
Voies dans Whitewater Creek

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 111 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
The Mushroom and The Mud Pit
VB Pancho

The very left of the Mushroom there is a tree. Climb up behind this.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
VB The Sickener

Climb up just R of the tree via a big foot hold.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
VB The Wolf Pit

Step up onto the slab and go diagonally R to finish R of the vegetation.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
V2 Midday Lightning

Start at the L hand end of the roof and climb Rightwards on a rail above the lip until in a position to top out.

FA: S.Monks, 17 Jan 2021

Bloc 3m
V2 Spotted Quoll

Use the good start pocket and decent holds to the roof then finish by matching hands in the small bowl on the top.

FA: Dale Maschette, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V4 Spotted Quoll Extension

Continue on through Spotted Quoll to finish on the top of the boulder. Bonus points for cutting feet with a mantle.

Bloc 4m
V4 Spots Over There?

Same start as Spotted Quoll but go left instead of right, finish over the top

FA: Dale Maschette

Bloc 3m
The Whale
V1 covid forever

Through two crimps and layback.

FA: flr, Oct. 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Covid 19

Start at L end of ledge and climb direct past the pocket in the middle of wall.

FA: Eli P, 22 Fév 2020

Bloc 3m
V0 Bunnings Snag

Top the scoop above the ledge.

FA: Eli P, 19 Mars 2020

Bloc 3m
V0 Deucey's Left Nostril

Up through 'The Whales Eye'.

FA: Eli P, 22 Mars 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Deucey's Nose

Climb the nose direct.

FA: Eli P, 29 Mars 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Downward Descent

The slanting crack.

FA: Chris W down/ Eli P up, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V2 Onsight Bouldering

The black bulge just Right of Downward Descent using foot in that problem.

FA: Chris W, 5 Fév 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Wedgie

An independent line up the wall R. of Onsight Bouldering.

FA: Charlie B, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
VB The Sausage Sizzler

Chimney up behind the tree.

FA: PP, Mai 2020

Bloc 2m
The Submarine
VB John Bacher's Boots: Derek Kenyon's Anus

Climb the seam behind tree, direct to the sky.

FA: P. Kelly, 28 Fév 2020

Bloc 2m
V2 Mind Blank

Through bulge just R. of John Bachar via the undercut.

FA: Eli P, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 - 5 Trustin Nubbins

Start using the pocket just above the lip of the cave and feet on the back wall, climb over the bulge into crimps.

Bloc 3m
V1 David Attenborough Off Route

Start Left of Bellamy at a sloper in the roof. Pull through the roof and step right into Bellamy.

FA: ElI P, 22 Mars 2020

Bloc 3m
V2 David Bellamy In The Wild

The bulge just Left of the periscope tree growing out of the crack.

FA: CW, 5 Fév 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 Wicked

The undercut wall just Right of the periscope.

FA: CW, 5 Fév 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 Everything’s a foothold

Start on the two pockets, finishing on small crimps & sidepulls.

FA: Jack R, Mai 2020

Bloc 4m
V0 Front Porthole

FA: Rowen M., 22 Fév 2020

Bloc 3m
VB Joe Brown's Helmet

Behind the tree right of Front Porthole.

FA: PP, 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 The P-Lock Traverse

Begin at the start jug for 'David Attenborough Off Route'. Traverse right on nice pockets before topping out around the RH corner of the boulder where 'Joe Brown's Helmet' finishes. Great warmup.

FA: Pat B & Lachlan J, Mai 2020

Bloc 7m
The Wave
VB Occasional Sifter

Up slab on very L of The Wave.

FA: PP, Mai 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Bob The Builder

Start as for Wasteland and climb straight up.

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 The Wasteland

Step onto the stippled slab and traverse R to the corner and up this to finish.

FA: PP, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Whymyhere

Pull on to the slab at the L hand of the wave. climb up to the tree.

FA: D. Barnes, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Fluffy's

Direct start to Wasteland. Powerful pull up into the corner.

FA: Eli P, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 Crippled Nipple

Start below the big hold and climb pebbles up the slab above the bulge.

FA: Eli P, 22 Jan 2020

Bloc 4m
V3 An Awesome Wave

Start off opposing side pulls, pull through the bulge.

Bloc 3m
V5 Cranium Coddler

Stand start with horn, up and mantle over bulge.

FA: Lewis Traill, 25 Avr 2023

Bloc 2m
V2 Lockdown

Crux is climbing over the top. Finish L or R.

FA: Eli P, 1 Avr 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Tsunami

At the low part of the wall just R of a pale streak.

FA: Marco McLean, Mai 2020

Bloc 2m
The Arboretum
V3 Arborist

Up the seam. Follow good holds in and around the seam through an unnerving blank slopey section just below the big finishing jug - a little fragile in places. Should clean up more with traffic.

FA: DB, Mars 2020

Bloc 3m

Project - just right of the seam, sit start to big pockets then a big move left to a side pull and straight up (staying out of the seam of Arborist)

BlocProjet 3m

Project - same start as Lumberjack project, but will hopefully make big hard moves on up and right to top out

BlocProjet 3m
V1 Pulled Pork

Start between the two trees. Climb up to the crack and pull past this to top out..

FA: Rowen M, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
Sandy Cave
V4 Bowled Over

Start on edges to the left of the sandy cave, big move up to bowl and funky top out.

FA: Lewis Traill, 25 Avr 2023

Bloc 3m
V1 Bleau

On the right of the Arboretum is a cave. Up the Left edge of this to a scoop. Finish up the centre of this scoop.

FA: CW, Juil 2021

Bloc 3m

Start for Bleau but finish up right side of scoop. Needs cleaning

BlocProjet 3m
Project 2

Start right side of cave and climb up into roof and use pinches to top out directly above.

BlocProjet 3m
V1 Sand Land

Start for project 2 but finish around right side in tree.

FA: Marco McLean, 25 Avr 2023

Bloc 2m
Toddler Boulder
VB Thing 1

L. side of boulder.

FA: Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Thing 2

Start as for Thing 1 and go diagonally R.wards to top.

FA: Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Thing 3

Direct start to Thing 2.

FA: Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
Cheeks Boulder
V0 Cheeks Traverse

Traverse top of boulder L to R.

FA: Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
Santa Wall and Elf Cave
V0 Santas Sack

Stand start and straight up. No need to top out.

FA: Eli P, 20 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
V2 Santas Claw

SDS Straight up, top out.

FA: Charlie B, 20 Déc 2019

Bloc 3m
V0 Santa

Stand start and straight up.

FA: Eli P, 20 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
V0 Plum Jam

The L edge of the Elf Cave is a wall just R of the corner. Up this.

FA: Eli P, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V1 It Was Not Me It Was The Other Three

L - R low level traverse of Santa Wall finishing at the huge jug at the bottom of Plum Jam.

FA: The Boyz, Mai 2020

Bloc 5m
V5 Traverse

Climb It Was Not Me It Was The Other Three and into Elf Cave using crimps. Finish up My right Hand Elf.

FA: Marco McLean & Lewis Traill, 23 Avr 2023

Bloc 12m
V4 Go Elf Yourself

Start on crimps under bulge, head up arete on pebbles.

FA: R. Schwarz, 2021

Bloc 2m
V3 Follow the Yellow Elf Road

Start around the corner to the left of the Elf Cave. Traverse under the bulge to finish up Elf on the Shelf.

FA: R. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 2m
V2 The High Road to Elftown

Start on sloper above good rail. up to dish then a big move right into Elf on the Shelf.

FA: J. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 2m
V3 Nan Slice

Start on 'High Road' but go direct from the big pocket - tricky sloping topout.

FA: Eli P, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V2 Elf on the shelf

Hang/SDS the big flat jug under the bulges about 10m right of Santa Wall. Heelhook/jughaul/campus to a slopey font-style topout (needs a more thorough clean on top)

FA: DB, 6 Jan 2020

Bloc 3m
V0 Damage Control

Elf on the Shelf Finish

FA: DB, 6 Jan 2020

Bloc 2m
V2/3 Every Elf for Himself

Start on slopey rail under bulge, crank straight up.

FA: R. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 Every Elf for Himself Extension

Start on sloper at left hand end of the elf cave. traverse into the start of Every Elf, keeping feet on the vertical rock.

FA: J. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 4m
V3 My Right Hand Elf

Start as for Elf on the Shelf but instead of going up traverse right to top out on the far right of the boulder.

FA: J. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 3m
VB Escalater

Up ledges on the R. side of the Elf Cave.

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Wounded Knee

Direct over the overhang above the start of Escalater.

FA: CW, Juil 2021

Bloc 4m
VB Escalater Direct

Escalater Direct

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 3m
Mauritius Wall
V4 Jesus of Suburbia

Start on two left facing sidepulls on lip of cave, out left to crimp then up to lip.

FA: J. Schwarz, 2020

Bloc 2m
V3 Dodo Deadpoint

Sit start from a good left hand side pull, deadpoint to the sloper below the lip, then top out by mantling on the good incut on the lip

FA: Cormac Brannigan, 20 Jan 2020

Bloc 3m
V0 99

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 3m
V0 Sugar Glider

To the ledge and through the bulge.

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 3m
The Turtle Boulder
V1 It's A Rap

Start at the top of the boulder below a flat hold.

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 3m
V2 OMG I'm Flying!

Start with a sloper for the R. and the diagonal edge for the L.

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 China Hack

Start on the uncut finger hold on the slab.

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Touching Cloth

Gain the slab from the L by a high step. Then continue more easily to the top.

FA: Conrad W, Juil 2020

Bloc 4m
V0 Johnny Dawes Direct


FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 4m
VB Johnny Dawes No Hands

R edge of the slab.

FA: CW, Sept 2020

Bloc 5m
The Potato
VB The Absolutist

Step onto the slab and up.

FA: PP, Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
V0 Peter Dutton

Blunt rib R. of Absolutist. High kick the Potato Head with your Right foot to start.

FA: D. Meerding, Juil 2020

Bloc 2m
Log Jam Boulder
V0 Sunny Side

The upstream face. SDS on the flat hold.

FA: PP, Août 2020

Bloc 2m
VB Log Jammin'

Stand start the L side of the arete.

FA: Juil 2020

Bloc 1m
VB Voldemort

Stand start R side of the rib.

FA: Juil 2020

Bloc 1m
V1 Radio Tuner

Start as for Voldemort and traverse R past the twin nipples with very small footholds.

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 2m
V1 Twin Nipple Pull

Stiff pull onto the two nipples.

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 1m
VB Right Arete

Stand start R arete of boulder.

FA: Sept 2020

Bloc 1m
Waterside Boulder
V0 Bent Pull

Stand start

FA: Août 2020

Bloc 1m
V1 Straight Pull

Pull up and mantle L of Koala. Stand start.

FA: CW, Déc 2019

Bloc 1m
V2 Koala

Seam on backside of boulder. Avoid using the small tree. Sit start

FA: Conrad W, 22 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
V1 The Other Begotten Son

The lovely stippled face left of Archangel without grabbing the arete. Stand.

FA: Duncan M, Sept 2020

Bloc 2m
VB Archangel

Left arete of overhanging face. V0 for sit start.

FA: Eli P, 19 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
VB Polpot

Chimney up the corner using the big tree.

FA: Veve F, 2020

Bloc 2m
V5 Not as Dimple

SDS underneath 'Polpot' jugs, starting on two crimps. Head up and to the right using obvious undercling, crossing over to thin crimp seam. Finish above crimp line about a metre Left of 'Waterslide' finish. Would love to get more people out to help with grading

FA: Malo Gilly, 17 Fév

Bloc 3m
V3 Waterslide

Stand start up middle of boulder through crimps to obvious high groove. Harder now with broken holds.

FA: Conrad W, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 1m
V5 Waterslide Sit

SDS to waterslide.

Bloc 2m
V2 Paul & Conrad

SDS just left of right arete, straight up using arete

FA: Chris W, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 3m
V0 One Hander

Stand start for face right of P&Cs Extension.

FA: PP, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
VB Left Hander

Edge right of One Hander.

FA: PP, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
Black Flag Boulder
V0 That's A Leg Up

Stand start

FA: Chris W, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 2m
V2 Minor Threat

Stand start

FA: Conrad W, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 3m
V2/3 Black Flag

Sit start straight up the nose

FA: Conrad W, 23 Déc 2019

Bloc 4m

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 111 voies.

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