
Voies dans Dead Cow Cliffs

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Affichant les 4 voies total.

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18 Without Bloodshed

Start at prominent orange corner crack with large, white gum at top.

FA: Greg Croft & Graeme Bowden, 1991

Trad 20m
14 Battle-weary

Gully/crack-line 40 m E of Without Bloodshed, past bushes.

FA: Greg Croft & Dan Croft, 1991

Trad 35m
12 Nose of El Bovine

Start 6m left of bloodshed at thin crack. Up through bulge to blunt arête.

FA: hugh sutherland & Eric Butler, 24 Avr 2019

Trad 20m
18 The Udder-one

Start between bloodshed and the nose next to big blocks. Up through bulge to seam and wall.

FA: hugh sutherland & eric butler, 24 Avr 2019

Trad 20m

Affichant les 4 voies total.

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