
Ascensioni di Elongate come Pink point

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Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Ven 30 Set 2022 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
27 Elongate - con Carleigh Burns Trad mista 25m, 2 Molto buona
Harley Mills
After a couple days rest, sent it

Dom 25 Set 2022 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
27 Elongate Trad mista 25m, 2 Molto buona
Alex MacAdam
Couple of bouldery cruxes with funky climbing

Lun 15 Nov 2021 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
27 Elongate - con Michael Lehmann Trad mista 25m, 2 Molto buona
Dylan Tubaro
Not hard for the grade once I found regular (short) height beta for the long move at the start. Super rad but !

27 Elongate - con Dylan Tubaro Trad mista 25m, 2 Molto buona
Michael Lehmann
Yieww!! So stoked! Second attempt for the day, took a bit of dialling. Probably not 27 with the right beta.

Gio 27 Apr 2006 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
27 Elongate Trad mista 25m, 2 Buona
2nd go today, easy as if your taller than 5'10" or your a demon crimper. [2]

Sab 1 Apr 2006 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
27 Elongate Trad mista 25m, 2 Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
3 shots, great climb, my style


Tutti 6 ascensioni visualizzati.

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