
Noeuds dans Mt Pox

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Affichant les 17 noeuds total.

Mt Pox

It's given the name to keep you away, it's actually ok.

12 Delusions Of Grandeur

Not sure whether this should be under 'Mt Pox' or 'Slander Gully'.

Start: Follow track to knobbly, steep wall 100 metres right and upstream from Gastronomique Wall.

From middle right of wall follow a series of cracks vaguely left to headwall.

21 Pretty Poxy

Excellent route. Double ropes essential.

Start: Start just left of bivvy cave.

13 Arctic Pox

Start: Start just where the track emerges from the bivvy cave area.

18 Howling Huskies

Start: Start on right side of bivvy cave wall, a few metres left of the first chimney/chasm.

15 Roll Over, Oates

Great for the grade.

Head left up staircase to arete on wall right of chimney/chasm. Steep corner to small roof, then right to headwall.

19 Scott's Last Move

Start: Start at wall 4 mtres right of "Roll Over, Oates"

18 Snow Cat Rock 'n' RoIl

Start: Start on left end of ledge off rocking block.

23 Taste of Husky

Thin, steep crack up blank wall with good gear. Start 2 metres left of Snow Cat Rock 'n' Roll.

  1. 20m 23 Left-leading pumpy crack with difficult reachy move at fixed wire to ledge.

  2. 30m, 18 Straight up middle of wall on good jugs but spaced gear.

20 Pox on the Run

Start: Start at undercut wall 3 metres left of prominent undercut corner.

17 Poxy Lady

Overlap, crack at right end of next main wall.

  1. 30m (17) The crack. Move right below the roof to join "Scabs On Heat".

  2. 35m (5) As for "Scabs On Heat"

5 Scabs On Heat

Reported as dangerously loose by the FA party.

Start: Start below a large roof which is a prominent feature of the crag (VRG)

  1. 35m (5) Up the line to a perched boulder. Back off a little and go up the right-hand crack to a large ledge on the right.

  2. 35m (5) Climb up to the roof. Back off a little and traverse right instead and finish up the wall right of the roof on awesome jugs.

16 Pox Trot

Start: Start 10 metres right of "Scabs On Heat", near arete.

  1. 35m (16) Undercut start, then take left-leading ramp/crack to top of block.

  2. 35m (5) as for "Scabs On Heat"

16 Pox FM

Swing left over bulge to ledge as for "Pox Trot". Step right and up rounded arete to finish on ledge. Abseil from sling or do further 30 metres of easy climbing (?Scabs On Heat)

12 The South Pox

Face on one of the last walls at right-hand end of cliff, with tree on ledge at 15 metres.

  1. 35m (12) Up to ledge.

  2. 35m (12) Left-facing corner on upper wall.

19 Jive Ass

This climb is on the South facing wall of the buttress above Mt Pox (also directly uphill from Curiosity). In the middle of the wall is a wide crack, this climb takes the clean line up wall to the R. Up just L of R facing corner and past overlap to the top.

16 Desperation and Humiliation

Was the first attempt at Jive Ass. A flailing leader could not handle the pump and so bailed into the disgusting off width full of moss. Climb Jive Ass to horizontal, traverse L to offwidth and grovel up. Alternatively just look, laugh and go enjoy Jive Ass.

Affichant les 17 noeuds total.

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