
Alien Wall

  • Contexte de la cotation : AU
  • Ascensions : 88

Roche: Broken ledge

Low ledge at the start of Nostromo was broken 16/11/21 and fell on to climber that then had to go to hospital - be careful before pulling hard on holds here

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A ajouté il y a 2 ans



Limit. de l'accès hérité de New South Wales and ACT

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit

Éthique hérité de Illawarra and Shoalhaven

Lots of bolts in this region. Most development has been done after the 1980s.


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Begin at the far right of the shelf. Traverse left and use a wide grip to avoid the first corner (if you don't like the rock). Keep moving to the left feet on the lower shelf campus or throw a heel up. do this all the way to the nose and easy top out. Take the no hand rest if you like before topping for a great upside-down view of point perp. Just how wet your spotter will get depends on the tide

FA: Vinny the Sea Eagle, 10 Juil 2018

Start on the lower shelf. heel hook or cramped campus. Up and out. Hit the super fun/easy Dyno for extra style points.

FA: arnold s

Closed project. needs a little cleaning.

Get down low then start on the left hand sloper and right hand on the horizontal triangle. Campus or throw your feet out to the darker rock. None of the lower blocks are in. Straight up and over the rainbow rock. Two mats or a good spotter would be nice the fall isn't great.

FA: Bishop, 13 Oct. 2018

Start on the lower lower shelf. move up right following the obvious line.

Get down in the hole, sit starting on the 2nd lowest shelf (go from the lower if you want!) and move up into the small prow. Move to the left and top out between both prows.

FA: Jack Folkes, 2013

Just right of Facehugger. Straight up from low shelf.

Sit start with horizontal double hand jam. Up to knob then out left to side pulls before reaching straight for the top out.

FA: David Shelton, 29 Juin 2021

Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.

The Alien head shaped prow. Sit start on the low sloping shelf and move up and under the Alien head via a shouldery move. Desperate top out over the prow.

FA: Liam Healy

Start as Nostromo and go left to drop into undercling and topout. Mind the loose block above the start hold.

Low start on the juggy hole. Move up and right under the roof, make a blind move out left to the sloper around the lip on the face. Top out straight up.

FA: Jack Folkes, 2013

Starting jug of Nostromo, right across the prow and top out Unnamed.

FA: Nick Choy, 19 Jan 2021

Stand start on crimps in the corner. Move out on jugs to the prow, high feet into the undercut and top out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 26 Juil 2018

Stand start in corner on crimps. Move right and out following the crack and top.

FA: Jake Noblett

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