
Ascensions dans World comme croix de types variés par Jonathan Horst

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 457 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Dim 13 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi Swiss Wall
5.9 Feta Sportive 4 Excellent
5.10a Yarlsberg Non-défini Classique
5.9 Gouda Sportive 6 Bon
Dim 13 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi Casino Cliffs
5.10a Let It Ride Sportive 16m, 6 Bon
5.10a One-Armed Bandit Non-défini 5 Bon
Sam 12 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi The Main Wall
5.10d Last Episode Non-défini Bon
maybe 10a?

Sam 12 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi Swiss Wall
5.11b Swiss Miss Sportive 5 Excellent
Sam 12 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi Casino Cliffs
5.10d Ten the Hard Way Non-défini 5 Dans la moyenne
Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
5.10b Ace in the Hole Non-défini 5 Pas la peine
Ven 11 Mai 2012 - Jacks Canyon
Moenkopi Casino Cliffs
5.10a Edge Your Bets Non-défini 4 Bon
was probably great before all the holds were covered in a thick layer of chalk

5.10a Sports Book Non-défini 6 Excellent
5.9 Double or Nothin' Non-défini 4 Pourrie
5.10a Slots O' Fun Non-défini 4 Bon
was probably great before all the holds were covered in a thick layer of chalk

Dim 6 Mai 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Raycreation Upper Wall
5.11a Sting Ray Sportive 15m Classique
Lun 23 Avr 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Raycreation Upper Wall
5.9 X-Ray Sportive 12m Excellent
5.9 Jackie's Separation Anxiety Sportive 14m Bon
5.10a Raytallyation Sportive 12m Classique
5.10a Step Class Sportive 11m Bon
Dim 15 Avr 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Rupley Towers Southeast Side
5.8 R-1 Non-défini Classique
1st pitch short and blah. 2nd pitch is spectacular. 70m rope will barely lower you to the first anchors, pulling the rope is hard. Rap off back instead!

Mer 4 Avr 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Lost Hawk Pinnacle
5.10a Dog Daze Non-défini Dans la moyenne
5.8 Puppy Chow Non-défini 25m Bon
Sam 17 Mars 2012 - Enchanted Tower
The Frog Prince Wall
5.10b Freddie Prince Jr. (no name) Non-défini Classique
the tree route...

5.11d Gollum Sportive Bon
Ven 16 Mars 2012 - Enchanted Tower
Pogue's Cave Area
5.10b Prima Donna Sportive Excellent
5.11d Pogue's Arete Sportive 3 Excellent
Jeu 15 Mars 2012 - Enchanted Tower
Mother Goose Wall
5.6 The Shoe (The Groove.) Non-défini Excellent
5.8 Black Sheep Sportive Bon
5.10a What to do what to do Sportive Excellent
5.10b Goosey Goosey Gander Sportive Dans la moyenne
one move wonder

Jeu 15 Mars 2012 - Enchanted Tower
Pogue's Cave Area
5.11a Ooey Gooey Sportive 5 Classique
5.10d Jeremy Fisher Sportive Classique
Lun 5 Mars 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Hairpin Turn area Pinhead Wall
5.10d Go Speed Racer Sportive 24m Excellent
Felt much harder than Pinelope Cruise. Pumped out, 1 take.

5.10a Grecian Corner Sportive 27m
5.11a Just For Men Sportive 26m
felt harder than Pinelope Cruise.

5.9 5.9 PG13 Zerbina Sportive 21m
Sam 18 Fév 2012 - Mount Lemmon
Hairpin Turn area Pinhead Wall
5.11a 5.11a/b Face of a Dictator Sportive 20m Bon
5.10c Zippy Sportive 18m Bon
5.11c Pinelope Cruise Sportive 21m Bon
crimp after crimp

5.10a Grecian Corner Sportive 27m Excellent
5.9 5.9 PG13 Zerbina Sportive 21m Excellent
Sam 10 Déc 2011 - Mount Lemmon
Prison Camp
5.11c Crime and Punishment Non-défini Super classique
Dim 30 Oct. 2011 - Mount Lemmon
Chimney Rock
5.9 Mistaken Identity Non-défini Classique
felt sandbagged at 5.9; anchors spinny but looked solid

5.7 Standard Route Alpine Dans la moyenne
first 2 pitches together. ignored the rest of the uninteresting climbing. height dependent grade - if under 5'3 the 2 mantles are probably more like 5.10a moves.

Sam 22 Oct. 2011 - Upper Pinios Valley
Meteora Western Group Doupiani Rock Northwest Face
6- 5b Nightmare Sportive 8 Dans la moyenne
anchors for 2nd pitch nowhere to be found. stopped at 2nd bolt of 3rd pitch on ledge to belay.

Mar 18 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Telendos Miltiadis
5c+ Sficonis Sportive 36m, 14 Dans la moyenne
6a+ Emmanuele Sportive 38m Dans la moyenne
Mar 18 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Telendos Three Caves
6a Titi Sportive 18m Bon
5c Regina Sportive 20m Excellent
6a Reginald Sportive 20m Excellent
Dim 16 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kalydna
6a+ 6b Extra Sportive 25m Excellent
crux is clipping the chains unless you're really short. route difficulty is height dependent.

6a Avra Sportive 20m, 7 Bon
Sam 15 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Kamari Symplegades
6a Skorpios Sportive 20m Excellent
5b+ 5c Vasilis Sportive 20m Bon
5b Valery & Thomas Sportive 20m Bon
6a Climbers Nest Sportive 28m Excellent
5c 5c+ Phineas Sportive 22m Excellent
6b Neanderthal Sportive 18m Excellent
6b Opera Sportive 20m Excellent
Jeu 13 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kasteli
4b Mathilde Sportive 30m Bon
4c Bricounet Sportive 30m Dans la moyenne
3c Yia ton Kyriako Sportive 30m Dans la moyenne
4b+ 4c+ Kokkinidis Sportive 25m Bon
Mer 12 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Poets
6a+ The Homeric Verses Sportive 30m Excellent
6a Quando Tramonta il Sol Sportive 30m, 14 Excellent
5c+ 6a Mustass Sportive 25m, 11 Excellent
5c Poets' Corner Sportive 20m, 11 Bon
Mar 11 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Stankill
6b 6b+ Justice is its Own Reward Sportive 18m Dans la moyenne
Mar 11 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Ivory Tower
6b+ 6b Perskindol Sportive 30m, 11 Classique
6c+ 6c Aypa Sportive 30m Excellent
6b Schnügu (Schnugu) Sportive 20m Dans la moyenne
6a+ Am Abgrund (Am Abgrung) Sportive 20m Bon
6a+ Bloc Volant Sportive 20m Excellent
5c 5c+ Arthur Sportive 20m Pas la peine
Lun 10 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Ivory Tower
5b 5c Deletime Sportive 20m Pas la peine
the speedlink anchor (only 1) is at the 3rd hanger above the painted start of the extension, and it is very very rusty for being only 2 years old.

Dim 9 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Odyssey
6c 6c+ Island Highway Sportive 22m Excellent
6c 6b+ Why Not? Sportive 15m Bon
5b Telemaco Sportive 18m Excellent
Sam 8 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Kasteli
6a Männer(tor) Tour Sportive 25m Bon
6a Merci Brothers Sportive 25m Classique
6a 6a+ Piccolo Diavolo Sportive 20m Excellent
5c+ 6a Hocla Sportive 20m Excellent
5c Gruselino Sportive 20m Bon
5b Rewithia (Rewitha) Sportive 20m Bon
5c Ghecko's Home Sportive 20m Bon
Ven 7 Oct. 2011 - Kalymnos
Armeos Stankill
5b 5c Hugox Sportive 25m, 11 Dans la moyenne
5b+ 5c+ Paulix Sportive 25m, 9 Bon
5c+ 6a Bobodo (Bobo) Sportive 25m, 10 Dans la moyenne
5 5a Sibylle Sportive 28m Dans la moyenne
Dim 11 Sept 2011 - Granite Dells
High Rappel Dell The Main Wall
5.8 Last Chance Trad 15m Dans la moyenne
forget the flakes, follow the crack

Dim 11 Sept 2011 - Granite Dells
High Rappel Dell Descent Trail
5.9 Huckeleberry Thinner Sportive 60m, 6 Dans la moyenne
5.7 Huckleberry Thin Sportive 60m, 6 Bon
Dim 11 Sept 2011 - Granite Dells
High Rappel Dell Descent Gully Wall
5.9 Baillie's Blind Spot Sportive 4 Dans la moyenne
Sam 10 Sept 2011 - Bright Angel Walls
Wailing Wall
5.10- Orca the Killer Wall Non-défini 4m Dans la moyenne
5.10 Wail Pod Non-défini 5m Dans la moyenne
Mar 16 Août 2011 - Mount Lemmon
Summit Crags The Murray Wall
5.10a Tiger Paw Sportive
5.10d Hobo Bolter Sportive Bon
5.10a School of Hard Rocks Sportive Excellent
5.11a Treeline Sportive 20m Bon
Dim 24 Juil 2011 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point North Fin
5.9 Nancy's Crack Non-défini Bon
Ven 22 Juil 2011 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point North Fin
5.7 Hai Karate Non-défini

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 457 ascensions.

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