
Voies dans Crown Mountain

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Affichant les 10 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
5.9 The Pink Thing

FA: Tom Fyles?, 1920

FFA: Mark Grist & Vance Culbert, 1998

Alpine 3
5.9 Widowmaker's Arete

Scramble up to a comfortable height 10-15m to the left of the major arete, roping up when scrambling gets harder. (p1) Climb up cracks at about 5.8 for 25m. (p2-4) Mostly 3rd class scrambling on slabby ground to gain the ridge, which is then traversed to the first headwall (p5-6) Either climb the headwall direct up the large flake and good cracks, or push through scrubby ground to a sling belay at 20m, with the option of linking into the next pitch, moving R and up to climb past small trees with possible belays. 5.7-5.9. (p7-8) 3rd class along the ridge to the final headwall. (p9) Multiple options up the final headwall, the most common being a narrow chimney with chocks around the corner to the right. Poor protection. 5.8. (p10) Traverse left to reach a short fist to hand crack on the face, with a crux move giving way to ramps with loose rock. Up easier ground to the top. Rap off the far side and escape to the Crown Mountain hiking trail.

FA: Hank Mathers & Les MacDonald, 1968

Alpine 450m, 10
5.9 The Barrier

Arete left of Widowmaker. Leads to the base of the Camel

FA: Brian Gordon & Lorne Rodway, 1972

The Camel
5.9 The Hunk Trad
5.9 Camel Cracks

Look for the twin cracks at the neck of the camel. Follow the perfect right-hand hand crack up to the neck. Alternatively climb the offwidth on the left.

Trad 20m
5.9 The Head Non-défini
The Camel
5.6 Hind Leg Route Trad
The Camel
5.2 Regular route

Behind hindquarters

Class 4
Class 4 Crater Couloir

FA: Don Munday, Fred Smith & Billy Gray, 1911

Alpine 350m
Class 4 Crater Rim

FA: Don Munday, Fred Smith & Billy Gray, 1911

Alpine 250m

Affichant les 10 voies total.

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