
Crown Mountain

  • Contexte de la cotation : US
  • Ascensions : 5




Located behind Grouse Mountain, about 2 hours walk from the top of the gondola.


From the gondola, walk towards Goat Mountain, turning left into Crown Pass just before Goat. Follow the trail into the pass, then turn right down Haynes Valley, walking down the scree for about 20 minutes until it is possible to move left (north) around the base of the large buttress. Follow the next scree slope straight up to the base of the ridge to get to the base of Widowmaker's Arete.


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FA: Don Munday, Fred Smith & Billy Gray, 1911

FA: Don Munday, Fred Smith & Billy Gray, 1911

Arete left of Widowmaker. Leads to the base of the Camel

FA: Brian Gordon & Lorne Rodway, 1972

Scramble up to a comfortable height 10-15m to the left of the major arete, roping up when scrambling gets harder. (p1) Climb up cracks at about 5.8 for 25m. (p2-4) Mostly 3rd class scrambling on slabby ground to gain the ridge, which is then traversed to the first headwall (p5-6) Either climb the headwall direct up the large flake and good cracks, or push through scrubby ground to a sling belay at 20m, with the option of linking into the next pitch, moving R and up to climb past small trees with possible belays. 5.7-5.9. (p7-8) 3rd class along the ridge to the final headwall. (p9) Multiple options up the final headwall, the most common being a narrow chimney with chocks around the corner to the right. Poor protection. 5.8. (p10) Traverse left to reach a short fist to hand crack on the face, with a crux move giving way to ramps with loose rock. Up easier ground to the top. Rap off the far side and escape to the Crown Mountain hiking trail.

FA: Hank Mathers & Les MacDonald, 1968

FA: Tom Fyles?, 1920

FFA: Mark Grist & Vance Culbert, 1998

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Selected Guidebooks plus Cacher

Auteur·e·s: Rich Wheater

Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9877796-5-6

With 300 routes, 600 boulder problems and a handful of fine alpine objectives, Vancouver Rock Climbing provides comprehensive coverage of the diverse climbing scene around Vancouver, Canada.

  • Provides detailed coverage of Howe Sound, Caulfeild Sea Cliffs, Cypress Falls Park, Cypress Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Lynn Valley and Deep Cove
  • Includes full-color images and maps, descriptions of conditions and approach notes for each climbing area
  • Each climb description tells you what gear to use, how many bolts there are, a difficulty rating, the pitch length and where to start and end

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