
Ascensions de Rainbow Wreckage

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Affichant les 18 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Sam 6 Jan 2024 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10
Dylan Hill
Broke a big jug and took a fun fall on the os

Lun 18 Sept 2023 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage — 2 essais - avec KrystleJWright Sportive 25m, 10
Matthew Robbins
Very, very doable on gear. Gave it a good onsight attempt but misread getting into the roof crack, took a wrong turn and came off the sandy jugs.

Was closer second shot but relaxed a little too much and popped out of a thin hands paddle jam mid crux.

Dim 21 Août 2022 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage - avec Peter Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Mr Tzatziki
Sam 18 Juin 2022 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage - avec Sophie Antony Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Ryan Macpherson
2nd shot! Stuffed the beta up over the roof 1st shot. Pumped out of my marbles, what a ridiculous endeavour - that roof was delicious Will be back to do this on gear one day

Dim 4 Juil 2021 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Super classique
claire xian
Ven 11 Juin 2021 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Super classique
Shane Corbett
Sam 1 Août 2020 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
steve willson
Pretty epic! Feels like an adventurous trad route, in fact it could be. Struggled turning the lip as the crack was drenched.

Dim 1 Sept 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10
Andrew Serack
Roof rack is $. Have to clean on second.

24 Rainbow Wreckage - avec Andrew Serack Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Alex Riegelman
Very fun! Make your belayer wear a helmet.

24 Rainbow Wreckage - avec Andrew, Alex, Wendy, Russ Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Gee Rad
I'll count it

Sam 31 Août 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage - avec Andrew, Tom, Wendy Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Gee Rad
Sam 6 Août 2016 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Paul Frothy Thomson
2nd shot. Cruised the roof on the 1st lap, but got scared turning the lip and whimped out. 2nd shot was a titanic battle after sunset, with it pitch black under the roof. Not able to see anything I campused and cut loose on handjams until I got closer to the light at the lip and could find footers. It felt like a good fight in adverse conditions. Classic climbing, but rubbish rock.

Ven 20 Mai 2016 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10
Wendy Eden
Dim 28 Juin 2015 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Geoff Campbell
Absolutely wild climbing! A great line of solid rock in a sea of choss. Will take a while before I can link the roof-crack into pulling the lip. (Although after an epic back-jump cleaning effort it will be a long time before I try again. The award for the most patient belay goes to Ollie.)

Dim 15 Mars 2015 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
unlikely, adventurous and lots of fun!

Dim 14 Juil 2013 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Excellent
Paul Frothy Thomson
EOD as the sun went down. Clean to the first moves into the main horizontal roof (steep and scary to there). Then I realised I wasn't going to have time to deal with a fall into the void, bump back up, and clean, so I climbed bolt to bolt doing the moves in-between, to the end of the major roof, then backjumped. Fully bolted (in weird places), super chossy, but bloody unique crack climbing. This will go, but it definately needs a like minded climbing partner with plenty of time...

Sam 20 Août 2011 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Damien Ayers
Last climb of last day as the sun was setting... Got scared sitting in the roof before dropping into the crack, decided it'd be epic to clean, downclimbed and bailed. Next time!

Mar 13 Avr 2010 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline Donutland Leftside
24 Rainbow Wreckage Sportive 25m, 10
Rod Young
LED with Rabbit 2000


Affichant les 18 ascensions total.

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