
Nodi in Mermaid Avenue

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Mermaid Avenue

Wall of easy routes up the hill from Evelyn & Lou and opposite Nameless Gully

8 Oompaloompa

Up streak and continue straight on.

Start: About 1m left of 'The First Kiddy Climb' and a bit lower is a orange streak in the middle of black.

Sorry kids, but these 2 routes are the complete pox left of the unclimbed grotty corner at the left end of the wall of Mermaid Ave

8 The First Kiddy Climb

Not destined for greatness, but when you are only 8 and 10 years old putting up a route is exciting.

Start: 1m left of the chimney/corner (unclimbed)

17 R Please Don't Talk to the Lifeguard

Not waving, drowning.

Start: Start at the left hand edge of the wall, below a smooth black(ish) slab, 2m right of chimney/corner.

10 About a Hedge-Whore

They actually called it "About a Hedge-Whore beggar woman pretending to be sick with Saint Fiacre's Disease, and a long thick gut made by trickery came out of her bum", and then said "Don't blame me, blame Ambroise Pare".

Start: Start 5m left of chimney, right of low cave and actually looks quite nice.

6 About a Fat Wench

Originally "About a Fat Wench from Normandy, who Pretended to Have a 'Snake' in Her Belly". Hard to believe he was the father of modern surgery, isn't it?

Start: Start: On top of large boulder leaning against wall 2m left of 'Mermaid Avenue' and also looks ok.

14 A Cure for Moby Dick

Up chimney for three metres and then swing left onto arete. Follow this to top.

Start: Start: At the base of 'Mermaid Avenue'.

7 Mermaid Avenue

An old fashioned line, or is that lane, as in bus? Good.

Start: Between Lou and 'Stone Age' there is an obvious large chimney in the middle of a sizeable wall. This line is 'Mermaid Avenue'.

12 The Police Gospel Quartet

Start: Start as for 'Mermaid Avenue' then up right arete.

15 Queequeg

Swing desperately over rattly lip of cave; continue in line more pleasantly.

Start: Seam between 'Mermaid Avenue' and 'Narwhal Avenue'. It's about 2m right of 'The Police Gospel Quartet' arete.

4 Narwhal Avenue


Start: Start: Right of 'Mermaid Avenue' and before the arete of 'Manatee Fair' there is a crack line up the wall.

12 Manatee Fair

The best of the lot. Originally graded 10.

Start: Start 5m right of 'Mermaid Avenue' just left of arete.

12 Jonathon Livingstone Baitfish

Not very long and pretty unpalatable.

Start: Start in the chimney that 'Stone Age' starts in.

16 Stone Age

Much nicer than it looks.

Start: The buttress right of 'Manatee Fair' has a thin seam up a slab capped by a roof.

9 Poles Apart

Delightful doddle.

Start: Start just right of 'Stone Age' up to right leaning flake

6 Melville's Moby Dick, Ooh Er

You know what to do.

Start: Start: 2m right of 'Poles Apart' at another line of cracks.

4 Frog Death

Start: Start: 2m right of 'Melville's Moby Dick Ooh Er'.

Tutti 17 nodi visualizzati.

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