
Voies dans Moss Mountain

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Affichant les 16 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
5.10 JUEN

Right most route. No Photo. Climbs face holds to a shallow dihedral. Anchor status has not been confirmed.

5.10b Brothers in Glue

Starts at the base of the slightly larger of two pines tree, to the right of Initialities. Climbs an obvious thin crack. Appears to be missing anchors, and is quite dirty.

5.8 Initialities

Good quality climb! Starts at the base of the left most of two pines at the right of the crag. Blocky terrain leads to a ledge followed by a left-leaning series of grooves to the top. Takes gear well. Has ring anchors.

5.10b State of Confusion

Climbs a series of cracks and flakes. Powerful moves with good yet sparse gear makes a challenging lead. Has ring anchors.

5.10a Knobs

A series of bump and side pull moves leads to good jams and blocks past a series of cool knob features. Then knobs are way more solid than you think. Great climb! Has ring anchors.

5.10 Erosion Factor

Good climb, though the gear is sparse. Has ring anchors.

5.9 One Nut Route

Originally climbed with just a single nut as pro. Doesn't appear to accept gear well. Has ring anchors.

5.10 Dirty Nuts

Boulder problem to the left of One Nut Route. Joins that route midway, at the rail system.

5.10b Preview

Climb the striking finger crack to the right of the wide gully. Protects relatively well. The crux is a flaring corner near the top with poor pro, so get some gear in before you go for it. Quality climb!

5.10d Wishful Thinking

Climb Preview to the first ledge, then trend left and climb two thin cracks. Has ring anchors.

5.7 Veggie Burger

Fun, rambly jug fest. Doesn't appear to take gear well, and placement could feel run out and insecure. Probably best climbed on top rope. Bolt anchor with rappel rings.

Trad 14m
5.10 Taco Direct

Direct start to Taco. Stick to the right of two left-leaning finger cracks to the top. Quality laybacking in the midsection. Has ring anchor

5.9 Taco

Climbs the two parallel left-leaning cracks to the top. Takes gear well. Has a ring anchor.

Trad 14m
5.9 Mud Wasp Direct

Takes the left hand crack from the Taco start. Slight tough layback start leads to easier jamming above. Shares an anchor with Taco.

5.10b Betwixt

A left-leaning crack on the upper part of the wall. Accessed by climbing Mud Wasp, The Gash, or one of the other cracks.

5.10b The Gash

The first 5.10 in Stillwater. Follows a blocky start to a finger crack that leads to the eponymous Gash. Can be started from either the left or the right of the pinnacle block.


Affichant les 16 voies total.

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