
Ascensions dans World par Nick Whitelaw

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 161 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Mer 8 Mai 2024 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Deliverance Trad 45m Super classique
I chose to do the Devil's Deliverance option- first half of Devil's Dihedral up to the small stance at the bush, then step right into the corner of Deliverance and continue from there. So although not the original line, it's a much more enjoyable and 3 star option! Awesome gear all the way and an exciting finish. We cleaned out the pin scars in the lower section of the original on the way down, unearthing a large army of ants and muck. Pretty happy to have avoided all that.

Ven 22 Mars 2024 - Brooyar
Point Pure
15 Coco Pops Sportive 30m, 7 Pas la peine
Like climbing a dirty, sandy and runout sandcastle. Describing this as a classic beginner lead is a stitch up and a sandbag. How does this get stars?

Ven 1 Mars 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Facile Space Cowboy Trad 30m Classique
Very well protected, airy and superb climbing. Felt easy for the grade, perhaps there is an easier and a harder way to do it, but it would feel strange doing a slightly harder move where an easier one would suffice. I didn't know there was a lower off rap station, I didn't see that before! Means only a 60m rope would be needed to rap the face rather than going down Linda chimney

Mar 27 Fév 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Shady Side Double Dozen Area
17 Afternoon Delights Trad 11m Excellent
18 Garbo Trad 11m Excellent
Surprisingly good climbing. Nice to do with long pants on.

22 Double Dozen Trad 11m Classique
Awesome route. Did a silly and put myself in a precarious position trying to get the second piece in, with the crowds gathering to watch me deck. Much to their disappointment, I sagged onto my hurriedly placed nut, lowered to the ground, then went up again with a micro cam to add to it, and then launched up to victory. Disappointed I couldn't make it an onsight, but so it goes. Packs a sweet punch for a short route.

Dim 25 Fév 2024 - Mount Brown Main Face
24 Talk is Cheap - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad mixte 220m, 99 Super classique
A full value adventure, with big time exposure, hero moves, roof pulling, corner shimmying (wishing I'd brought my TCs as a less down turned shoe tbh) and a generous sprinkling of classy moves on every pitch. The final 21 pitch felt solid (and pumpy) for the grade. Was pretty gripped for the first couple of pitches near the ocean. Fantastic day, cheers Mitch, and Garry and Simon for equipping.

Mer 14 Fév 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
21 Heat Sportive 100m, 35 Excellent
A lovely jaunt up the pillars, enjoyable climbing on every pitch

Ven 9 Fév 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
24 After Midnight Sportive 50m Super classique
Such an incredible line, and it keeps going up into the heavens. Lots of good rests, delicate and with committing moves high above bolts. This was my third attempt, with my first one back in 2017!

Sam 3 Fév 2024 - Mount Wellington
Lost World Area Lost World
25 Rose Pink Cadillac Direct Trad mixte 20m, 3 Super classique
My favourite single pitch route on the mountain, just so damn classy. Led with a pre placed microcam at the bottom of the crack

Ven 26 Jan 2024 - Mount Wellington
Lost World Area Lost World
20 Face It Trad 25m Excellent
Mer 17 Jan 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
22 Heat Pump Sportive 30m, 12 Classique
Mer 17 Jan 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
17 Chancellor Direct
1 En second
2 Trad
Trad 60m Excellent
Awkward yet satisfying first pitch, lovely and mostly rambly second pitch.

Mer 27 Déc 2023 - Mount Wellington
Lost World Area Lost World
21 Atlantis Trad 25m Super classique
Lun 25 Déc 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
19 Carpe Diem Trad 45m Classique
Great route. One or two short cruxy sections and the rest is lovely, good gear all the the way

Lun 18 Déc 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Great Tier
17 Janzoon Trad 60m
18 Suicide Sadness Trad 60m
Mer 22 Nov. 2023 - Fruehauf
24 Anaphalaxis Sportive 15m, 5 Classique
Dim 19 Nov. 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
21 Holiday in Cambodia Trad 35m Super classique
One of the more pure sustained crack lines on the mountain. Felt easier than Icarus though.

20 Icarus Trad 120m
Retro tick from a while back. I suffered through the crux roof in the sun- felt very cramped and awkward. Long legs did not help here- probably scummed with my knees. Eesch. Not in a hurry to repeat that again

Mer 18 Oct. 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Step Tier
19 Lone Stranger Trad 78m Super classique
Led all 3 pitches. I climbed this back in 2020 as well but didn't log it. All 3 pitches have something to offer, P1 is great to warm up for the main dishes of P2 and P3. It was nice having 3 x 0.4, doubles to 2, didn't use the nuts

Mer 18 Oct. 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
17 Jelly Roll Trad 35m Excellent
Not as loose and more enjoyable than I was expecting. Gear is really good except for near the top chimney part

18 Black Magic Trad 55m Excellent
Straightforward, excellent gear and an enjoyable climb. Got our ropes stuck on the descent in a notch so I had to reclimb the route again to rescue it.

Jeu 21 Sept 2023 - Sand River
Fire Wall
22 Glowing Embers Sportive 18m, 9
22 Welcome to the Dark Ages Sportive 19m, 9
21 Unquenched Sportive 8m, 4
24 Fire Starter Sportive 18m, 9
2nd burn. The crux felt very hard for my long levers at first but after rest and feeling more warmed up it went more easily. Plenty of rest spots so not consistent but awesome climbing

Sam 16 Sept 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs Star Factory
23 Antimatter Sportive 25m, 9 Super classique
Lun 7 Août 2023 - Bare Rock
25 Dopamine Sportive 30m, 15 Super classique
Awesome flowy climbing, sustained although less so than Heaven can wait surprisingly

Sam 5 Août 2023 - Bare Rock
24 Heaven Can Wait Sportive 30m, 14 Classique
Sam 22 Juil 2023 - Bare Rock
23 Fire in the sky Sportive 30m, 16 Excellent
Dim 14 Mai 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
22 Berts Butter Menthol Sportive 30m Classique
Jeu 4 Mai 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
23 Close to the Sun Sportive 48m, 23 Super classique
Done as one pitch, highly recommend! Stellar movement and position with classic Pipes face and arete climbing

Dim 23 Avr 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs
3 Skyline Traverse Traversée 2000m Super classique
Great adventure. Took us around 6.5 hours from Sleepy bay to Mt Amos car park. I wore my beaten up trail runners and they were fine (except the sharp granite slabs definitely chewed the tread up over the day). The section between Mt Bourdon and Mt Dove was the most challenging with route finding, and we seemed to be off-route for what felt like a concerning hour, until we somehow came good. Hitchhiked back to the car time for a swim and beer by the beach.

Mar 14 Mars 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
18 Third Bird Trad 80m
Lun 30 Jan 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
24 Difficile In Flagrante Delicto - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 50m
This felt nails for the grade. I felt like I had two left feet coming up this, I got my ass kicked. Will need to come back (maybe..) and work it more, but my forearms were nuked after P1.

20 Sky Rocket - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 60m Super classique
I was thinking this was going to be overhyped, but nope, it was awesome all the way. A micro cam when traversing around the arete made things feel more sane. Hollow and loose flakes abound but very thoughtful and interesting climbing the whole way. Done as one pitch, which feels like the best way to do it.

Sam 14 Jan 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
23 Close to the Sun
1 Sportive
2 Sportive
Sportive 48m, 23 Classique
A technical, well bolted classic with plenty of variety and features to keep it fresh. The first pitch certainly had me pumped, and I came off in the mid section whilst seconding Mitch Scanlan-Bloor's onsight. Pretty happy with my effort on P1. The upper techy section was stellar. I didn't think I'd manage the second pitch clean but somehow hung in there. Would be keen on a P1 + 2 linkup next time for the marathon.

Dim 18 Déc 2022 - Kempton Quoin
17 Seventh Day - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 50m Excellent
Sam 3 Déc 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
21 Dark Nebula - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 32m, 17
Sam 3 Déc 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Difficile Raspberry Jam and Crackers - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 25m Classique
It's great, engaging climbing, and a good lead from Mitch Scanlan-Bloor , with cool face-climbing, rock-over moves and a crack to finish. Bellisimo!

14 Difficile Pegasus - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 48m Excellent
We split it into 2 pitches at the red tat (thanks to whomever sorted this out). Led P1, 2nd P2. I was a bit wobbly and uncertain in the bottom chimney sections (felt hard for 14!) but the top half provides the goods.

18 Sideshow - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 12m Bon
Jeu 16 Juin 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Egotistical Pineapple Trad 14m Bon
Mer 15 Juin 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
24 Impulse Trad 18m Super classique
Phew. Got it first shot of the day before the sun rolled around. I was so close on my 3rd attempt and knew I just needed to be fresher for the top section, so the send today felt great!

Mar 7 Juin 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Erg Trad 25m Classique
Full body workout! Great stuff. Had the image of cams skating out of the flaring lower half of the crack and clung on extra tight

16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Bon
17 Liquid Laughter Layback Trad 38m Bon
Dim 5 Juin 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Trad 30m Excellent
Dim 24 Avr 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Light Fingered Maddison Buttress
21 Light Fingered Maddison Trad 15m
It's a tough pumpy number. Fell off after I over committed myself to going for a high hand, but lowered and got it 2nd shot. Technical and a touch on the hard side of 20

Dim 24 Avr 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs White Stack
17 Mithras - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 20m Classique
Dim 24 Avr 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Alchemy Wall
19 Blue-eyed Blonde Trad 25m Bon
It was kind of awkward and less enjoyable than the climb to it's left but with the same finish

19 Walking the Plank Trad 25m Excellent
Much better than it's neighbour Blue Eyed blonde. Cleaner climbing and less awkward, and a more fun, memorable crux

21 Hermes Trismegistus Trad 27m Classique
It doesn't get much better than this for the grade at the coastal cliffs

Dim 24 Avr 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs Hazards Main Wall (Mid Level)
21 Touch and Go - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 30m, 12 Super classique
Full value. Did it sfter Winning Streaks for a slab day combo. The climb looked improbable at times until you commit to it and realise it's okay after all! Well bolted, absorbing climbing, loved it.

Ven 22 Avr 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs Hazards Main Wall (Mid Level)
18 Winning Streaks - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 120m, 29 Classique
Fantastic friction climbing, especially on the 3rd and 4th pitches. Very well bolted, just where you need them. Thanks developers!

Mar 19 Avr 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Centaur Trad 48m Classique
Up in the clouds. Very enjoyable despite the freezing conditions. Just squeezed it in before the sleet came down on us. Nothing tricky here and lots of gear, recommended

Lun 18 Avr 2022 - Hidden Face
23 Difficile Thriller - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 100m Classique
Man I found the P2 crux to be brutally hard, and somewhat mentally taxing, even on 2nd. Led P1, P3, P5. The moves up the stemmy chimney feature on P3 were pretty good though.

Sam 16 Avr 2022 - The Paradiso
17 High Noon Sportive 10m, 4 Excellent
21 Shock Wave - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 13m, 5 Excellent
Far from ideal conditions, with huge swell, sea spray, impending darkness and an approaching storm making for a frantic ascent. Spooge was a bit gross but somehow hang on. Just in time to escape the waves and head home for tea

Sam 16 Avr 2022 - Hidden Face
22 Psycho-Man - avec Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Sportive 95m Super classique
Sensational climbing in an awesome position. The 2nd pitch was probably one of my favourite pitches I've done in Tas, felt like being back in the Bugs. Swell was huge and atmospheric. Definitely some tough moves end of P1 if you're not tall, even at 6'3" I was maxed out. Thanks for equipping and for the path down Gerry and Gary

Lun 7 Fév 2022 - Mt Maroon
Wedgie's Place Lower
21 Something Special Trad 20m Excellent
Hard as nails in the first half. Had to aid my way through the section of crack I couldn't fit my fingers into. Oh well

19 Nothing Much - avec tarryn Trad 20m Bon
Dim 12 Déc 2021 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
24 Voluptuous Sportive 11m, 7 Super classique
Sensational technical climbing

Mer 29 Sept 2021 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Brisbane Bitter Sportive 18m, 5 Super classique
Sent on the 2nd shot. Beautiful movement and flowy, one of my favourite climbs here

Dim 19 Sept 2021 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 Rubicon Sportive 85m Classique
The top crux at pitch 2 had me stumped for a bit to figure it out and a bit of down climbing but got there in the end. Brilliant exposed positions

Lun 13 Sept 2021 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
22 Aphelion Sportive 87m
What a great climb, and blissfully shaded. Juan led P1, P2 and I led P3, P4. Thought-provoking, exposed and pumpy, just the way I like it. Even had time for a lap on hungry beast. Now that's a day out

Lun 12 Juil 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 21 The Stars Look Down Trad 18m
Superb face climbing and movement. RP's were very handy to have (thanks to Jen for letting me borrow them). Felt like being back at Araps. She ain't a 21 though, the guidebook has this at grade 20, which feels more right. Even then it's quite a bit easier than Devils and piranha. Either way it's a mega classic that I wanted to have another lap on afterwards

20 Rickety Kate Trad 15m Classique
Great fun. It's like an easier, shorter version of Orestes at Arapiles. Fun movement, stemming and the gear is all there.

Dim 4 Juil 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
25 Voices in the Sky Trad 32m Classique
It was hot, spoogy and I climbed like shit. Oh and my shoes were sliding off all the feet. Any more excuses I can have please? I’ll need to come back for this one and give it a better attempt.

Dim 27 Juin 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Piranha - avec Sam Pearson Trad 45m Super classique
Spent quite a while hanging on my arms feeling hungover and sorry for myself trying to summon the courage to commit to the first few moves off the deck above Sam's ball nut, but once I got to the start of the chimney the first climb of the day nerves (and upset stomach) disappeared and it was a fairly cruisey yet thought-provoking ride up to the top. The micro cams were handy! Climbed and rapped on a single 70m no problems. Excellent!

Ven 11 Juin 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Devil's Wart Trad 27m Bon
20 The One That Got Away Trad 35m Classique
Thought provoking stemming goodness, took me a while to ponder some of the moves but it's all there thankfully definitely more of a 20 like it is in the guide

Dim 6 Juin 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m Excellent
Painful feet and an interesting finish

Dim 6 Juin 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Trad 33m Classique
Pretty sustained and engaging climbing. A relief getting to the hand jams

Dim 6 Juin 2021 - Mt Tibrogargan
Halfway House
20 Hungry Beast Sportive 15m, 7 Classique
Fun, engaging and pumpy.

24 23 The Elite Republican Guard Sportive 15m, 5
Close but didn'nt read the upper crux well enough for the onsight. Forearms were too gassed for a 2nd attempt. Next time.

Dim 6 Juin 2021 - Mt Tibrogargan
Celestial Wall
18 Troposphere Sportive 110m Excellent
With Tarryn. Led pitches 2 and 4. I definitely would have linked 2 and 3 though, it interrupted the flow of the corner and was an uncomfortable belay stance

Sam 3 Avr 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Iron Mandible Trad 24m Classique

15 Bad Company Trad 20m Bon
18 17 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Excellent
Sam 3 Avr 2021 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
21 20 The Alchemist Sportive 22m Excellent
Surprisingly better climbing than it looks from the ground

21 Lock Stock Sportive 20m Classique
Great climb with a couple of exciting moments

22 Covid-22 Sportive 22m Excellent
Thought provoking lower half, powerful upper half

19 Catastrophist - avec Wendy Law Sportive 20m, 9 Bon
Good little warm up route with a top out finish for extra flavour

Ven 2 Avr 2021 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
21 20 Nostrildamus Sportive 18m, 8 Excellent
Pretty good route!

Lun 15 Mars 2021 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
17 Free Range Heggs Sportive 20m, 8 Classique
Solid holds, exposure and great moves for the grade. A classic for the crag

Ven 14 Août 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Epic Journey Trad 30m Classique
Dim 9 Août 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Child in Time Trad 25m Super classique
Amazing climb. With Jess.

Ven 7 Août 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Short Order Trad 30m Super classique
19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Trad 30m Excellent
20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m Super classique
18 Plume Trad 25m Classique
Ven 7 Août 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Orca Area
22 24 Ceiling Your Fate Trad 20m Classique
Pink pointed on Max's gear. The right facing corner crack felt 18 and then the traverse left was the crux at 22. Cool climbing, the crack is stellar turning from hands to fingers up high, but with good stems.

Lun 3 Août 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Yankee Go Home Trad 26m Classique
As far as 22's go, this one felt fairly straightforward. Bomber gear, good stances, short cruxes and not too sustained. It was great fun

Sam 1 Août 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Chocolate Watch Band Trad 17m Excellent
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Excellent
Short (by Frog standards) and a great warm up

19 Thor Trad 30m Bon
Misread a section or two and found myself in some precarious spots

17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Super classique
19 Infinity Trad 40m
Awesome. Will have to do the offwidth way next time for the direct and proper tick haha


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 161 ascensions.

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