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Affichant les 46 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
10 West Face of Porridge Pinnacle

The wobbly pinnacle that is easily seen looking up and right as you slog up the final gully towards the crag. From the lowest point, ascend the clean face and pass the summit overhang on the right. Descend easily off the back.

FA: Stu Dobbie & Enmoore Lin, Avr 2016

Trad 20m
20 Unberievable

Not too bad. Take the arete left of the off-width on smooth, grey-yellow rock.

FA: Keith Egerton & Phil Wilkins, 1983

Trad 15m
21 Croak And Dagger

Never trust a lawyer. Climb a vague line on the wall just right of Unberievable, traversing left into that climb near the top.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1983

Trad 15m
8 One Eighth

Further right into the alcove, right of the off-width, is a corner with twin cracks.

FA: Neil Blundy & Brian Doolan, 1983

Trad 12m
10 Irky Perky

A bulge in the cliff 10 metres right of "One Eighth" produces some bouldery starts. This takes an arete.

FA: Kieran Loughran, 1983

Trad 15m
16 April Fools

Similar to the previous climb, starting by a tree to the right.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Pete Megens, 1983

Trad 15m
10 Buns

The line just right of April Fools on a juggy wall. Veer right to go through a steepening and then left to the top.

FA: Neil Blundy & Brian Doolan, 1983

Trad 25m
18 Catherine

Quite a nice climb, somewhat spoiled by the grassy finish.

The elegant diagonal line snaking rightwards up the slabby wall.

FA: Peter Megens & Hugh Foxcroft, 1983

Trad 18m
15 Quakers

The prominent V-corner 30 metres left of the orange wall.

FA: David Gairns, Hugh Foxcroft & Miles Martin, 1983

Trad 15m
13 Bananas In Pyjamas

Energetic moves up the foot of the arete lead to easier ground. Follow the left edge of the buttress to the top.

Start: Start 2 metres right of "Quakers" at the right arete of its corner.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Alan Hope, 1992

Trad 24m
9 Floppsy Bunnies

Climb the centre of the buttress via a very shallow corner in the upper half. There is a good abseil tree above the buttress just to the right.

Start: Start 10 metres right of "Bananas In Pyjamas" is a broad grey buttress with a tree growing horizontally from the top on the left.

FA: Alan Hope & Gordon Talbett, 1992

Trad 21m
16 I'm A Country Member

You'll remember this.

Walk uphill from the top of "Floppsy Bunnies" to a wall with an orange corner/roof at its right-hand end.

Climb the corner, step right at the roof and up steep crack.

FA: Alan Hope & Gordon Talbett, 1992

Trad 21m
10 Zucchinis In Bikinis

Climb the left wall then the smooth corner crack to the top.

Start: Start 10 metres right of "Floppsy Bunnies" and 10 metres left of "Disappointment" is a shallow corner with a juggy left wall.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Alan Hope, 1992

Trad 22m
18 Homogenised

Climb the left nose of the narrow buttress immediately ledt of "Disappointment".

FA: Stephen Hamilton, Geoff Butcher, Chris Lawrence & Michael Hampton, 1993

Trad 16m
16 Pasteurised

The right of the two aretes just left of "Disappointment".

FA: Stephen Hamilton, Tim Burke, Geoff Butcher & Chris Lawrence, 1993

Trad 16m
9 Disappointment

An honest name for a climb.

The large chimney-corner on the left side of the orange wall.

FA: Greg Davies & Brian Doolan, 1983

Trad 15m
22 This Little Piggy

A fine line up the centre of the beautiful orange wall.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1983

Trad 15m
23 Big Bad Wolf

More skullduggery saw Lindorff snaffling this ahead of Egerton. The fixed nut (on old cord) needs replacing before the route is attempted.

Start at corner and seam just right of This Little Piggy.

Climb the corner and seam to a fixed nut. Now go right to tackle the roof and beyond.

FA: Kevin lindorff & Jeremy Boreham, 1983

Trad 35m
22 There's Something Wrong With My Arms

The overhanging weakness between "Big Bad Wolf" and "Too Hard", moving right to climb the left side of the arete. Finish up left-leading ramp.

FA: Glenn Tempest, Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 35m
17 Ferrets & Fossils

Start up "Too Hard" then traverse left to arete at 3 metres. Up arete to finish as for "There's Something Wrong With My Arms".

FA: Stephen Hamilton, Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 36m
17 Too Hard

Some dubious rock.

Start right of "Big Bad Wolf" at a red overhang with a hand-crack on its right side.

Start strenuously and go up to the upper crack system. Finish up the left-hand crack.

FA: Peter Martin & Hugh Foxcroft, 1983

Trad 25m
20 Blast From The Past

Sustained climbing up the shallow black groove and right-facing corner 4 metres right of "Too Hard". Near the top, cross a slab on the right to an abseil tree.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1983

Trad 30m
17 Just Right

A couple of metres right of "Blast From The Past", steep hand-jamming off the ledge gives way to easy climbing.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Neil Blundy, 1983

Trad 30m
19 Grunting For The Camera

The route "Spatlese" (Maddox, Armstrong)is almost certainly a repeat of this.

Start 1 metre left of Sour Grapes.

Follow the stepped flakes leftish, then straight up.

FA: Graeme Smith & Bruce Somerfield, 1990

Trad 25m
18 Spatlese
Trad 30m
17 Sour Grapes

Bridging moves lead to a good jam-crack almost in the chimney corner.

Start: Start 10 metres right of "Just Right" just left of a chimney-cleft.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Martin, 1983

Trad 30m
11 Downpour

Pleasant bridging up the chimney-cleft just right of "Sour Grapes" then at one-third height take the left-hand branch, finishing up the steeper corner.

FA: Peter Watling & Helen Godfrey, 1984

Trad 25m
10 Too Soft

Meanders up the buttress right of "Downpour". Take the weakness leading right to a large ledge. Scramble up.

FA: Neil Blundy & Peter Megens, 1983

Trad 40m
18 Leveret

Quite an attractive little thing.

Start a little right of "Too Soft" at a red corner and roof.

Up beneath roof and out right to pull onto wall and arete.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Dave Gairns, 1983

Trad 30m
18 Dark Crystal

Excellent rock with intricate pro. Take lots of RPs! On wall right of Leveret, left of off-width corner. Start at small, crystal-encrusted, pocketed ledge about 1.5 metres left of off-width corner. Up through low bulge to thin seam/crack. Continue more or less straight up slabby wall following seam/crack system. On past right end of rubbly ledge onto juggy crack up small buttress to top. No FA details given (Argus, May 2004)

Trad 38m
23 Butt Medler

(For the Boys) Climb the centre of the bulging grey wall right of the off-width right of Leveret.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Glenn Tempest, 1993

Trad 22m
19 Huff And Puff

A bit tricky.

The shallow corner 15 metres right of Leveret and then up the wall.

FA: Mike Wust, Peter Lindorff & Kevin Lindorff, 1984

Trad 25m
19 Goodnight Mum, Goodnight Dad

Up the shallow corner above the gap in the ledge and finish easily up the slab. Abseil from tree.

Start: Start 4 metres right of "Huff And Puff" at a gap in the ledge.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1984

Trad 25m
20 Baby Bear's New Playmate

Start as for "Goodnight Mum, Goodnight Dad" but move right to the arete. Follow the line just right of the arete to the easy upper slab.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1984

Trad 25m
20 Firma Terra

Follow the thin crack right of the gap in the ledge. It curves right at the top into a wider line.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Martin, 1983

Trad 20m
15 Masters Apprentices

The wide crack right of "Firma Terra" has an impertinent move near the top.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft, Neil Blundy & Brian Doolan, 1983

Trad 20m
12 Old Moll


Start about 15 metres right of Masters Apprentices.

Take the left-hand line to a large ledge. Abseil from shaky tree or finish easily up the crack behind.

FA: Peter Megens, Greg Davies. Optional finish : Chris & Sue Baxter.., 1983

Trad 20m
11 Little Miss Muffed It

Up the corner and slab above to tree and abseil.

Start: Start 20 metres right of "Old Moll", on the same level, at the obvious corner with the small roof at the top.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Julie Nitschke, 1991

Trad 10m
11 Easter Bunnies

Quite nice. The right-leaning crack which marks the left side of this little wall.

FA: Helen Godfrey & Peter Watling, 1984

Trad 15m
21 Nursery Crime

The razor-like crack right of "Easter Bunnies", darting left at half-height to a break. Follow the break left to the arete and go up.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Jeremy Boreham, 1983

Trad 15m
10 Buffalo Gals

The nice jam-crack right of "Nursery Crime"

FA: Hugh Foxcroft, 1983

Trad 15m
18 Baby Bear

Short sharp arête to left side of small buttress about 18 metres right of Buffalo Gals and below and right of Firma Terra and Masters Apprentices. Small wires and cams are tricky but ample. Move slightly right of the arête to top out. Tree anchor. Easy walk off right.

FA: Hywel Rowlands & Nha Nguyen, Avr 2016

Trad 10m
16 Through The Looking Class (And Into Roraima)

Up right leaning crack.

Start: Start at the diagonal crack 20 metres right of "Buffalo Gals".

FA: Campbell Mercer & Julie Nitschke, 1991

Trad 12m
20 Ninja Bear

Start in chimney right of Through The Looking Class. At 2 metres step left onto good feet. Small cams helpful. Directly up staying about 2 metres left of chimney, then slightly right to top out through overhang in order to gain good holds. Tree Anchor. Easy walk off right.

FA: Hywel Rowlands, Avr 2016

Trad 12m
20 Sneaky Bear

Start 3 metres right of chimney up right leaning easy rock to stance 4 metres above the ground. Use pockets to reach high into small crack then moving slightly right on slopers. Tree Anchor. Easy walk off right.

FA: Hywel Rowlands, Avr 2016

Trad 12m
10 Bumbly Bear

Start 8 metres of chimney through easiest line in the pancake layered rock. Climb straight until slabby rock at top of climb and walk left to tree anchor.

FA: Hywel Rowlands & Nha Nguyen, Avr 2016

Trad 14m

Affichant les 46 voies total.

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