
Ascensions dans World par Maurício Chino

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Affichage de 801 - 900 sur 1,146 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Dim 22 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Departures (Upper)
27 Spent Force Sportive 20m Super classique
New high point. 2 moves from the rest. 3 sits

Dim 22 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
21 Jingle Bells Sportive 15m Excellent
End of day lap.

Dim 22 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
22 Seamstress Sportive 22m, 10 Classique
Retro flash - warm up

Dim 15 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
24 Funky Monkey Sportive 14m, 8 Excellent
24 Funky Monkey Sportive 14m, 8 Excellent
Pumpy and overall good route!!

24 Red Demon Sportive 14m Excellent
End of day burn to clean, but was too tired for a proper burn.

Great route that keeps you working from the start to the end! Nothing is for free on this one.

24 Funky Monkey Sportive 14m, 8 Excellent

24 Funky Monkey Sportive 14m, 8 Excellent
Sam 14 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Departures (Upper)
27 Spent Force Sportive 20m Super classique
27 Spent Force Sportive 20m Super classique
High point. Fell going to the big scoop 2m below the rest on the roof.

2 more sits from there, was incredibly pumped.

Feels like a good project to earn the grade!!

27 Spent Force Sportive 20m Super classique
First 27 that I jumped on. Incredible line, exposed at the roof and nice moves all the way. Cool dyno to big hold at the very end makes it an epic finish.

Happy to be able to do all the moves in 1 session.

Dim 8 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Centre
24 Itinerate Immigrants Sportive 25m Classique
Putting draws.

24 Itinerate Immigrants Sportive 25m Classique
1 sit. Punted hard by dropping on the last move before anchors. Heartbreaking.

Dim 8 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
20 Kraut Pleaser Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Warming up

20 Kraut Pleaser Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
EOD lap, cleaning draws

22 Shut the Gate Sportive 15m Bon
Putting drawsfor a friend.

Sam 7 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Left
20 Kraut Pleaser Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
Great warm up!! Retro flash!

21 Mr Pink Sportive 15m, 5 Excellent
Retro flash.

Sam 7 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bowens Creek Main Wall Centre
24 Itinerate Immigrants Sportive 25m Classique
Amazing climbing.

Stiff 24 with a really hard boulder problem at the very start.

Good holds to rest all the way but it keeps your working all the way to the anchors with another crux high up!!

Classic!! Will.come back for the send!

24 Itinerate Immigrants Sportive 25m Classique
Working moves.

Dim 1 Mars 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Sharon Stone
25 He Said, She Said - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 20m, 11 Excellent
Managed to stick the starting dyno just to fell on the move after. Linked all the way to the last bolt after.

Need to come back for a send!

25 He Said, She Said - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 20m, 11 Excellent
Reworking the moves. Completely forgot all the beta.

23 Sensory Overload Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
Classic! Nice techy climbing right before the anchors!

Sam 29 Fév 2020 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Pit Sector 'Sunny Side'
25 Magnitude - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 25m Classique
Fell right before the crux, couldn't get back on.

25 Magnitude - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 25m Classique
2 sits.

25 Magnitude - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 25m Classique
1 sit. High point, 1 move away from the rest after the crux.

25 Magnitude - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 25m Classique
Warm up going draw by draw to work the moves.

Dim 23 Fév 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Pocketed Wall
24 The Hustler Sportive 28m Super classique
One of the best at the grade.

2nd go of the day.

Pumpy as f....

Sam 15 Fév 2020 - The Woolwash
The Junkyard Cave
24 The Junkyard Dog Sportive 17m Super classique
23 Early Bird Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
2 sits.

24 The Junkyard Dog Sportive 17m Super classique
Second go. One of Sydney's finest 24!

23 Early Bird Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
1 sit

23 Early Bird Sportive 15m, 6 Excellent
In my opinion it deserves more than 1 star.

Really cool bouldery start then nice moves on jugs to a rest before the second crux. Cruisy to the top after.

24 The Junkyard Dog Sportive 17m Super classique
Dim 2 Fév 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Waterfall Wall
26 SpiderPuss - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 18m Classique
HH slipped at 4th draw, awkward fall.

26 SpiderPuss - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 18m Classique
High point, screwed up a sequence and pumped out.

26 SpiderPuss - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 18m Classique
First 26 !!

Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
26 SpiderPuss - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 18m Classique
Warm up run, refining beta and putting draws.

Sam 1 Fév 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
18 Please Dry - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 12m, 5 Dans la moyenne
Warm up

25 Swinging In The Rain - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 20m, 13
Worked all the moves.

25 Swinging In The Rain - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 20m, 13
Send it on the second go, that's a first for the grade!

Great roof climbing with a hard move to establish yourself into the head wall and easy to the top.

22 La Niña - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 25m, 10 Classique
Nice bouldery start followed by easier exposed traverse and up on to the great face climbing head wall.

Sam 1 Fév 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity Sportive 22m, 9 Classique
Warm up.

Lun 27 Jan 2020 - Point Perpendicular
Bayside Werner Burner Area
18 Blown Horn Trad 35m Excellent
Lead with pre-placed trad gear.

A bit chossy at the start but very enjoyable near the top.

Lun 27 Jan 2020 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
22 Shooting The Breeze - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 23m, 10 Excellent
Good / easy moves to the top with a nice crux at the very end.

22 PaddleRock - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 25m, 12 Dans la moyenne
Ripped a massive undercling flake, took a big fall landed near the ground and almost hit my belayer.

Didn't have a very good time, but besides that, the route has some nice moves.

19 Jaws - avec Nabor Andariza Trad 32m
Observing gear placement to practice for my first trad lead.

17 Grey Mist - avec Nabor Andariza Trad 30m
Observing gear placement to practice for my first trad lead.

19 Windjammer - avec Nabor Andariza Trad 30m Excellent
Got my ass kicked at the wide crack crux at the top. Took me a while to learn how to properly do it. Awesome first trad/crack experience.

Sam 25 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Waterfall Wall
26 SpiderPuss - avec Marty W, Sam Pfeiffer, Vass Issaev, Josephine Roper Sportive 18m Classique
26 SpiderPuss - avec Marty W, Sam Pfeiffer, Vass Issaev, Josephine Roper Sportive 18m Classique
24 Pokahontas - avec Marty W, Sam Pfeiffer, Vass Issaev, Josephine Roper Sportive 18m Classique
Great climbing with lots of directional pulling on a big flake.

Good warm up.

Missed the onsight by pumping out right before the top crux.

26 SpiderPuss - avec Marty W, Sam Pfeiffer, Vass Issaev, Josephine Roper Sportive 18m Classique
Superb climbing. 5 boulders stacked on top of each other and split between good rests. It gets progressively easier but the pump gets exponentially worse .

Worked all the moves. Holds felt very spoogy due to the high humidity.

Definitely coming back for a send and good candidate for my first 26.

Mer 22 Jan 2020 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Main Wall
V6 A2 is Not a Tank Bloc 3m Excellent
Anyone ever linked this into Milo and Kofi? Would be a much more interesting climb instead of a 1 move problem!

Mer 22 Jan 2020 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Corridor Boulders
V4 The Bilge Bloc 3m Excellent
V5 The Pincer Movement Bloc 4m Excellent
Dim 19 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
High point, best go of the day. Fell going from the RH slot to the LH crimp.

25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
25 Rubber Lover - avec Nabor Andariza, Sam Pfeiffer, Josephine Roper Sportive 20m, 5 Classique
Worked all the moves.

Mer 15 Jan 2020 - Queens Park
South End
V4 The Piesker/ Child Overhang Bloc 5m
Committing & Awesome!

Sam 11 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 Junket Pumper Sportive 15m Excellent
1 sit at the crux. End of the day lap.

Sam 11 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
25 Madge McDonald - avec Vass Issaev, Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
Hardest punt of my life. Fell with a hand on the top ledge.

25 Madge McDonald - avec Vass Issaev, Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
Redeemed myself after the terrible punt. Sent it 3rd go of the day!!

25 Madge McDonald - avec Vass Issaev, Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
Putting draws, warm up skipping first move.

Ven 10 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
25 Madge McDonald Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
1 sit. fell at the undercling move going for the 4th bolt.

25 Madge McDonald Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
1 sit. fell at the same move as previous attempt.

25 Madge McDonald Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
1 sit. High point. Fell 3 moves from the anchors.

25 Madge McDonald - avec Vass Issaev Sportive 12m, 7 Classique
Worked out the moves.

Dim 5 Jan 2020 - Stanwell Tops
18 Soul Searching - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 18m, 9 Excellent
20 The Goon Of Fortune - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 15m, 10 Excellent
Powerfull start that can be hard if you only climb the grade. Easy from there.

22 Chiffre Apres Chiffre - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 15m, 9 Bon
22 Go Fuck Yourself ! - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 15m, 7 Excellent
Would be a classic if it wasn't for the easy climbing on chossy holds for the first 3 bolts.

22 Better Than A Poke In The Eye - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 12m, 8 Excellent
Easier than it looks. Some holds are surprisingly good.

21 Pole Dance - avec Sam Pfeiffer Sportive 18m, 13 Bon
1 sit, misread the crux sequence.

Jeu 2 Jan 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Sharon Stone
23 Sensory Overload Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
Warm up / working moves.

23 Sensory Overload Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
1 sit. Slipped at the crux near the top, banged my shin and cried in pain

23 Sensory Overload Sportive 20m, 12 Classique
1 sit. Bitched out at the crux scared of hitting the already injured shin again. Will come back for a send soon, great pumpy 23.

25 He Said, She Said Sportive 20m, 11 Classique
Hard start, good rest then an easier crux and continuously up fighting the pump to the anchors

Dim 29 Déc 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Grotto Proper
24 How Much Can A Koala Bear? Sportive 25m Super classique
Probably one of the best 24s around. Great moves!

24 How Much Can A Koala Bear? Sportive 25m Super classique
2 sits, putting draws

Sam 28 Déc 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline P.C.
25 Escape From the Drilling Fields (Trigga Nigga) Sportive 20m Classique
Fitness lap at the end of the day. 1 sit. Putting draws for a friend.

Sam 28 Déc 2019 - Nowra
The Grotto Cliffline The Grotto Proper
24 How Much Can A Koala Bear? Sportive 25m Super classique
Worked all the moves. Looked really hard at first, but after working out the beta feels doable.

24 Zimbabalooba Sportive 20m Classique
Putting draws, remembering the moves.

24 Zimbabalooba Sportive 20m Classique
15 McStagger Sportive 15m, 6 Bon
Nice warm up. Scary if you climb only 15s.

Jeu 26 Déc 2019 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
23 Caveman Sportive 22m, 10 Classique
Putting draws, working the moves.

23 Caveman Sportive 22m, 10 Classique
Dim 22 Déc 2019 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
24 Cyrus The Virus - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 15m, 8 Excellent
Blew my flash attempt by trying a "wrong" beta harder than the optimal way. Was probably gonna pump out anyway

24 Cyrus The Virus - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 15m, 8 Excellent
Sent it second go with a good fight against the pump near the anchors.

Dim 22 Déc 2019 - Elanora Heights
Heist Wall
18 Entrapment - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 12m, 7 Bon
Repeat, warm up

23 Smile Test - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 10m Excellent
Reworking the moves.

23 Smile Test - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 10m Excellent
Fell at the last move before the anchors

23 Smile Test - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 10m Excellent
Finally sent my nemesis 23!!

19 Everything But The Kitchen Sink! - avec Nabor Andariza Sportive 12m, 7 Bon
Repeat, warm up.

Sam 14 Déc 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
25 Grape Hour Sportive 22m, 8 Super classique
Went for my first red point burn and was able to link it with 2 sits.

25 Grape Hour Sportive 22m, 8 Super classique
Best attempt of the day. Fell on the middle of the red point crux 3 hand moves from the no hands rest.

My mind changed from impossible to definitely doable.

25 Grape Hour Sportive 22m, 8 Super classique
Last attempt of the day. Worst red point burn, had to sit around 4 or 5 times to get to the top and clean. Was way too tired by this point.

High hopes for a send in the next session!


Affichage de 801 - 900 sur 1,146 ascensions.

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