
Thread the Needle Sector

  • Contexte de la cotation : SA
  • Ascensions : 1



Limit. de l'accès hérité de Tafelberg

A permit is required:

Éthique hérité de Tafelberg

Tafelberg is a pure trad area. No bolting is allowed at all.

There is an existing bolt and chain at the top of the ascent/descent gulley and (to my knowledge) only one old route (Oscillation) that has an ancient, hand drilled, small bolt. This in no way means that any more bolts may be placed. There are also a few old pitons scattered around but even this is seldom necessary. Modern removable gear allows virtually all climbable parts of Tafelberg to be adequately protected.


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Cotation Voie
1 15 10m
2 21 40m

Starts to the left of Thimble up an easy break, then follows the centre of the wall to the right of Edge of Existence.

  1. 10m (15) Pull up into the easy break that is above a lower overhang with a large boulder inside it. At the ledge step meters left to below the wall between the arête and the easy ground on Thimble.

  2. 40m (21) Follow a series of vertical crack up the wall to an overlap. Step right and pull up into a thin crack. At the finger-rail head left and then straight up the wall

FA: Richard Halsey & M. Beaumont, Mars 2019

1 12 10m
2 11 25m
3 14 15m
4 15 10m
5 12 25m

Walk all the way left past 'Rooibosch Sector' to the "North-West Pillar" Start 50 m left of 'Pedestal Corner'

  1. [12] 10m
    Climb the delicate face up to a large ledge. Move left 5 m.
  2. [11] 25m
    Climb the face for 5m then move right and up to a recess. Stance on top of a pinnacle.
  3. [14] 15m
    Climb up, then diagonally right towards a dirty looking recess. Left of the recess is a technical face, move left onto this and up to stance on a ledge. Scramble diagonally right to a large block below an overhang.
  4. [15] 10m
    Start 3 m left of the block, one or two moves and then a strenuous pull to slap for the shelf, moving right over the small nose. Continue diagonally right to a large stance.
  5. [12] 25m
    Climb the last break diagonally right to the top.

FA: K. Fletcher, B. Kohler, L. Kaimowitz & H. Saadien, 1965

FA: M. Scott & T. Dick, 1970

From the first ledge above the ground, follow the large left facing brown corner, to the right of Water Karma. At the top of the corner step right and then straight to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & M. Beaumont, Mars 2019

Climb the vague arête that forms the right side of the right wall of Cocoa corner. Beware- there is a large loose block at the top of the arête. Avoid this by traversing right a bit below it and climb the face just to the right to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & M. Beaumont, Mars 2019

FA: R. Johnston, M. Versfeld, H. Wood & R. Barnard, 1930

Start several meters to the right of Pedestal Corner. Climb the features on the part of the wall where it makes a blunt, 90° turn.

Start to the right of Pedestal Face from a rock ledge. Take the easy break that leads directly to the honeycomb section of rock seen from below. Climb just left of this and straight to the top

FA: Richard Halsey, M. Penso, R. Strate & K. van der Westhuizen, Mars 2019

FA: T. Dick & M. Scott, 1975

FA: F. Berrisford, R. Anson-Cook, P. Scott-Hayward & A. Bray, 1929

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Date: 2023

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