
Voies trad dans Booroomba Rocks

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 352 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
The Practice Boulder
13 Practice Slab

Climb the block, leap the void onto the boulder - scramble to the top and retrace your steps. Once an initiation climb for the area and must only be climbed in volleys. Somewhat spookier now that it is mossy, but at least there's a log plugging the gap again.

Trad 8m
Promised Land Boulders
24 The Promised Land

One of Booroomba's first modern face climbs, it takes a thin crack up the overhanging wall.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 10m
Parachute Rocks
23 High Roller

The outstanding curving line 30 meters to the left. An easy start... But then the crack fades out.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 18m
23 Paratrooper

Two blocks right of High Roller is a good bolted route up the disappearing flake (gear to start).

FA: Andrew Bull, 2023

Trad mixte 25m, 5
23 Tiny Tips

The middle line, overtaken by blackberries and leaves at last sight. A slabby start, then progressively thinner.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 20m
21 Crackers

A deceptively easy-looking rightwards-leaning crack just right of a pile of boulders forming a small cave.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 15m
Middle Earth Buttress
22 Indelible Murtceps

A few metres left of 'Orcrist', up the groove to the bulge then up the finger crack to the top. Tape recommended.

FA: Roark Muhlen & Peter Mills

Trad 25m
22 Orcrist

The fourth crack from the left on 'Five Cracks Wall', with an overhanging start. Up past a tree to a chimney and hand crack.

FA: Dick Hain & Bill Wilson, 1973

FFA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 25m
16 Tears of Rage

Start in the corner to the right of 'Five Cracks Wall'. Up the chimney to a ledge. Continue to a chockstone then swing left.

FA: Dave Shirra & Bill Wilson, 1973

Trad 25m
16 Elendil

The chimney right of 'Tears of Rage'.

FA: Bill Wilson & Dick Hain, 1972

Trad 20m
17 Mordor

The corner ramp with a crack just right of 'Elendil'.

FA: Dick Hain & Bill Wilson, 1973

Trad 25m
16 Plastic Appearance

The tree filled crack on the left wall of the large corner 10 metres right of 'Mordor'. climb up the corner on the right, then back left to a tree and up the crack.

FA: Dave Shirra & Bill Wilson, 1973

Trad 25m
6 Cirith Ungol

The chimney corner two metres right of 'Plastic Appearance', starting at a crack four metres right of the corner.

FA: Bill Wilson & his mates, 1973

Trad 20m
South Buttress Integral face
20 Euryproctus

At the bottom of the descent track is a small roof split by a hand crack. Resist the temptation to jump on this climb just because it is the first one you see walking down to the south buttress; this route is responsible for putting more people off crack climbing than any other! If you must join the hall of fame, climb to the roof and up into the crack above. Strenuous.

FA: Nick Taylor & Chris Larque, 1974

Trad 10m
12 Big Flake

Eight metres to the left of Euryproctus is a large flake leaning against the cliff. An awkward move to start, then easily to the top of the flake. Swing left into the corner and up the crack.

FA: Tony Wood, Graham Horrocks & A. Wadsley, 1967

Trad 15m
20 The Eiger Direct

Start beneath the curving flake three metres right of Running Crack. Up the wall and flake then lunge right into a groove. Alternatively go straight up the wall from the top of the flake.

FA: John Stone & Lincoln Hall, 1979

Trad 15m
12 Running Crack

A good intro to jamming. The crack 10 metres left of Big Flake; many people continue with the second pitch of Marmalade.

FA: Peter Aitchison & John Price, 1967

Trad 12m
10 Walking Crack

The crack left of Running Crack - just not quite as good, and often slower with all the bushes.

FA: Unknown

11 Marmalade

A popular beginners' climb. Start five metres left of Running Crack below a short, wide corner crack.

  1. Up the corner crack and chimney to a huge ledge and tree belay.

  2. Left over ledges then up the slanting corner. A tricky step right to a break, then the wide crack and corners lead easily to the top.

FA: John Price & Peter Aitchison, 1967

Trad 44m, 2
22 No Holds Barred

Takes a steeper and harder line right of A Little Dab'll Do Ya. Start at the tree and climb straight up past a crack and right to a bolt; move left and up to the sling belay below Dangermouse.

FA: Keith Bell & Paul Edwards, 1997

Trad mixte 20m, 1
21 A Little Dab'll Do Ya

Start three metres right of Integral Crack. Up past incipient cracks to a nest of protection just right of Integral (shared with The Naked Chef), then up to a bolt. Slab up to the break and traverse right along it. Belay below Dangermouse.

FA: John Smart & Gordon Brysland, 1982

Trad mixte 23m, 1
23 The Naked Chef

A derivative route cooked up by Jamie and Oliver that combines a direct start to A Little Dab'll Do Ya with a continuation up the headwall to the right of Integral (six bolts plus gear).

Start 2m right of Integral. Up past a bolt to join ALDDY at the gear placements right of Integral. Follow ALDDY past another bolt and up the slab above. Follow the line of least resistance and most gear to the right and then back left to the first bolt on the headwall. Up past three more bolts.

First ascent done with supplementary gear in Integral to make it to the headwall - another bolt now removes the need for this.

The headwall can also be climbed independently by starting from the base of Dangermouse and traversing left to the line of bolts.

FA: Oliver Story & Jamie Valdivia, 2011

Trad mixte 45m, 7
20 Integral Crack

One of the absolute classics. Considered by many to be the best line at Booroomba, noting that much of the climbing is actually face climbing rather than pure crack. Excellent natural protection. Start eight metres left of Marmalade at the slabby crack. Take lots of wires and some medium sized cams to belay. There is a rap station off to the right, above Dangermouse.

FA: Peter Cocker & Peter Aitchison, 1969

Trad 48m
22 No Beans for Bonzo

Originally un-bolted, which caused some controversy when the climb was retroed! An unlikely line up the sustained wall three metres left of Integral Crack. Straight up the wall following the line of least resistance. Originally protected using Integral Crack, it now goes on the bolts - with a couple of finger cams adding extra protection.

FA: John Smart, Gordon Brysland & Andrew Collins, 1981

Trad mixte 45m, 6
14 Roy's Crack

When climbers stare up at this crack/trench route they invariably mutter "old school" and move right along. It is in fact a pretty good romp and you will use the full bag of climbing tricks. Despite the good climbing, it is not suitable for learning to place protection, as it can be a bit tricky. Start: left of Integral and Equanimity.

FA: Tony Wood & Roy Hyndman (alt), 1966

Trad 50m
24 Ruffles

Good sustained climbing with a reachy crux. Start at the thin crack two metres left of Roy's Crack. Straight up to the overlap, pull through into the crack and traverse right and up to the first bolt. Hard moves past this and the second bolt on enhanced holds, then up past two more bolts. Finish as for Moral Turpitude up the corner to the left, or up and right to the 'Equanimity' anchor.

FA: Tony Barten, Mike Peck & John Carlson, 1986

Trad mixte 35m, 4
23 R Moral Turpitude

A bold undertaking that was one of the first of the bolted routes at Booroomba. The placing of bolts caused some significant controversy at the time. Start as for Ruffles at the thin crack.

  1. 30m - Up the crack to the overlap, then left to a break just before the arete. Up over the bulge, then up the wall past two bolts to another bulge. Move right to belay below the short corner crack.

  2. 15m - Up the corner crack to finish.

FA: John Smart, 1979

Trad mixte 45m, 2, 2
21 African Walking Tree

An absolute classic and possibly the best at the grade at Booroomba. A steep start up the right wall of Square Gully, a few metres left of 'Don't You Know I'm Loco'. Climb the wall past two bolts (crux) and onto the slab. Follow the ramp and keep moving left into a corner system. Up to a double bolt belay.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Trad mixte 30m, 2
20 In Daze of Old

Takes a thin corner system high on the right wall of Square Gully. Start opposite Modern Times. Teeter across the slab to a series of flakes and a corner. Follow this, trending left towards the top.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Trad 20m
South Buttress Peter Pan Area
8 Square Gully

A 'horrible subterranean grovel suitable only for troglodytes and masochists'. Scramble up the bed of the gully until confronted by a chimney.

  1. 10m - Squirm up the chimney and over chockstones to a ledge (DBB).

  2. 20m - Scramble up the gully until it again becomes a chimney. Ascend the chimney and belay in the "bowels of the earth" six metres back.

  3. 20m - Move out left above the chockstones and scramble for 12 metres up the gully or ridge on the right. 3a. 15m - Variant finish. From "the bowels of the earth" chimney up and exit by a small hole in the roof.

FA: Gordon Horrocks, Tony Wood & A Wadsley, 1967

Trad 50m, 3
18 Gentlemen of Nerve

Quite good, complete with overhead protection and escape jugs. This is the ramp/corner at the extreme right-hand end of the left wall.

FA: John Lattanzio & Greg Pritchard, 1983

Trad 10m
20 Cruel, Cruel Love

Quite good if you like loose blocks and slapstick humour. Start at the corner two metres left of Gentlemen of Nerve. Up the corner then right through the blocky overhang to the top.

FA: Mark Colyvan & Tim Chapman, 1983

Trad 12m
21 Modern Times

Nice wall climbing. Start one metre left of Cruel, Cruel Love. Up the wall past four bolts to the left hand end of the roof, then step left around the arete and make some easier moves up to the top.

FA: Mark Colyvan & Tim Chapman, 1983

Trad mixte 15m, 4
21 Hold your tongue

Start as for Modern Times, at the edge of the boulder above the belay. Clip the first bolt on Modern Times. Step left past a second bolt, then up the vague open-book corner past some gear. Up the blunt arete past another bolt then more easily to the top.

FA: Oliver Story & Damian Javanovic, 2010

Trad mixte 15m, 3
22 Tender Loving Care

Start at the dark hole at the edge of the ledge halfway up Square Gully. Crank out left along the jugs and slip, slide and heel hook up the crack.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Trad 10m
21 Jack of Diamonds

A bit loose and poorly protected. Start below the small corner midway along the left wall of Square Gully. Up the thin corner to an easy crack on the front of the buttress. Follow this to a big ledge, then scramble off.

FA: Ray Lassman & John Smart, 1977

Trad 35m
21 A Wedding and a Baby in February

Start just inside the entrance to Square Gully on the left (North) side. Up the very-open book corner past 4 bolts, staying out of the darker rock of Jack of Diamonds. Pull over onto easier ground and up right to belay as for Peter Pan. Gear required above the fourth bolt. 30m rap into gully from a flat-topped boulder near the head of the gully.

FA: Jamie Valdivia, 2010

Trad mixte 35m, 4
15 Peter Pan

A good climb on excellent rock. The moves from the top of the block are delicate and poorly protected, hence "Peter's Pan(ic)". Start left of Square Gully at a wide, rounded crack.

  1. 11m - Climb the crack to a ledge next to a large block leaning against the face.

  2. 37m - Up to the top of the block (large sling) and step onto the face - awkward for shorties - climb up for a few moves and then right to a thin crack. Up this to the top and what was a tree belay but now requires a topout.

FA: Peter Cocker & Peter Sands, 1966

Trad 48m, 2
11 Peter Pan Variant Start

Start 10 metres left as for Rise and Fall, but take the right-hand crack.

FA: Peter Cocker & Peter Sands, 1966

Trad 15m
14 The Bra Strap

A "worthless and contrived girdle which follows the line of least resistance off the ground". Starts up Peter Pan and traverses the South Buttress from right to left finishing up Matrix. Apparently ties a lot of good stuff together.

FA: Bob Watt & John Hoskins, 1970

Trad 190m
24 Razor Sharp

A reachy little boulder problem on sharp holds. Start four metres left of and down from Peter Pan. Boulder up to and past the bolt to a thin crack. Up this and cruise to the top via Peter Pan or Confessions of a Stripper.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1982

Trad mixte 10m, 1
21 Confessions of a Stripper

Nice moves but contrived. Start from the first belay of Peter Pan under a faint corner and a bolt. Up to the bolt, make a move right, then straight up to a horizontal break. Straight up the steep slab from here (keep out of Peter Pan!), stopping once more to place some protection. A good alternative is to move left into Purple Haze at the break.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1982

Trad mixte 30m, 1
21 Confessions of a Stripper/Purple Haze combo

See description above.

Trad 30m
7 Rise and Fall

The sad result of an ambitious but thwarted attempt on the vertical wall above the ledge, giving Booroomba's second climb. Start 10 metres left of Peter Pan, below twin cracks with some leaning blocks at the base.

  1. 18m - Climb the left crack to the large ledge on the left.

  2. 12m - Move left across the ledge between the face and the large detached block and climb down the other side to the bottom of Jack's Crack.

FA: Jack O'Halloran & Peter Aitchison, 1966

Trad 30m, 2
19 Purple Haze

Only a couple of hard moves, but they make the climb worthwhile. Gary Scott did the first section in 1977 but avoided the crux by traversing into Peter Pan along the horizontal break. Start midway along Rise and Fall where a small odd-shaped pinnacle allows access right onto the arete. Step off the pinnacle onto jugs and move right around the arete into a dyke-crack system. Up this and the wall above to the cracks at the top of Peter Pan.

FA: Peter Mills & Mick Lithgow, 1978

Trad 40m
22 Alligator Wine

Well protected and reasonably steep. Start just right of the big block and small spike at the top of Rise and Fall. Climb up the wall (without using the spike) past two bolts. Up the ramp to a third bolt, then move left slightly and up to some runners. Continue up the steep wall on good holds past another bolt, pull onto the slab and wander up to a tree belay.

FA: Mike Peck & Bill Begg, 1986

Trad mixte 25m, 4
13 Claim to Fame

Believed to have been done in the dark ages, but no one wrote it up. Start left of Rise and Fall at a poxy looking wall below and slightly right of a bush. Climb the wall, then the flake just right of the bush. Belay at the Purple Haze pinnacle.

FA: Geoff Kennett & Dak Coutts, 1982

Trad 10m
24 Love Action

Looks gross. Start at the off-width left of Rise and Fall. Up this and the shallow groove above the small roof.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1983

Trad 10m
23 Nirvana

"Just another classic" - but no stars! Start three metres left of Love Action. Up the wall to a bolt, then layback up the arete.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Trad mixte 10m, 1
16 He'Il Never Learn

The poxy crack and chimney two metres left of Nirvana.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1983

Trad 10m
26 Static Cling

Tackles the steep orange wall starting left of the finish of 'Rise and Fall' (and 10m left of its start). Up past four bolts (crux at second) then generally straight up to an easier finish past some good placements.

FA: Simon Carter, 1990

Trad mixte 30m, 4
23 Earthbound Misfit

Another good steep wall. Start five metres left of Static Cling, part-way up Jack's Crack. Place a side runner. Climb up past a bolt to a ledge and up to another bolt, crank past this to a second ledge. Finish up a short corner with a third bolt.

FA: Gordon Poultney & Mike Peck, 1988

FFA: Gordon "Goldfinger" Poultney, 1988

Trad mixte 25m, 3
20 Surface to Air

Worryingly loose. Start at the tree halfway up Jack's Crack. Follow the ramps up right then traverse left to a ledge and step right past a balanced flake. Stop worrying, then go straight to the top.

FA: Peter Mills & Phil Cullen, 1978

Trad mixte 25m, 1
22 Animal Magnetism

So named because of Crushed's penchant for kangaroos (and vice versa). The obvious line left of Surface to Air; protection is dubious in places. Start as for Surface to Air. Climb Jack's Crack for a few moves until able to step back right into the line. Up this, with hard moves at the start, to a thin crack below a sloping ledge and onto the final ramp.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Karl Seeuwen, 1982

Trad 25m
South Buttress Possum area
9 Jack's Crack

This is the easy angled, slanting crack 15 metres left of Rise and Fall. Scramble up a tree to start, walk up to another tree then up the crack.

FA: Jack O'Halloran & Peter Aitchison, 1966

Trad 30m
7 Little Jack's

Start 10 metres below and just to the left of Jack's Crack. A pathetic rising traverse left across a slab, then up a short corner. Scramble to the top as for the second pitch of Overhang Corner.

FA: Unknown

Trad 30m
16 Blood Lust

Start 10 metres right of Overhang Corner. Climb the crack to a good ledge. Move left and up the crack for four metres, through the bushes to a large block and up to a tree to finish.

FA: Simon Parker, Mike Preece & Tony McGarn, 1974

Trad 26m
24 Flutterballs

Originally a worthless aid climb called Rurp Crack, now a 'worthless free climb'. It was freed by John Smart with a bridge move against the tree and graded 21 but on the second ascent it was found to be 24 without the tree. Start at the thin crack three metres left of Blood Lust. Extreme start and hard moves to overcome the bulge at the top.

FA: Gary Scott, 1975

FFA: John Smart, 1976

Trad 20m
18 Positrons tor Everyone

Another obscure route. Start at the thin corner eight metres right of Overhang Corner. Up the thin corner and over the blocks at the top.

FA: Simon Parker & Gary Scott, 1977

Trad 12m
14 Overhang Corner

The first pitch is quite good, but the second is rubbish. Start (crux) in the corner ten metres right of Aitchison's Needle.

  1. 12m - Climb the corner crack to a huge ledge.

  2. 12m - Traverse right then up to a tree. Scramble to the top.

FA: Peter Aitchison & Tony Wood, 1966

Trad 32m, 2
22 Indecent Exposure

Traverses left under the prominent overhang. Originally aided (16M3). Start at the top of the first pitch of Overhang Corner. Climb up to the roof. The crackless roof section is bypassed by climbing back down the vertical crack and traversing left along a weakness to about halfway, then climbing back up to the roof. A tricky end follows, then up to a belay on a bushy ledge.

FA: Neil Anderson & Stas Swierczkowski, 1971

FFA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 25m
19 Indecent Exposure Direct Start

From the ledge at the top of Overhang Corner, clmb up the orange crack and wall to the roof. Traverse left as for the original.

FA: Joe Lynch & Mike Peck, 1985

Trad 10m
21 Winter Retreat

Start just left of Overhang Corner. Up the wall past one bolt, then more easily up the arete and a short wall to finish.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Craig Kentwell, 1987

Trad mixte 15m, 1
22 Cold Cuts

The slightly overhung wall with two bolts, opposite Aitchison's Needle. A hard bouldery start if you're short.

FA: Mike Peck, Adam Blizzard, Tony Barten, Craig Kentwell & Phil Georgeff, 1987

Trad mixte 12m, 2
21 Green Gully

Shorter and slightly less appealing than its Scottish namesake. Up the vegetated line about three metres left of Cold Cuts.

FA: Tony Barten, Craig Kentwell, Adam Blizzard & Mike Peck, 1987

Trad 12m
20 Unusual Weather

Up Green Gully for a few metres, then traverse left (crux) and up.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Dominic Monypenny, 1988

Trad 10m
13 Aitchison's Needle

Booroomba's first climb. The prominent pinnacle of rock standing a short distance out from the main face. It is climbed on its left edge as seen looking out from the main cliff.

FA: Peter Aitchison, 1966

Trad 6m
22 Short Flame

A 'totally worthless addition'. The arete with a bolt on Aitchison's Needle, opposite the ordinary route; at last report, the bolt was falling out.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Richard Watts, 1983

Trad mixte 7m, 1
16 Carezza

A pleasant pitch of jamming spoiled by too many ledges. The left-facing corner crack with a bush at its base, eight metres left of Aitchison's Needle. Climb up this to a large ledge and continue up to the roof. Diagonally left to join Possum and move right and up to the huge ledge. Finish up Possum or Carezzissima.

FA: David 'Nipper' Shirra & Bill Wilson., 1970

Trad 38m
15 Carezza Variant

An alternate finish that is less contrived than the original. From the pillar at the start of the roof pull right up the flake and mossy wall above to the Possum ledge.

FA: Peter Mills, 1977

Trad 10m
15 Carezzissima Finish

Exposed with an exciting finish. Climb up the third pitch of Possum, then traverse left for five metres past some dubious blocks and up the steepening ramp of blocks. The finish over the top is awkward and can be avoided by a short, bracing hand traverse left.

FA: Bob Watt & John Hoskins, 1970

Trad 22m
18 R Fall Guy

Jug hauling up the 'vast expanse of rock' between Carezza and Possum. Start on the ledge a few metres above the ground. A bouldery start through the overlap, then more easily up the unprotected wall to a thin crack. Up this to the Pseudopossum ledge.

FA: John Stone, 1980

Trad 15m
13 Possum

Short pitches, but packs a lot of climbing in that space. Start below a ledge four metres left of Carezza - just right of a right-facing open corner in the alcove up and left from Aitchison's Needle.

  1. 16m The first pitch involves some harder-than-13 moves to get off the deck, then fairly easily upwards and left until you get to a belay on top of the pillar below the traverse.

  2. 22m The traverse pitch provides some classic moves and a bit of fun for the second - make sure you place your gear well for those following! Up easily for a few metres then head right to a big grassy ledge (take your pick for belay).

  3. 12m Third pitch many take the alternate version (Carezzissima Finish) which goes more direct and at a harder grade. For the original, up the corner at the back of the ledge then a few harder-than-13 moves to get up and over a flake and then easily up and away to finish off.

FA: John Price, Tony Wood & Peter Aitchison, 1967

Trad 50m, 3
11 Pseudopossum

An easier variant of Possum. Start from the first belay on Possum.

  1. 16m - Right along the ledge from the belay then back left up a ramp to join the second pitch of Possum at the end of the traverse; up to the big ledge.

  2. 10m - Walk up the slab and corner behind the trees.

FA: Unknown

Trad 26m, 2
20 Wallflower

A good find which takes you to the top of the first pitch of Possum. Start at the crack between Functor and Possum. Climb the crack and wall above.

FA: Matt Madin, Noel Ward & Phil Georgeff, 1985

Trad 15m
18 Sipple

A strenuous and committing route up the headwall between Possum and Functor. In a good position and the obvious continuation to Fall Guy. From the Possum ledge, traverse left under the diagonal overlap for about five metres to where it is split by a vertical crack. Up this to the top.

FA: Peter Mills & Phil Cullen, 1980

Trad 20m
24 Kilowatt

The steep orange wall with four bolts above the Possum traverse. Hard moves past the third bolt up to the fourth lead to the flake on Functor. Traverse right and finish up Sipple. Originally climbed with a rest on the top bolt.

FA: Tony Barten, Mike Peck & John Carlson, 1985

FFA: Chris Plant & mate, 1986

Trad mixte 30m, 4
22 Functor

An impressive, but unfashionably wide line up the slightly overhanging wall above Possum, originally 18M3. The first pitch was originally climbed as a variant start to Possum by Dave Shirra and Bill Wilson in October 1970. Start at the corner eight metres left of Possum.

  1. 15m - Up the crack and the blocks to the Possum belay.

  2. 20m - Up the off-width crack and chimney to a horizontal crack. Traverse right and up the crack as for Sipple.

FA: Joe Friend, 1973

FFA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 45m, 2
25 Teenage Wasteland

Contrived, but the well spaced bolts produce photogenic plummets. From the first bolt on Kilowatt, move up left past another bolt and up Functor for four metres (#3 Friend). At the next bolt move around left onto the headwall and traverse four metres left to another bolt. Straight up the headwall to finish up the overhanging S-shaped crack. The bolted line up the headwall is a George Fieg project.

FA: Tony Barten, 1986

Trad mixte 30m, 4
16 Lazzaro's Staircase

The wide crack three metres left of Functor; it overhangs 20 metres up giving an exposed finish.

  1. 16m - Climb the crack, move to the right of the large flake and belay in an alcove. An unnecessary bolt replaces the original piton below the flake.

  2. 14m - Up the back of the alcove and delicately to the top of the blocks. Left then over a block and up the corner to Hortensia.

  3. 20m - The second pitch of Hortensia - up the slab and then desperately up the chimney past a flake.

FA: Peter Aitchison & Lazzaro Bonazzi, 1969

Trad mixte 50m, 3, 1
18 Lazzaro's Staircase Direct Start

Start just left of the original. Straight up the crack to the alcove.

FA: Joe Friend, 1973

Trad 12m
19 Gutz Direct Start

The steep, wide crack in line with Gutz, below Hortensia.

FA: John Fantini

Trad 6m
18 The Muddle Headed Wombat

Involves little new climbing and it hasn't exactly been overwhelmed with repeats. Start as for Gutz, Hortensia etc.

  1. 25m - Walk along the ledge and follow the slabby groove up and right to a small ledge on the arete. Move up to a large flake and traverse right onto the arete. Up this to the roof.

  2. 20m - Traverse right to finish up Sipple.

FA: Matthew Larkin & Glenn Jones, 1986

Trad 45m, 2
21 The Muddle Headed Wombat Direct Finish

From the large flake continue straight up the bulge with a bolt on the left.

FA: Matt Madin, 1987

Trad mixte 20m, 1
13 Hortensia

A popular and varied climb with an awkward chimney at the top. Start on the ledge about 12 metres up and left from Lazarro's Staircase.

  1. 20m - Easily right along a ledge, up the steep crack to another ledge and belay at the top of the corner crack on a sloping ledge.

  2. 20m - Up the slab and then desperately up the chimney past a flake.

FA: Tony Wood & K. Sanderson, 1968

Trad 40m, 2
15 Gutz

The line between Hortensia and Matrix. Start as for Hortensia. Pull onto the next ledge to climb a crack and blocks to a small stance. Continue up towards the steep crack above and where it bulges step right onto the wall. Traverse right and finish up a tight chimney.

FA: Nick Gallimore & Noel Beyon, 1971

Trad 40m
17 Gutz Direct Finish

Better than the original pike-out. Instead of traversing right, continue up the crack above.

FA: Chris Larque, A. George & John Fantini, 1974

Trad 10m
14 Matrix

Start as for Hortensia.

  1. 25m - Pull onto the next ledge, then up the left-hand crack to a small stance on Gutz. Continue leftwards up to the prominent curving corner; the exit is slightly awkward.

  2. 15m - Wander on up as you will.

FA: Peter Aitchison & Neil Anderson, 1968

Trad 40m, 2
25 New Presence

The right side of the arete. Start as for Matrix. Climb up the flake, left along the break to the arete, then up the wall past four bolts. Move left to the "Dreamweaver jug" at the last bolt, and up the arete to DBB.

FA: Peter Weber & Mike Meyers, 1982

Trad mixte 25m, 4
21 Dreamweaver

The left wall of the arete between Matrix and Vomit, now without a flake making it even more serious. Great climbing with some protection (spend time placing it). Start at the short corner directly beneath the arete. Up this past a bolt and follow the thin line left of the arete to mid-height. Move back right onto the arete and follow it to DBB.

FA: John Smart & Ray Lassman, 1978

Trad mixte 25m, 1
23 Beast of Burden

The white water streak between Vomit and Dreamweaver, with excellent bouldery face climbing. Either start up Vomit and move right along the ledge to the first bolt, or boulder the hard, short wall. Follow the bolts, place some gear (including #3 camalot) then straight through the overhang above. Scramble up to DBB as for Vomit. Originally a bold and direct wall with good ankle-breaking potential, Mike added bolts in 1990 making it very popular.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Guy de Lacey, 1982

Trad mixte 30m, 5
17 Vomit

Good hand jamming. The steep corner crack six metres left of Matrix with a bulge to finish. There is a bolt belay up and back from the top.

FA: Rick White & Ian 'Ptortoise' Paterson, 1971

Trad 30m
20 Feats Don't Fail Me Now

Lovely moves through the roof, but watch out for the spike!! Up the thin corner just left of Vomit, through the triangular roof and up the crack above.

FA: John Smart, 1978

Trad 25m
South Buttress Cocker's Gully
8 Crack of Dawn

This 'well known test piece' is about 15 metres down Cocker's Gully on the right hand side of a small buttress. Up the crack to a ledge then up the short wall.

FA: Ian Taylor & John Hoskins, 1972

Trad 15m
9 Zing

Start about 25 metres down the gully from Crack of Dawn. Climb the crack on the left of the buttress, up the rubble blocks and a crack to the top.

FA: Tony Wood & John Hoskins, 1972

Trad 24m
21 Crushed Crack

Start ten metres left of (and around the corner from) Idle Moments. Climb the finger crack, widening up higher.

FA: "Crushed"

24 High Fives

Start just left of an arete, five metres left of Idle Moments. A boulder problem up the short wall past two bolts leads to easier climbing up right to the arete, to finish up Packer Gets First Cone. The second bolt was missing a hanger at last report.

FA: Simon Carter, 1987

Trad mixte 15m, 2
20 Packer Gets First Cone

Contrived climbing up the brushed wall with three bolts. Start just right of the arete and a metre left of the Idle Moments crack (hands off). A hard start, then straight up the wall/arete, finishing with a mantle.

FA: Gordon Poultney, Mike Peck & Craig Kentwell, 1987

Trad mixte 15m, 3
17 Idle Moments

The left-most crack in the corner alcove. Climb the crack and corner to a crux move over the summit bulge (originally a dubious tree root provided a handy jug here, but this has vanished).

FA: Andrew Bowman & Dave Shirra, 1971

FFA: Joe Friend, 1973

Trad 20m
19 Last of the Mohicans

Desperate! Start up the corner (Battle of the Bulge), then move left to the central crack on the left-hand wall. Climb up to and through the bulge (bolt), then straight on up.

FA: Joe Friend, 1973

FFA: Ray Lassman, 1975

Trad mixte 20m, 1

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 352 voies.

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