
Sektor Leningrad

  • Contexte de la cotation : NWG
  • Ascensions : 152




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New route on the arete between Dypøkologi and Mr. Fyffes.

FA: Olav Vestlie

FA: Olav Vestlie, 2014

Start up the same gully as Timotei, but then continue left/up.

FA: Olav Vestlie, 2020

Downgraded 2019. Starts up the same gully as Jonas but then goes a bit to the right.

FA: Olav Vestlie, 2014

New route just right of Timotei.

FA: Olav Vestlie

Same start as Brunst, but follow the bolts to the left in the top section.

FA: Olav Vestlie, 2014

Same start as Abracadabra, but follow the bolts to the right (slightly overhanging) in the top section.

FA: Kristina Pålsgård, 2014

New line with expansion bolts just right of the start of Brunst/Abracadabra. Ends at the bolt anchor in the lower part of the wall, just like Sidespranget.

Same start as Leningrad cowboys, but go left after a few bolts. Stop at the first anchor for this route. Continue to the top to do the route Begjær.

FA: Brian Virgin, 1987

Same start as Leningrad cowboys, but go left after a few bolts, just like the route Sidespranget. But this route continues past the first anchor and all the way to the top anchor.

FA: Brian Virgin, 1987

FA: Per Hustad, 1991

Norwegian grade 7+/8-. Starts on the bolted line to the right of Leningrad cowboys, and moves left into the end of Leningrad cowboys after some bolts.

FA: Reidun Myklebust, 1987

FA: Olav Vestlie, 2014

New route starting right of Von Ossietzky.

FA: Olav Vestlie

Limited gear placement possible; a quite serious route.

FA: Ulf Geir Hansen, 1988

Was a trad route; has been bolted.

New route with expansion bolts.

FA: Olav Vestlie

New route with glue bolts.

FA: Olav Vestlie

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