
Anti Boulder

  • Contexte de la cotation : AU
  • Photos : 1
  • Ascensions : 39




Low overhung boulder with curved scoop cut-out in lip, roughly between Ryker and WMD boulder

Limit. de l'accès hérité de Rocky Paddock Camp Ground

Total Fire Bans & Forest Closures

forest reserves are closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days and in areas where forest operations such as harvesting are being undertaken. Visitors should keep clear of logging operations and pay attention to all signage. It is recommended that visitors contact the Forest Ranger before visiting to obtain information.

Camping Notes

Camping is prohibited from 1 December to 31 March. The main access gate to the campgrounds will be closed at 4pm every day during this period.

Campfires & BBQs

Wood fires are prohibited within the forest from 1 November until 30 April each year. Gas fires are permitted during November and April, but not from 1 December until 31 March.

Wood for campfires may be collected from the forest floor only. It is an offence to cut down or damage standing trees or plants. Campfires are restricted to fires places located in campgrounds, picnic areas and at huts. Please conserve wood supplies by keeping fires small.


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Start as for Anti-style, but head directly up and mantle on the detached block which.. probably.. wont slide off and crush you

Sit start with hands on the right-hand corner. Traverse the lip, and deceptively awkward mantle at the horn on left hand side

FA: Ben Dickson, 12 Oct. 2020

Start on the extremely low edge, mantle out as for Anti-style

FA: Ben Dickson, 12 Oct. 2020

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