
Voies dans Mount Wellington

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 918 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité Falaise
23 Armchair Ethics
Non-défini 35m Mount Wellington
20 Edge of Largess

FA: David Barnes, 2009

Non-défini 12m Mount Wellington
not graded Albert's Tomb
Non-défini Mount Wellington
21 Shrapnel
Non-défini Mount Wellington
18 Banana Republic

Start 3m right of Third Bird

  1. Climb the hand cracks on the wall several metres right of Third Bird, with some interesting moves through the niche above, to a belay on a scrubby ledge at single U-bolt.

  2. Move left and climb the shallow corners and flakes just right of Third Bird, to belay at the rap anchors on the ledge below the overhang.

  3. Move back right and continue up the wide cracks above to the top, taking care not to stray onto Third Bird. Descent: abseil as for Third Bird, or traverse left and down the scrubby corner/gully to the Battle Cruiser rap anchors.

FA: D. Stephenson & N. Deka, 1988

Non-défini 95m, 3 Mount Wellington
15 Nefertiti

FA: J Moore & P Stranger, 1968

Trad 77m, 2 Mount Wellington
18 Shaky Flakes

FA: D. Fife & P. Mackenzie, 1983

Trad 10m Mount Wellington
21 Great Southern Land
Trad 20m Mount Wellington
18 Centurion
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
20 Daedalus

Mega off-width pitch, take some big gear.

Trad 55m Mount Wellington
23 Toxastoma Par Excellence
Trad mixte 15m, 4 Mount Wellington
23 Face What You Fear
Trad 20m Mount Wellington
8 Reds Route
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
14 Fiddlesticks

Starting at a prominent corner with twin cracks.

  1. 35m. Up the corner to belay at tree or notch.

  2. 30m. Continue up the main crack-line above small tree to the big ledge on top of the buttress.

Continue as for "Bert's Fear" (45m) up the ridge or rap down your choice of three anchors right from ledge - Brown Madonna / Pleasant Screams.

FA: Tom Terry & Geoff Wyatt, 1967

Trad 65m, 2 Mount Wellington
12 Pulpit Chimney

The obvious chimney. Most people belay on spacious ledge above the huge chockstone.

Trad 60m, 2 Mount Wellington
23 Assault Course
Trad Mount Wellington
24 Bismark
Trad 100m, 3 Mount Wellington
25 Early Bird

Rap in from two carrots (hangerless expansion bolts) at head of the amphitheatre. Goes on gear with one carrot. Two FHs for belay.

Trad 30m Mount Wellington
20 Hyperspace

FA: N Deka, D Bruce & D Batten, 1988

Trad 35m Mount Wellington
25 Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Absorbing climbing. An old aid line that was freed in fine style. The second crack left of Adolf. The thin crack up the striped wall. Climb the crack with increasing difficulty. Small cams required.

FFA: M.Jackson, 1995

Trad 15m Mount Wellington
21 The Spear

Exciting moments to be had on the prominent hanging pillar R of Centurion. Bridge the offwidth corner 5m R of Centurion for 8m to a small roof. Traverse R under this onto the face of the column. Climb the finger crack past a problematic niche, surmount the large flake above, and continue more easily to the top.

FA: D. Stephenson & N. Deka, 1989

Trad 30m Mount Wellington
23 Cruel But Fair
Trad 25m Mount Wellington
17 Tales Of Power
Trad 16m Mount Wellington
22 Fear Inoculum
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
16 Raiders Of The Lost World

"Devoid of any natural gear"

Trad 25m Mount Wellington
17 Chop Sticks

Originally a short, bold, route connecting the Fiddlesicks ledge to the 1st belay of Precarious. A retro-bolt or two (as part of the logical arete line CSTS) have tamed the route, which is now normally done as part of AT or CSTS.

FA: H Jackson & M Jackson, 2000

Trad 8m Mount Wellington
19 Minstrel In The Gallery

15m right of the central gully, twin cracks with an overhang halfway up the cliff. Jam the cleaner righthand crack (though it is still often slippery).

Trad 15m Mount Wellington
22 Face It (Direct)

Up Face It to traverse. plug in a couple of hand size cams in break and continue up weird shallow groove.

FA: Alex Hartshorne, Jan 2019

Trad Mount Wellington
20 Precarious
Trad 40m Mount Wellington
13 The Pulpit

FA: FA Unknown

Trad 50m Mount Wellington
18 Incision
Trad 100m Mount Wellington
18 High Flyers

Climbs up the hand crack directly above the bolts at the top of pitch 2 of Acid Test.

Trad 42m Mount Wellington
23 Rosy Pink Cadillac

The original free version. Starts up the off-width on the left before stepping right into the finger crack. Finishes around on the left at the end in an easy corner.

FFA: Mike Law, 1978

Trad 20m Mount Wellington
18 Obelix
Trad 40m Mount Wellington
20 Icarus

Sustained on a impressive line, up higher at least... The steep crack on the S face of Upper Battlements Column. Most people rap in and climb the top 2 pitches only.

  1. 36m Up crack and belay in shrubs.

  2. 30m Up chimney (yuk), through rough and up crack to ledge

  3. 36m Continue up crack to belay behind pillar

  4. Easy climbing to the top

FA: C. Dewhirst & J. Ewbank

Trad 120m, 4 Mount Wellington
17 Semi Detached Reality
Trad 16m Mount Wellington
24 Minds Eye
Trad mixte 70m, 2, 20 Mount Wellington
17 Magic Mushroom Variants
Trad 50m Mount Wellington
17 Moonraker variant

Alternative to the first two pitches of Moonraker. Pitch 1: Climb the crag for 10m, traverse right in the horizontal break to the cave and keep going as for Moonraker Pitch 2: Follow original variant until below the chimney, then step right to a small ledge and continue with the steep crack until you reach the original line again. Pitch 3: to rap station as for Moonraker

Trad 77m, 3 Mount Wellington
16 Eye for a Line
Trad 34m Mount Wellington
17 Scotch Mist
  1. 20m

  2. 10m

Trad 30m, 2 Mount Wellington
21 Blood On The Racks
Trad 20m Mount Wellington
12 Bert's Fear

Starts 16m downhill of Fiddlesticks at the obvious body chimney in a shallow corner.

FA: U. Aurelli, D. Cox & J. Fairhall

Trad 120m, 4 Mount Wellington
18 All Systems Go

The wall left of the Pulpit. Climb up the crack on L of Pulpit for 3m them move L and straight up wall to small roof. Turn roof on R continue up crack to ledge then follow the hand crack to bolted belay at 32m. Originally continued up Skyline Minor but most people rap off here. Be careful rapping off on 60m rope!

FA: Muhlen & B Kennedy

Trad 32m Mount Wellington
20 Sirius

Clip the first two bolts on Dark Nebula, then step left and up past a few more bolts. A long traddy ramble follows (single set of cams and wires), before a thin finish past another 3 bolts to DBB.

Trad mixte 40m, 8 Mount Wellington
18 Dave's Wall

On the wide wall, 2m right of The Bentwood. Starting low to the left, climb the left hand side of the wall. Finally move right at the top to DBB.

FA: D.Humphries & J.Nermut, 2014

Trad 12m Mount Wellington
13 Dal Nulla

Poorly protected Climbs the obvious corner, grovel through the mossy overhang section, finish up the dirty chimney, Bolted loweroff

FA: P. Robinson, C. (Basil) Rathbone & May 2013, 2013

Trad 30m Mount Wellington
25 Rose Pink Cadillac Direct

The way to do it. Climb via both the Direct Start (25) past 2 bolts, and the Direct Finish (25) past another bolt. DRB.

Trad mixte 20m, 3 Mount Wellington
17 Legionary
Trad 35m Mount Wellington
20 Cymbal
Trad Mount Wellington
20 Parkynsane
Trad 20m Mount Wellington
19 Smoke and Mirrors
Trad 35m Mount Wellington
16 Indian Summer
  1. A roaming line starting up face reaching between horizontal breaks to small roof. Traverse R under roof and up to small ledge.

  2. Up broken corner crack to top of initial column, head up and R to bolt belay. (combining first two pitches is definitely possible)

  3. Diagonally L to another bolted belay and rap station.

FA: T. McKenny & P. Robinson, 2013

Trad 49m, 3 Mount Wellington
17 Faith, Hope and Deliverance
  1. 20m

  2. 10m

Trad 30m, 2 Mount Wellington
19 Just a Little Bit Longer

A serious but rewarding single pitch route up the wall to the left of the obvious chimney ("Bert's Fear"). The first half of the route follows the line of least resistance up, trending leftwards, to the obvious large jug on the arete. The climbing on this section is sustained face climbing, with care needed to be taken with some loose rock to be avoided, and some devious gear placements to be found. Small wires very important. From the jug on the arete, the climbing is easier, following a series of short blockly corners up and trending back right to a ledge with two small trees and a cluster of fixed tat. From this tat, a single 60m rope will get you back to the deck (although you're probably better of leading the route on double ropes).

Trad Mount Wellington
20 R Frostbite's for Wusses
Trad 25m Mount Wellington
19 Old School

Thin crack line.

FA: Dave Humphries & Jon Nermut, 2010

Trad 10m Mount Wellington
17 Battlements Direct
Trad 40m Mount Wellington
15 Thor

Climbs the right hand side of the wide wall to DBB. Good protection in horizontal cracks.

FA: T.McKenny, B.Maddison & B.Bull, Jan 2015

Trad 11m Mount Wellington
20 Back on the borderline

Up wall past 2 bolts, into thin had crack

FA: David Gray & Alison Hall, 1990

Trad mixte 20m, 2 Mount Wellington
14 Humpty Dumpty
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
12 Johnstone's Knob

The prominent 12m spire that casts a spell on climbers and entices them over. There are several ways to the top. Rap station. Unknown, Sept. 1961.

Trad 12m Mount Wellington
17 Paladin

FA: P. Morris & P. Cullen

Trad 16m Mount Wellington
19 Caledonian Variant
Trad 45m Mount Wellington
19 The Great Bitch
Trad 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
6 Barbwire Canoe
Trad 16m Mount Wellington
17 Crucio
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
19 Pete's Power Plummet
Trad 70m, 3 Mount Wellington
18 On the Road Again
  1. 42m

  2. 13m

Trad 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
14 Hurricane
Trad 27m Mount Wellington
21 Ring of Fire
Trad 15m Mount Wellington
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers

Face climbing.

Start: wall L of Andromeda

FA: Body, Kennedy & Closs, 1972

Trad 25m Mount Wellington
21 Blind Faith
Trad 35m Mount Wellington
13 Jon's Crack

Crack immediately right of the large wall. Fun climb with abundant options for protection. Good for someone learning to lead. Recommend rap from top, lowering will drag rope.

FA: J.Nermut, 2014

Trad 11m Mount Wellington
21 Drayton

Stem and jamb the thin corner left of Back on the boarderline

FA: David Gray & Danny Rossen, 1992

Trad 20m Mount Wellington
24 Isonomy

FA: A. Donoghue & H. Jackson, 2014

Trad 30m Mount Wellington
16 Pipedream
Trad 15m Mount Wellington
17 Six Months In A Leaky Test Tube
Trad Mount Wellington
21 Cheers to Dave
Trad 35m Mount Wellington
18 Canis Minor
Trad 62m, 2 Mount Wellington
17 You are not my Friend

Starts just uphill of the pinnacle in an offwidth crack. Climb three offwidth sections to belay in base of chimney. Scramble out.

FA: Deano & Topher, 2012

Trad 20m Mount Wellington
18 Cleavage

Cracks left of the Triclinicity corner, to DBB.

Trad 20m Mount Wellington
19 High Wire
  1. 42m

  2. 13m

Trad 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
20 Slippery Sensation

Climb RH crack for 7 m, then move into LH crack and up to below a bush. Traverse L and onto arete to Nefarious anchor.

Start: Crack to the right of bolted arete (Nefarious 22)

FA: S Parsons, K Bischoff & A Wing, 1981

Trad 25m Mount Wellington
16 Skyline Major

FA: lots

Trad 90m Mount Wellington
18 Rick the Redneck
Trad 25m Mount Wellington
20 Discipline
Trad 32m Mount Wellington
22 Crazed and Confused

FA: N. Deka, D. Stephenson & Feb 1989, 1989

Trad 40m Mount Wellington
17 Shelter from the Storm
Trad 20m Mount Wellington
17 Blue Meridian

A must do if you are in this area of the Pipes. Trad with DBB anchor stations at the top of both pitches.

Trad 90m, 2 Mount Wellington
14 Breakneck
Trad Mount Wellington
21 Georgie's Climb
Trad 8m Mount Wellington
12 Technicolour Zawn
Trad Mount Wellington
19 What a Circus
Trad 58m, 3 Mount Wellington
17 Dyazide
Trad 12m Mount Wellington
20 Slipper
Trad 30m Mount Wellington
23 Great Pets
Trad 18m Mount Wellington
12 Brand New Lies
Trad 15m Mount Wellington
17 Dave's Climb

The crack climb to the niche, then awkward and thoughtful climbing to the top.

FA: D. James & D. Rollins, 2010

Trad 10m Mount Wellington
20 Pulpit Crack
Trad 60m, 2 Mount Wellington

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 918 voies.

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