
Voies dans The Apostles

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Affichant les 17 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Big Heart
VB Rib

Bulge and slab right of Descent, Northern aspect of bloc standing start from ground.

Bloc 5m
VB+ Petri Dish

Left side Northern slab from low diagonal groove via small positive holds, stand start.

Bloc 5m
VB+ Second

Right side Northern slab between Petri Dish and Hand.

Bloc 5m
VB+ Hand

Stand start in low flake step moving right to mantle the low angle hanging slab.

Bloc 5m
VB+ Ridge

Direct up the diagonal blunt arete/rib between Hand and Doggies!

Bloc 5m
V1/2 Doggies!

Bulge and ridge direct between Ridge and Big Heart from standing.

Bloc 5m
VB Big Heart

Direct up the flaky groove with the little tree from standing.

Bloc 3m
VB+ Tardis

Direct sit start to Big Heart starting left hand on small ledge, right hand on smaller of the finger jugs bumping up to the flake jug.

Bloc 3m
VB+ Dr Who

Direct up the bulge and high groove immediately left of detached block Southern aspect via positive holds from standing.

Bloc 3m
V1 K-9

Direct sit start to Dr Who from the two finger jugs.

Bloc 3m
V0+ Jack Jumper

Up the short steep face direct between the detached block and Ledge from standing.

Bloc 3m
VB+ Ledge

Up the centre of the short overhanging face from standing.

Bloc 3m
V0+ Arm Bar

Direct sit start from and up Ledge.

Bloc 3m
VB+ Hueco

Stand start matched in right pocket moving up and left via the ramp.

Bloc 3m
V0 Hueco Sit

Sit start as for Descent Sit moving left into and up Hueco.

Bloc 3m
Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
VB- Descent

Gain and up the slab immediately left of large tree Eastern face.

Bloc 3m
VB+ Descent Sit

Direct sit start to Descent from featured slopers.

Bloc 3m

Affichant les 17 voies total.

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