
Ascensions de Farewell to Fear

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Affichant les 39 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Mar 2 Jan 2024 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
Sam 14 Oct. 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Facile Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Super classique
Fabien Cherot
Sam 12 Août 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Artem Yunusov
Sam 22 Juil 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
David Le Carpentier
Sam 15 Juil 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 ~18 Farewell to Fear - avec oliver Mahony, brian and Mark Sportive 15m
Ben Mahony
Sam 24 Juin 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
David Le Carpentier
Sam 13 Mai 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
David Le Carpentier
Dim 23 Avr 2023 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
David Le Carpentier
Dim 6 Nov. 2022 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear - avec Brett and Mel Sportive 15m Excellent
This climb is so much fun.

Ven 29 Juil 2022 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Bon
Nice traverse, then a little contrived at the top. Would've been easier to go straight up, but the traverse back right adds a few moves.

Dim 12 Juin 2022 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
Ven 24 Déc 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
Ven 3 Déc 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
Sam 9 Oct. 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
Mar 5 Oct. 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Jimmy O'Reilly
Ven 17 Sept 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear - avec Jimmy O'Reilly Sportive 15m
Miri Schroeter
Ven 27 Août 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
Tom Payton
Sam 14 Août 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Geoff Cooper
Really great route. Clipped alpine draw on third bolt on the right, then traversed with feet in the break and hands on perfect jugs across to high bolt

Dim 11 Juil 2021 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
better and probably easier than dendobrium

Dim 13 Déc 2020 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Albert Abuzarov
I don't think it's 15m. More like 12m.

Dim 31 Mai 2020 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Eoin Coleman
Pumpy enough at the end.

Sam 30 Mai 2020 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Good exposure

Ven 6 Juil 2018 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear - avec Oliver Sportive 15m Bon
Joey Scarr
Similar to the 18 next door. Juggier if anything.

19 Farewell to Fear - avec Joey Scarr Sportive 15m
Dim 30 Oct. 2016 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Sam 1 Oct. 2016 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Bon
Gaetan Jacquart
Sam 30 Juil 2016 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
Nik Williams
Dim 24 Juil 2016 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Stephen Rawls
Dim 13 Sept 2015 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Nate Law
Sam 5 Sept 2015 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m
Nate Law
Sam 1 Août 2015 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Bon
John Drake
Dim 19 Mai 2013 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Bon
Niels Bardoel
Interesting starting position of the climb makes you feel quite perilous; the ground below you is further away than you have climbed.

Jeu 9 Août 2012 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
A great way to feel exposed.

Sam 26 Avr 2008 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Classique
Luke Osborne
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
Ryan Whelan
Dim 26 Nov. 2006 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Excellent
Josh Caple
pumpy & nice position

Dim 4 Juin 2006 - Mt Ku-ring-gai
Lost & Found Wall
19 Farewell to Fear Sportive 15m Bon
Vanessa Wills
exposed jug fest


Affichant les 39 ascensions total.

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