
Ascensions de Third Bird

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Affichant les 64 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Dim 17 Mars 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Will Grant
1 Trad
2 En second
Trad 80m
Claire Evans
Very fun climb, classic pipes exposure. Will smashed the second pitch. Would highly recommend!!

Ven 15 Mars 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Claire Evans
1 En second
2 Trad
Trad 80m Classique
Will Grant
Jeepers, good old fashion grade 18 this one- very modern style though. Can't say I was convincing, but managed to get through the rooflet, but that's not the end of it though. Fantastic, about time I got on it.

Fév 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Kat Liss
1 En second
2 Trad

Spicy over the ledge. Had flashbacks of snapping my leg.

Trad 80m Classique
Sam 27 Jan 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird
1 Trad
2 En second
Trad 80m Excellent
Kat Liss
Lun 18 Déc 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Rake
1 En second
2 Trad
Trad 80m Excellent
Conor White
Dim 17 Déc 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Dim 19 Mars 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird
1 En second
2 Trad
Trad 80m
Jack Colbeck
Mar 14 Mars 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Nick Whitelaw
Ven 30 Déc 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Madi R Trad 80m Classique
Chris L
Sam 5 Mars 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Cameron Hickling
1 18 80m grimpé en tête par Matthew Robbins
2 grimpé en tête par Cameron Hickling
Trad 80m Classique
Matthew Robbins
18 Third Bird - avec Matthew Robbins
1 16 45m grimpé en tête par Matthew Robbins
2 18 35m grimpé en tête par Cameron Hickling
Trad 80m Classique
Cameron Hickling
Ven 11 Fév 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird
1 16 40m
2 18 30m
Trad 70m Bon
David Barrie
Dim 26 Déc 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Fraser Trad 80m Classique
Mac Labine-Romain
surprised us with its stoutness! another fun pipes 2-pitcher. the crux was remembering how to function with doulbe ropes on the way down lol

18 Third Bird - avec Mac Labine-Romain Trad 80m Super classique
So good!! last day with Mac. First pitch felt hard at the grade.

Ven 17 Sept 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Martin Brown Trad 80m Classique
Chris Speer
Led the second pitch this time. Hard at the grade but went well. Ropes stuck on abseil made for some interesting sideways wall traversing to free them.

Sam 8 Mai 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Chris Speer
First pitch only as a warm-up. Bloody good stuff.

Dim 2 Mai 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird
1 18 80m
Trad 80m Super classique
Sam 1 Mai 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Chris Speer
Both pitches are 3 stars. Excellent rock quality, gear and climbing. Would repeat anyday.

Ven 2 Avr 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Jeu 18 Mars 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec roman rosenbaum Trad 80m Excellent
Will Donald
Pitch 1

Ven 12 Mars 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Mer 10 Fév 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
16 Third Bird - avec pat
1 16 50m
Trad 50m Excellent
Started at 7:30pm so only did first pitch before dark

Sam 9 Jan 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Erika
1 18 48m grimpé en tête par Erika
Trad 48m Super classique
Cameron Semple
Just the first pitch.

Mar 5 Jan 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Timmy Wong Trad 80m
Harrie Van de Linde
Only did first pitch unfortunately as it got too late and didn’t want an epic.

Sam 2 Jan 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Anthony, Me
1 16 48m grimpé en tête par Anthony
2 18 41 grimpé en tête par Me
Trad 89m Super classique
Cameron Semple
Both pitches are probably my favourites at their respective grades on the pipes. Happy to clean up the second pitch this time.

Dim 23 Fév 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Paul Bucher
1 18 89m grimpé en tête par Paul Bucher
2 20 grimpé en tête par Paul Bucher
3 12
Trad 120m
Brenton Owens
Great climbing forest pitch. Second pitch was spicy and got bucked off over the roof. Then bailed after making it over the roof and kicked again on the buldge after fumbling great placement. Left the rest for Paul to complete.

Dim 3 Nov. 2019 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Lun 4 Fév 2019 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Alex Riegelman
Dim 29 Avr 2018 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Bon
just 1 pitch

Mer 7 Mars 2018 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
pete kehoe
Mer 17 Jan 2018 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Seph
1 17 grimpé en tête par Seph
2 18 grimpé en tête par Ian.Grabowski
Trad 80m Classique
Exciting crux moves! Super rad route.

Mer 3 Jan 2018 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Alastair McDowell
Sky rocketing crack line! Delectable

Mer 27 Déc 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Alex Hartshorne
Mar 14 Nov. 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Dim 12 Nov. 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Danielle
1 16 grimpé en tête par Dan
2 18 grimpé en tête par Me
Trad 80m Classique
Cameron Semple
Awesome climb. First pitch was long, sustained and top notch at 16. Worthy in its own right. Second had some great sequences. Had a hang at the two steep sections.

Ven 10 Nov. 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Kevin J
Sam 15 Avr 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird (Third Bird P2)
Trad 80m Excellent
18 Third Bird P1
Trad 80m Excellent
Dim 26 Fév 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Much better this time.'cause I led it. Committing roof but do-able. Convoluted anchor on top of final pitch. Need to clean up a bit

Sam 4 Fév 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Dave Hoyle
Ven 20 Mai 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Wendy Eden
Probably not really consistant enough and with some shocking rock down low to be 3 star. Fun enough though.

Mer 24 Fév 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Paul Frothy Thomson
With Alex. Clean 2nd P1 (straightforward easy crack climbing); Onsight P2 (cool moves to the roof, committing fun to turn the roof, then entertaining climbing above up the corner and face.) Worth the effort for P2 alone.

Sam 13 Fév 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Max Lopez Trad 80m Classique
Did pitch 1 whilst maxy did pitch 2. Great climbing - first pitch was maybe 16, pleasant climbing with great exposure. Second pitch was even better, fun crux and good climbing following that

Dim 10 Jan 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird - avec Alexander Trad 80m Super classique
Chris L
Heading for a smooth send until the cruxy roof kicked me out. Thanks Alexander for cleaning after my whip - that gear wanted to stay

Sam 9 Jan 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Bon
done in 3 pictches, 1. taste like 16, 2. old 16. and 3. yep could be 18. mossy cracks didn't help the experience, neither the gear desperate placed

2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Ben Armstrong
Mer 22 Avr 2015 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Max Lopez
Totaal classic line, loving autumn morning pipe dreams.

Mar 1 Jan 2013 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Captain Fastrousers
Dim 9 Jan 2011 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Excellent
Vanessa Wills
Ahem, I fell off at the crux. At least 21! was looking for the 18 hold......

Lun 15 Fév 2010 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Gareth Llewellin
with Lorna

Mer 7 Jan 2009 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Super classique
Rob Baker
Mar 6 Jan 2009 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
steven k
classic. me p1, linked p2+3 together.

Mar 11 Mars 2008 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Gareth Llewellin
went up at 4 with Ad and Claire. Great

Mar 18 Déc 2007 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Dim 23 Sept 2007 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Cam McKenzie
With neets. Awesome. Stellar line.

Dim 18 Mars 2007 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
L p 2&3.

18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Thomas Kohl
Lead the first 2 pitches, ran out of gear near the top (used up the cam I needed further down), Followed up second on the third and fourth pitches, found the overhand hard, but once i worked out the moved it worked pretty well.

2006 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Jeremy Goble
1984 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Classique
Noel Ward
Mar 13 Avr 2010 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Richard Bottomley
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
muki Woods
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Super classique
Marcus Yong
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
muki Woods
18 Third Bird Trad 80m Super classique
sam martin

Affichant les 64 ascensions total.

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