
East Face

  • Contesto grado: FR

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Los Glaciares Parque Nacional

You must secure a climbing permit at the National Park Visitor Centre, though the permit is free. Crossing some areas of private land such as Valle Rio Electrico attracts a modest access fee.

Etica ereditato da Los Glaciares Parque Nacional

This is an alpine wilderness and rescues are problematic - climb accordingly.

As with most alpine climbing, bolts are to be used sparingly and as a last resort (historical divergences such as The Compressor Route notwithstanding).

When reading topos and route descriptions, it pays to remember that the established ethic is to give the height of new routes as only that of new terrain covered. Therefore, in regard to variants and linkups, seek further information on the "combined length" of the entire route.

Remember, this is a World Heritage area. Practice LNT principles, espeically in regard to travelling and camping on durable surfaces and waste management.


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Shares the first 4 pitches with Ferarri-Ceballos.

FA: Matteo Della Bordella, Leo Gheza & Sean Villanueva, Dic 2022

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Selected Guidebooks more Nascondi

Autore/i: Rolando Garibotti

Data: 2022

ISBN: 9789616027199

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