
Historique de la voie

There is no known route history.



Lat/Lon: 42.86244, 1.54548

Citation de la cotation

4c Cotation(s) agréée(s) par la communauté
4c private


Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.

hérité de France


Super classique
Dans la moyenne
Pas la peine

Sur base d'évaluations 0.

Types de croix

Mot-clé des commentaires

Selected Guidebooks plus Cacher

Auteur·e·s: Chris Crags, Anne Arran & John Arran

Date: 2012

ISBN: 9781873341872

A seloective guidebook describing the popular sport climbing in the Ariege area of southwest France in the foothills of the Pyrenees, covering 25 different areas including the popular Alliat, Auzat, Calames, and Sinsat crags.

Logements à proximité plus Cacher

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