
Ascensions dans Oceania par Foong

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 336 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Jeu 12 Avr 2018 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
18 Skink Trad 110m Super classique
Jeu 12 Avr 2018 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Tiptoe Ridge Area
5 Tiptoe Ridge Trad 120m Classique
Jeu 12 Avr 2018 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Kitten Wall Area Kitten Wall
18 Claw Trad 20m Classique
Lun 5 Juin 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Chessboard
17 18 Arse About Face Sportive 15m Bon
Lun 5 Juin 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Dungeon
20 Seek First Thy Kingdom Sportive 15m Bon
Lun 5 Juin 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Chessboard
18 Nothing Left to Give Sportive 15m Bon
Lun 15 Mai 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Leviathan
21 Psoriasis Sportive 15m Bon
22 No Antidote Sportive 15m Bon
Lun 15 Mai 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso The Wailing Wall
23 Wrath or Revival Sportive 13m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Far North Lower Curtain Wall
19 Sideshow Trad 35m
18 Entertainer Trad 20m
Found this hard for 18, full value.

21 Round Up Trad 30m
21 Comic Relief Trad 20m
What a climb. It has it all. Get on it!

Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Preludes Wall
17 Preludes - avec rosie Trad 35m Bon
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Starless Buttress
22 Starless and Bible Black - avec rosie Trad 40m Excellent
Led pitch 1, good climbing all the way

Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Reaper Buttress
22 Reaper - avec rosie Trad 40m Classique
Led 2nd pitch clean, first 22 at araps!

Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
18 18 R XI - avec rosie Trad 30m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Brick Wall
19 Quisling Trad 30m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
15 Ejaculation Trad 50m Bon
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Right Side
19 Lemmington Trad 30m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
19 Togrul Khan - avec rosie Trad 15m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area Lizard Procrastination Pinnacle
21 Cruel Consistency Trad 15m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Right Fork
18 King Rat Trad 20m Excellent
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Left Fork
18 I'm A Little Dinosaur Trad 25m
18 I'm A Little Asteroid Trad 25m
15 Scylla Trad 15m
Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Skydiver Wall
21 Smile - avec david Trad 12m
Slabby crux, good pro

19 19 R Coke Adds Life - avec David Trad 12m
Lost my bottle halfway up the climb when there's absolutely zilch gear

19 Candy-O Trad 15m
Awkward, cruxy move to get your helmet out of the way

21 Skydiver - avec david Trad 30m
Fun crux!

Mar 18 Avr 2017 - Arapiles
Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
21 21 R The Ferrets Are Coming Trad 12m
poor pro down low with good decking potential. Would be a bold onsight.

9 Craddock Crack Trad 13m
2 Sunny Gully Trad 12m
4 Hammer Trad 12m
16 16 R Marmot's Mall Trad 12m
22 A New Toy Trad mixte 15m, 1
20 Little Thor - avec oscar Trad 12m Classique
Not a R rated climb, good gear all the way.

Ven 17 Mars 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
20 Subterfuge - avec kevin Trad 55m Classique
Heady climb, took me a while to commit to the RP move, which actually isn't too bad once you commit to it. RPs and microcams essential.

20 Discipline - avec kenny Trad 32m Excellent
Actually a really worthwhile climb, well protected.

Lun 13 Mars 2017 - Lake Huntley
22 26 Big City Life - avec Max Lopez, nas Trad mixte 140m, 6 Classique
Skipped 26 pitch and climbed crack instead. Lead 22 pitch. Conglomerate goodness!

Dim 5 Mars 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Great Tier
22 Clouds of Obsession - avec andrew Trad 30m Excellent
first 22 proper onsight on the pipes, felt easy for the grade? Microcams essential.

Dim 5 Mars 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
21 Shrapnel - avec andrew Sportive 25m, 9 Bon
second half of the climb is good fun

Dim 5 Mars 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Great Tier
17 Janzoon - avec andrew Trad 60m Excellent
Led both pitches, thoroughly enjoyable. bring a no.4

Sam 11 Fév 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
20 Slippery Sensation - avec briggs Trad 25m Excellent
nothing too stressful, plenty of good gear, good climbing.

22 Nefarious - avec briggs Sportive 25m, 12 Excellent
thin crux!

Jeu 9 Fév 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Step Tier
21 Left Out Trad 30m Excellent
Thin and fiddly gear near the top. Take micros and rps

19 Lone Stranger Trad 78m Classique
Second pitch is just pure pleasure

Sam 4 Fév 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Kacktus Trad 40m Excellent
21 Remembrance Sportive 45m, 20 Excellent
Ven 3 Fév 2017 - Rocky Cape
Cathedral Rock
14 Manual Disimpaction Trad 18m Pas la peine
15 Hands-free Manual Disimpaction Trad 18m Dans la moyenne
16 Groupthink Trad 25m Excellent
16 Groupthink - avec owen cameron Trad 25m Excellent
actually a pretty nice route, steep first section

Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
23 Rorogwela - avec owen cameron Trad 25m Super classique
See description. Stoked for the send, has got to be one of the best trad routes in the NW coast. Beta - first crux, just launch for crimp with right hand and pull through to jugs. Second crux -

Right hand on hole, left hand up to jug. Right hand up to side pull. Swap feet and flag right feet high, then left hand up to side pull. Put left foot on shitty feet. Fist jam. Pull to next jug and steeply to top.

Mer 1 Fév 2017 - Rocky Cape
Cathedral Rock
15 Hands-free Manual Disimpaction - avec moses Trad 18m Dans la moyenne
Mar 31 Jan 2017 - Cathedral Rock
20 The Bishop Sportive 20m, 9 Bon
Hard for 20

Dim 29 Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
16 15 Ozymandias - avec max, Max Lopez Trad 65m Classique
Led the money pitch 2, classic old school.climbing, sustained and brilliant. Get on it!

20 Piping Hot - avec Max Lopez Trad 30m Classique
Good worthwhile climb. Interesting climbing of to roof, then cruxy move to turn roof. Then try not to.come a cropper on the lichenous finish

Sam 28 Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Teardrop Gully
22 Into the Fire - avec max Trad 30m Classique
Sustained, difficult moves around the scoop!

Mer 18 Jan 2017 - Ben Lomond
Stacks Bluff
19 Overhanging Like A Sausage - avec owen cameron Trad 150m Classique
Led P1 and 2, which were full value. the 16 pitch has got to be one of the most enjoyable 16s around. Classic.

Mar 17 Jan 2017 - Ben Lomond
Stacks Bluff
19 No Blind - avec tim kirkby Trad 190m Super classique
The final route of the trinity, and what a stellar route. Probably my favourite route of the three, with consistent excellent climbing on perfect rock. Led P1&2 (linked) and P4. Linking P1 and P2 is not recommended - it was longer than 60m and tim had to scramble up for the last few metres. It also meant I had to solve the final crux with painful rope drag and your last quickdraw. Utterly destroyed after that pitch I could barely talk. 3rd pitch is just a beautiful, sustained crack - thoroughly enjoyable but in my sick, tired state I was utterly crushed. Which led to an entertaining conversation where Tim offered to lead P4. I refused. We were both dreading it given it was meant to be a 'crux' pitch - I don't think Ian Lewis even knew what crux meant, judging by how strong the climbing on the trinity is. In any case this pitch is utterly joyous. On the lip just before turning the overhang I shout to Tim - 'and to think you wanted to snake my pitch ya fucken bastard' and pull the lip. The final pitch is just a dream crack. Amazing line. Full respect to the FA of the trinity, just can't imagine how they did it back in 1973. One of the true classics of Tassie climbing.

18 Blue Eyed Son (Blue Eyed Sun) - avec grandpa tim Trad 170m Classique
the second of the trinity. Old school grunt, absolutely worth the effort. Led P2 and 4. The second pitch in particularly will work you to the absolute core. Pull all your old school tricks out of your frothbag to stay on. Did a variant finish of P4 with a thin corner and 2 short cracks. The kind of climb that loses a star with cleaning, and will build ya character. Get on it.Absolute props to the FA - just incredible.

21 Aqualung - avec owen cameron Trad 150m Classique
The trinity! The supposed crown jewel of the trinity. Props to the FA, what a lead back in 1973 - just boggles the mind. Led pitch 2 and pitch 4&5 (linked into a mega long stunner of a pitch), which were the money pitches with brilliant varied climbing. some loose rock on 3rd pitch and start of 4th as well. Classic.

Mer 11 Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Rockaway and Amphitheatre
20 Resurrection Shuffle Trad 30m Classique
Classy crack take ya no 3s

Lun 9 Jan 2017 - Fruehauf
23 Genital Thrust Sportive 15m Dans la moyenne
Dim 8 Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Spartan Ethics - avec kate Trad 100m Bon
Led pitch 1 & 3. Our community service to the climbing community with a nice bit of gardening. Actually some great climbing, marred by the lichenous cracks that are now slightly less lichenous. Second pitch would be an amazing pitch if cleaned.

Sam 7 Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 19 Line Tamer - avec Foong, Max Lopez Trad 50m Excellent
1 fall at crux, went up wrong side. good climbing

18 Arthur's Circus - avec Max Lopez Trad 55m Excellent
led first pitch, good fun

Lun 26 Déc 2016 - Cape Raoul
16 The Wedding Cake Return Pitch Trad 35m Excellent
16 8 Route from Wedding Cake to Cape Trad 300m Super classique
18 Jihad Trad 30m Super classique
Love the moment you step on the col

18 Rain Of Terror Trad 30m Excellent
Jeu 22 Déc 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Great Tier
20 Skyfall Trad 40m Bon
Actually pretty good climbing prob grade 19, but made scary by the gear - take your rps and Micros, then take ya mates

15 Slow Combustion Trad 52m Bon
Ven 16 Déc 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Great Tier
15 Nefertiti Trad 77m Excellent
Purty good

Dim 4 Déc 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
17 Chancellor Direct Trad 60m Classique
Done in 1 pitch

18 Triclinicity Trad 20m Dans la moyenne
Old school ish

18 Cleavage Trad 20m Dans la moyenne
Dim 4 Déc 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
22 Heat Pump Sportive 30m, 12 Classique
Brilliant climbing on positive holds! Classic.

Jeu 24 Nov. 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
21 Warm Glow - avec James Sizemore Sportive 20m, 7 Excellent
tricky crux which is fairly run out on miniscule feet!

Dim 20 Nov. 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
21 Game On - avec briggsey Sportive 28m, 10 Bon
mm yea

Dim 20 Nov. 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Step Tier
18 Opthalmia - avec israeli dan Trad 80m Excellent
Slightly ducky second pitch had to get burly

Sam 19 Nov. 2016 - Fruehauf
21 Gibbon Tactics Sportive 15m Dans la moyenne

Sam 19 Nov. 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Step Tier
17 Xenophanes (Xenephonase) - avec Chris L Trad 81m Excellent
Found the offwidth bit pretty dicky

Jeu 17 Nov. 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
19 Pete's Power Plummet Trad 70m Excellent
Got to lead the money 2nd pitch. Steady slogging. Unfortunately left small cams behind and had some fairly hairy moments. Makes a man outta ya.

19 Carpe Diem Trad 45m Classique
Great climbing on stonking gear, just another cruisey pipe dream

Lun 7 Nov. 2016 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs White Stack
18 Windjammer - avec pattus Trad 15m Bon
pleasant crack climbing

Jeu 6 Oct. 2016 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Rubik's Cube
23 Low flyer Sportive 8m, 3 Bon
some nice moves

Dim 17 Juil 2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
22 Berts Butter Menthol - avec Max Lopez Sportive 30m Excellent
missed the onsight on the second balancey crux. good fun moves

Dim 10 Juil 2016 - Kempton Quoin
17 Dallas City Sniper Trad 18m Pas la peine
As below

Sam 9 Juil 2016 - Kempton Quoin
22 Cardio Sportive 30m Excellent
pumpy crux

17 Please Explain - avec Max Lopez Trad 32m Bon
Surprisingly not too bad, semi enjoyable

Dim 19 Juin 2016 - Kempton Quoin
19 ¥oung Mon€¥ - avec Max Lopez Trad 47m Dans la moyenne
ground up FA, raw.

17 Outlaw Trad 25m Dans la moyenne
20 Smash the Beetles Sportive 22m, 8 Dans la moyenne
Dim 5 Juin 2016 - Douglas
Lazy Afternoon Wall
14 Small Wonder Trad mixte 12m, 2 Pourrie
Sam 4 Juin 2016 - Mt Stuart
The Playground
19 High Noon Sportive 18m, 6 Bon
17 Eye of the Tiger Trad 20m Bon

20 Wimps in the Gym Trad mixte 16m, 4 Excellent
Some nice moves, fight the pump!

Sam 7 Mai 2016 - The Monkeys
Mad Monkeys
21 True to Life Sportive 20m Bon

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 336 ascensions.

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