
Ascensions de Indian Summer

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Affichant les 27 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Dim 18 Fév 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer
1 En second
2 Trad
Trad 49m Bon
Oscar Semler
Did the left hand variant. Some suspect rock but a nice position

Lun 20 Nov. 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Tom Bates
1 En second
2 En second
3 Trad grimpé en tête par Leah Soo
Trad 49m
Leah Soo
Led the last pitch, short but best pitch with clean moves

Mer 18 Oct. 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m
Owen Gregory
Sam 26 Mars 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Erika Trad 49m Dans la moyenne
Cameron Semple
Did the first pitch via the variant up the front of the ridge. Great it you like climbing stacks of Lego blocks or jenga towers. Would go the corner next time. Second pitch had some nice moves, but also marred by putting gear behind detached blocks to try and avoid a runout off the belay. Lead both pitches.

Dim 20 Fév 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Cyril Scomparin, Tiana Pyrtle
1 16 20m
2 15 17m
Trad 37m Classique
Vanessa Tonet
Ven 4 Fév 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Vanessa Tonet Trad 49m Excellent
Alex Lawson
Fun. Would do again. First pitch had some reachy moves on small gear that felt more technical than grade 16. 2/3 pitch could definitely go as one. 50m rap with double 60m ropes from the 3rd pitch anchor.

Ven 21 Jan 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Conor
1 16 49m grimpé en tête par Tomfoolery
Trad 49m Excellent
Repeat. Showing Conor that there's more to the Pipes than Fiddlesticks and Schizophrenic. haha. Great day out. First two pitches finishing with P2 cracked pepper.

Ven 24 Déc 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Liz Trad 49m Bon
watch out for loose blocks

Mar 14 Déc 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec jorian kippax
Trad 49m Excellent
Domhnall Brannigan
Mar 23 Nov. 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m Excellent
Chris Speer
Led first pitch this time. Lots of micro gear. Very enjoyable.

Dim 28 Fév 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec chris
1 16 49m
2 grimpé en tête par chris
Trad 49m Classique
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m Excellent
Chris Speer
Did the original route this time. Led the second pitch. Actually really enjoyed the original route and would do again. Didn't like the last pitch and would skip this next time.

Mar 16 Fév 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m Excellent
Sam 2 Jan 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m
Dany Zemeitat
Mar 29 Déc 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m
Corbin Tattersall
Mer 25 Nov. 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Madi R
1 16 10 grimpé en tête par Chris L
2 28 grimpé en tête par Chris L
3 12 grimpé en tête par Chris L
Trad 50m Bon
Chris L
Linked into one pitch

Mer 18 Nov. 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer
1 16 49m
Trad 49m Bon
Chris Speer
Got lost on the first pitch and ended up going into some strange forced arm bar offwidth. Ended up with horrendous rope drag on the traverse after deciding to link pitch 1 and 2. Second / third pitch was far more enjoyable. Lots of loose blocks.

Lun 26 Oct. 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Geordie, Evan Trad 49m Excellent
Repeat. Good fun taking Evan and Geordie for their first pipes climb. Cold hands though.

Jeu 9 Jan 2020 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer
1 16 20m
2 16m
3 15m
Trad 51m Excellent
Tim gayton
Really nice climbing. Few airy positions. Plenty of spots for pro. All pitches are varied, third pitch is super nice though. Few little sequence moves to get to the top. Belay position on top of the third is excellent, so airy. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Dim 29 Déc 2019 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec james, mira Trad 49m Excellent
Glenn Southern
Super nice day, we were just staring to be efficient and super enjoyable as a climb

Mar 19 Nov. 2019 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Tomfoolery Trad 49m Classique
Ryder Jamson
16 Indian Summer - avec Ryder Jamson Trad 49m Classique
Super fun and varied climbing with good pro. Would do again.

Dim 19 Nov. 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m Excellent
Avr 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer Trad 49m Excellent
Ben Armstrong
Jeu 31 Mars 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Pauly G, Tim Benjamin Trad 49m Excellent
1: lead by Paul 2: lead by Tim 3: lead by Lewis

Mar 27 Jan 2015 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec Hanzar, Chris L Trad 49m Bon
Max Lopez
Found rock quality to be semi dubious and we cleaned a little off the last section. Lead pitches 1 & 3.

Lun 26 Jan 2015 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Indian Summer - avec hannah, Max Lopez
1 grimpé en tête par max
2 grimpé en tête par me
3 grimpé en tête par max
Trad 49m
Chris L
my first Wellington trad accent! Lead the second pitch. Some really good and ordinary climbing all mixed together. Also - booty!!


Affichant les 27 ascensions total.

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