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Affichant les 33 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
V0- Speedy

The quick way up and the quick way down. Handy for negotiating your way around.

Bloc 4m
V4 Suicidal

Stand start at the arete on undercling. Head up to join in to Close Call at the hole.

FA: Jack Folkes, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 4m
V2 Close Call

Stand start on the ledge/corner. Head up and left to top out near the arete.

FA: Jack Folkes, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 3m
V1 Vans on the Wall

Stand start and up the corner. Wearing of vans is optional.

FA: daryl jones, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 3m
V1 Swell

Straight up. Wall to the left is not in.

Bloc 3m
V1 Dad Bod

Up the round section. Good to have a second mat for the little ledge just off the ground.

Bloc 3m
V0+ Boiz

Fun stuff. Avoid the loose by avoiding the right.

Bloc 3m
V1 John 21

Up the left hand features, not using the corner features.

V1 Revelation 21

Up the middle through the balance features.

V0 Get Loose

Easy climb with poor rock quality.

Bloc 3m
V1 Job 40

Sit start, Hands in crack, feet on wall. You are allowed to bridge your left foot to left wall at bottom of challenge, otherwise left is totally out. No using crack at all. Up to good right hand pocket. Then top out without using any left hand or crack features.

BlocProjet 3m
BlocProjet 3m
BlocProjet 3m
BlocProjet 3m
V0 Between Sets

Sit start with opposing side pulls. Move straight up to top out. FA done without pad or shoes in between waves crashing onto the platform...

FA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Bloc 3m
V3 Lovely Lady Humps

Sit start under roof. Big move out and mantle. Humping optional.

FA: Some bloke who can't dyno for shit., 9 Juin 2019

Bloc 3m
V1 One Hole Wall

Stand start in the groove, head straight up via good hole.

FA: Jack Folkes, 9 Juin 2019

Bloc 5m
V4 Unreachable

Stand start on undercling. Dyno up and left to good holds.

FA: Jack Folkes, 9 Juin 2019

Bloc 3m
V1 Crab Walk

Sit start as far left on the ramp as possible. Traverse the ramp up and right until you can step off or top out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Bloc 2m
Smoke n Rainbows
Bloc 3m
V3 Are Ya Ready Kids?!

Stand start on the ledge under the arete. Head out right and then big moves up the groove to top out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 3m
V2 Buck Off

Stand start on the good crimps, power up to the crack and then thrutch your way to the top.

FA: some bloke without a hat, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 5m
V2 Red Neck Ragle

The terrifying corner. Fa involved no hands stemming to reach for the top.....

FA: Hugh Harrison, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 5m
V5 Slow Down Maurice

The wall left of the corner. Stand start on good sidepull, head straight up via bad slopers to committing last moves.

FA: Jack Folkes, 9 Juin 2019

Bloc 5m
V1 Buck Hunter

Stand start on the ledge, same as $1.36 trend right following the good edges. Watch your back.

FA: daryl jones, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 4m
V1 $1.36

Stand start on the ledge, head straight up with a hint of left.

FA: daryl jones, 8 Déc 2018

Bloc 4m
V5 Whale Watching

Sit start on bulge arete, LH slopey side pull and RH bad slopey pocket. Make compression moves up, then left hand to jug and easy top out.

Bloc 4m
V1 7

Stand start matched on pocket. Big move to jug then easy top out

Bloc 4m
V2 No Pad Life

Stand start matched on big pocket. Big move up with Lh to crimp, RH to slopey side pull, then again to dodgy looking hold.

V1 Champion Saddle

Sit start on bulgy jug. Make some fun moves to mount the saddle, then delicate moves to top out.

FA: bronte doery


Burly, big moves, hard underclings. 10+


Riverbed-esque traverse from back left of cave. 9ish?


Affichant les 33 voies total.

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