, but lots of fun and interesting!

22 Yankee Go Home - with Will Vidler Trad 26m Classic Tue 23rd Jul 2019
So brilliant, although all the hardest bits were on bad hand jams rather than the fingerlocks (which are bomber)

18 Gladiator - with Will Vidler Trad 20m Classic Fri 12th Jul 2019
Lots fun! Burly at the start before the jugs begin!

12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 - with Will Vidler Trad 12m Average Tue 23rd Jul 2019
19 Infinity - with Will Vidler Trad 40m Mega Classic Tue 9th Jul 2019
Onsight with the offwidth direct start. Easily the hardest I had to try all trip in those 6m!!

20 Piranha - with Will Vidler Trad 45m Classic Sun 14th Jul 2019
A brilliant and long adventure

Oceania Australia Queensland South East Scenic Rim Frog Buttress East of the access track
20 Rickety Kate - with Will Vidler Trad 15m Very Good Wed 24th Jul 2019
Would be ultra classic if it was twice as long!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Bluff Mountain
18 Flight of the Phoenix - with Will Vidler Trad 310m Mega Classic Fri 14th Jul 2017
The best route in the Bungles for sure! A tricky first 2 pitches, the second pitch being significantly harder than the first but still very managable! The abseil pitch is kinda difficult to manage, with 2 ledges to choose from, the lower of the 2 makes the best belay! 4rd and 5th pitch are mega classic with great exposure and awesome climbing the while way! We got mildly off route on the 6th pitch, not following the gully and going a bit high! a big block broke off just before I reached the belay while seconding and i took a relatively small but crazy scary fall right onto wills belay! Very glad it held! Being slightly off route meant i led a very scary traverse back into the gully at much higher than grade 13 that the pitch is graded at! Racing the sun will lead the last pitch basically as a solo putting no gear in to save time! Because the pitch was so easy it made it super enjoyable! If you have a spare day in the Bungles, definately give it a try, as easy bail in possible after the second pitch!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Crater Bluff
14 Cornerstone Rib - with Will Vidler Trad 190m Mega Classic Thu 13th Jul 2017
Ultra classic! Super easy route finding on an amazing feature! 3rd and 4th are pretty exposed but still ultra cruisy! The descent through the green glacier is spectacular and another easy descent to follow! should definately be on the tick list if you're heading to the bungles!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Belougery Spire West Face
10 Vertigo - with Will Vidler Trad 95m Mega Classic Mon 10th Jul 2017
An absolute classic! First route we ticked in the Bungles and what a great one to start with! One of the easiest to locate with the base marked "V" and easy route finding. We left Balor Hut around 2pm, climbed through sunset and topped out as it got dark, thankfully the descent was much more straight forward than expected. 2 bolted raps and one more off a tree landed us right into the descent gully.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Creek Boulder
18 Waterfalling - with Ash More Sport 15m Good Tue 18th Jul 2017
spoogy start, but quality when you hit the big ironstone bands

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
23 Dictator in a Deerstalker - with Harry Kadi Sport 9m, 4 Very Good Thu 14th Dec 2017
Been needing to climb this one for a while, nice to finally get around to it!

19 Sloper for Saddam - with Harry Kadi Sport 15m, 3 Good Thu 14th Dec 2017
Cool start and nice moves

19 Lonely Thursday - with Ash More Sport 12m Good Tue 18th Jul 2017
tricky moves on slopers and at the top

18 A Tale of Two Cities Sport 12m, 7 Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
16 The Sisters of Fatima Sport 12m, 5 Very Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
18 Stormin Norman Sport 12m, 4 Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
21 Friendly Fire Sport 12m, 4 Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
19 Little Diego Sport 12m, 4 Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
17 Ted Turd-Tossa Sport 8m, 2 Average Sat 29th Apr 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Mossy Wall
10 Hesitation Sport 15m Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
12 Jug City Sport 15m, 3 Good Sat 29th Apr 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area The Freezer
24 Meat Mallet - with Liam Thurston, Rebecca Crabb, Harrison Wittke Sport 25m Very Good Sun 29th Nov 2020
22 SWALK - with Liam Thurston, Rebecca Crabb, Harrison Wittke Sport 25m Very Good Sun 29th Nov 2020
24 Good Big Dog - with Liam Thurston, Rebecca Crabb, Harrison Wittke Sport 22m Good Sun 29th Nov 2020
18 Soul Sister - with Liam Thurston, Rebecca Crabb, Harrison Wittke Sport 24m Good Sun 29th Nov 2020
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
19 Bairds Effort - with Will Vidler Trad 32m Very Good Sun 3rd Jun 2018
Some exciting sections but overall super nice climbing! lots of hidden jugs!

17 Interstate 31 - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Sat 19th Aug 2017
Bomber Jams for 35m, super cruisy but sustained from the ground to the topout!

18 The 80 Minute Hour - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 30m, 4 Mega Classic Sat 19th Aug 2017
Certainly a spicy start

23 Walking Wounded - with Harrison Wittke, Liam Thurston, Rebecca Crabb Mixed trad 20m, 4 Very Good Sun 5th Jul 2020
Full value, good climbing, bad holds.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
22 Seamstress - with Will Vidler Sport 22m, 10 Classic Sat 23rd Sep 2017
Just classic jug hauling

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Duck Wall
22 Daffy - with Liam Thurston Sport 20m Very Good Fri 26th Jun 2020
Super high quality jugging!

20 Duckling - with Liam Thurston Sport 12m, 4 Good Fri 26th Jun 2020
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Bunny Bucket Buttress and Hotel California Area
22 Hotel California - with Harrison Wittke Sport 330m Classic Wed 16th Sep 2020
Classic day out, lots of choss but the exposure and good bits of climbing make up for it! Good to finally tick this off

18 Bunny Bucket Buttress - with Will Vidler
1 18 270m lead by Harry Kadi
2 lead by Will Vidler
3 lead by Harry Kadi
4 lead by Will Vidler
5 lead by Harry Kadi
6 lead by Will Vidler
7 lead by Harry Kadi
8 lead by Will Vidler
Sport 270m Very Good Sat 7th Jul 2018
Rapped in to a lovely sunny Grose valley, next, then by the time we got to the base of the route and tied in, it was pouring with rain and blowing a gale!

This lead to some unbelievably cold extremities in the dark. The headwall was particularly miserable...

Glad to have finally done BBB though but will have to come back and have a good time on it!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Lunch Ledge
24 Weaselburger - with Will Vidler Sport 190m Very Good Sun 14th Apr 2019
Really fun with a good line and nice exposure!! More like 21, with one 24 section and a few other weird spots. Didn't do the top 3 pitches.

19 The West Face of the Mirrorball Sport 120m Very Good Sun 11th Mar 2018
Another easy multi that I should have done a while ago, still a great adventure with braddo

21 Mirrorball Sport 49m Classic Sun 11th Mar 2018
A properly good pitch! Pretty sustained with one cruxy bit at the top with some mega exposure! Would be 4 stars if the rock was not all a bit chossy!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Rigby Hill
18 Born to be Mild Sport 23m Mega Classic Fri 5th May 2017

19 Check Ya Head Sport 23m Mega Classic Fri 5th May 2017
Insane kneebar to tie my shoe back up

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Oronga Crags Banksy Wall
22 Barrel Blow - with Will Vidler Sport 28m, 16 Classic Wed 27th Dec 2017
Super fun jug haul into a nice corner problem!

22 Sanction of the Victim - with Will Vidler Sport 22m, 13 Very Good Wed 27th Dec 2017
Pretty sustained the whole way, glad to have the kneebar!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Ikara Head
20 Caladan - with Will Vidler Trad 32m Classic Wed 23rd Jun 2021
Trad ckimbing at its best! interesting gear, funky climbing and perfect hand cracks!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Little River
15 The Henryk Manoeuvre - with Ash More Sport 20m, 9 Good Mon 11th Dec 2017
Start looks unlikely for 15, climbs well with some questionable rock

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Lower Zap
18 23 Buzz Sport 20m Sat 6th May 2017
Only went to the lip

17 Just Warmin' Up (Just Warming Up) Sport 20m Sat 6th May 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Historic Wells
17 Thanks Mum - with Harrison Wittke Sport 13m Average Mon 26th Aug 2019
The good routes were taken...

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
22 Hunky Dory - with Will Vidler Sport 20m Very Good Mon 23rd Sep 2019
22 Low - with Will Vidler Sport 20m Good Mon 23rd Sep 2019
22 Hang onto Yourself - with Harrison Wittke Sport 20m Very Good Sun 25th Aug 2019
21 Starman - with Harrison Wittke Sport 25m Very Good Sun 25th Aug 2019

17 Hermione Sport 25m, 8 Good Sun 4th Jun 2017
18 Jolly Good Fellow Sport 25m, 9 Good Sun 4th Jun 2017
15 The Arrow and the Song Sport 26m, 9 Very Good Mon 17th Apr 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area New York East (Right) Side
19 Silence of the Cams - with Will Vidler Sport 15m, 5 Very Good Sat 5th Aug 2017
great warm up, nice moves but rock isn't the best quality

22 Moan Groan Dial Tone - with Will Vidler Sport 15m Good Sat 5th Aug 2017
You can onsight anything with 2 no handed knee bar rests! Cool route on a nice feature!

18 Terror Couple Kill Colonel - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 10m, 6 Average Sat 5th Aug 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area New York West (Left) Side
14 Winter Slab Trad 12m Thu 17th Nov 2016
15 Spoonbender Sport 12m, 7 Thu 17th Nov 2016
15 Spoonbender Sport 12m, 7 Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
17 Fox Force 5 Sport 12m Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
tricky in sections, great arete climbing! BD .75 fits in well

16 Lyrebird Corner Trad 12m Thu 17th Nov 2016
16 Lyrebird Corner Trad 12m Average Sat 12th Aug 2017
Sandy and pumpy

17 Schizophrenic Sideburns Mixed trad 12m, 4 Very Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
Some really cool climbing on an unusual feature, definitely better than i expected!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area The Soft Parade The Middle
9 J Meister - with Will Vidler Sport 8m, 4 Average Sat 17th Mar 2018
10 Bob's line of carrots - with Will Vidler Sport 8m Average Sat 17th Mar 2018
8 Who's Bob - with Will Vidler Sport 8m, 5 Average Sat 17th Mar 2018
11 Bob's Breakfast - with Will Vidler Sport 8m, 5 Average Sat 17th Mar 2018
Went for the soft parade crag tick, but bailed when the sun hit us almost immediately

18 Avian Antics - with Will Vidler Sport 8m, 3 Don't Bother Sat 17th Mar 2018
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Mezzaluna Area
9 Frolic - with Will Vidler Trad 13m Very Good Sun 4th Feb 2018
Just a quick lap because it looked so nice!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Masterplan Area
23 Master Plan - with Will Vidler Sport 15m Very Good Sun 4th Feb 2018
A nice climb to finish of a very cruisy day. All the holds are super positive making a nice sustained climb! Pretty soft for 23 for sure!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Atomic Punk Area
14 The Obituary - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Very Good Sat 29th Jul 2017
Really nice climbing from the ground to the top out.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Auntie Jack Area
10 Lishenbak - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Very Good Sat 29th Jul 2017
A lovely stroll up the face

19 Auntie Jack - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 27m, 1 Very Good Sat 26th May 2018
Really fun route! Bomber rock but fairly spaced gear for the first half i thought!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Catch the Wind Area
21 Catch the Wind - with Will Vidler
1 21 45m lead by Harry Kadi
2 lead by Will Vidler
Trad 45m Mega Classic Sat 3rd Mar 2018
Super weird climbing, very hard to give beta for because i have no idea how i got up it without falling. luckily there are hand jams a plenty to get you up some of the way!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Shakes and Flakes Wall
21 Shakes and Flakes - with Will Vidler Sport 30m Very Good Sun 11th Nov 2018
Cool little climb, super fun and just hard enough to have to properly switch on in the cruxy sections

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Black Bart's Wall
13 Honey Dip - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 28m, 1 Classic Sun 11th Nov 2018
3 star 13 with a nice and spicy traverse to finally reintroduce me to this rock climbing thing after the uni semesters conclusion

15 Just for Fun (Just for Fun - pitch 1) - with Will Vidler Sport 50m Classic Sun 11th Nov 2018
super cruisy, but probably intimidating at the grade!

19 Black Bart - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 25m, 7 Good Sun 11th Nov 2018
nice arete and face climbing!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Ancient Mariner Buttress
21 Cowboy Clip Sport 10m Good Thu 22nd Dec 2016
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Solomon Area
16 17 Genesis - with Will Vidler Trad 58m Very Good Sat 21st Apr 2018
Great to finally get back to piddo! a fun route that we linked into one pitch. Tried to climb it all on nuts but the dream was short lived after hitting the big wide diagonal crack!

19 Gemini - with Will Vidler Trad 51m Classic Thu 16th Nov 2017
Didnt commit to the fist jams at first so i did a fair bit of fluffing around beneath the wide section of the crack. Awesome climb!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Hocus Pocus Area
8 Hocus Pocus - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 49m, 15 Very Good Sun 22nd Oct 2017
high quality simul to end the day

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Janicepts Area
18 Amen Corner - with Will Vidler Trad 30m Classic Sun 22nd Oct 2017
Just spicy enough not to get completely rattled but still be very aware of the situation! Awesome climb; committing!

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
13 Charity Trad 14m Good Sat 13th May 2017
13 Sincerity Sport 14m, 4 Good Sat 13th May 2017
15 Hope Trad 15m Good Sat 13th May 2017
8 Faith Trad 52m Good Sat 13th May 2017
17 Flake Crack Trad 53m Mega Classic Sat 13th May 2017
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
19 Judas-Messiah Connection - with Will Vidler Trad 35m Very Good Sat 21st Apr 2018
Climbed this route in perfect style, commited to everything first try, didnt get pumped, just walked up without a hitch (all lies)


Showing 1 - 100 out of 203 ascents.

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