
Voies bloc dans The Mushroom and The Mud Pit

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Affichant les 7 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
VB Pancho

The very left of the Mushroom there is a tree. Climb up behind this.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
VB The Sickener

Climb up just R of the tree via a big foot hold.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
VB The Wolf Pit

Step up onto the slab and go diagonally R to finish R of the vegetation.

FA: PP, Juin 2020

Bloc 2m
V2 Midday Lightning

Start at the L hand end of the roof and climb Rightwards on a rail above the lip until in a position to top out.

FA: S.Monks, 17 Jan 2021

Bloc 3m
V2 Spotted Quoll

Use the good start pocket and decent holds to the roof then finish by matching hands in the small bowl on the top.

FA: Dale Maschette, Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V4 Spotted Quoll Extension

Continue on through Spotted Quoll to finish on the top of the boulder. Bonus points for cutting feet with a mantle.

Bloc 4m
V4 Spots Over There?

Same start as Spotted Quoll but go left instead of right, finish over the top

FA: Dale Maschette

Bloc 3m

Affichant les 7 voies total.

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