
Ascensioni in The Delah Wall che possiede Informazioni sui passaggi

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Tutti 88 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
tricky start

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
Not sure which is which

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
would blow your brains trying to place gear. (2)

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
No bolts. Straight up to anchors.

16 Tractor Tippin Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
nice feet

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
Not sure which is which.

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Stout, like the man mountain himself

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Stout, like the man mountain himself

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
straight up to anchor. No bolts

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
straight up. No bolts

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
stout, like the man himself

17 16 Baby Pinnacle Sportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 20 Dic 2010
Climbs a nice feature and great acrobatics by John to put anchors in!

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 26 Feb 2011
FFA. Will be better with a good brush.....

23 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 5 Giu 2011
Some funky moves and major barndoor potential. Makita drill bits suck in this rock!

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 15 Ago 2011
ANother nice arete route

24 Big Man Sportiva 8m, 3 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 15 Ago 2011
A boulder problem, 22.

21 Trickey Dickey variant finish Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Pessima
Vanessa Wills
Dom 28 Ago 2011
Just do the original route

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 28 Ago 2011
Still feels marred by unsafe bolting

22 20 Yo mama Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 28 Ago 2011
Despite being end of day it does the hardest moves of LMNC and is harder than TD, so no way is it 20!

20 Aerial acrobat Sportiva 11m, 5 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 28 Ago 2011
A high Buladelah factor

20 Shortcomings Sportiva 9m, 4 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 28 Ago 2011
easy bouldery moves

20 Yo mama Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 27 Nov 2011
FOr me its as hard as look mum no cams- the crux is the near jump start. Definitely not 20 if 167cm tall.

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 14 Ago 2013

16 Baby Pinnacle Sportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Mer 14 Ago 2013

20 Aerial acrobat Sportiva 11m, 5 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 14 Ago 2013

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Mer 14 Ago 2013
Weird bolting. Get closer as route gets easier. Doesnt join MT. Rpt

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 14 Ago 2013

16 Rotten Rock'n Rollen Rockmellon (Slab/arete) Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Mer 30 Ott 2013
The good part is it makes a nice rope swing.

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 22 Apr 2007
Not to bad, some loose rock, maybe 22/23, pumper

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 22 Apr 2007
thin start, then fine

24 Big Man Sportiva 8m, 3 Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Nice and thin down low, thanks Aaron!

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Better now i scrubbed the top. Plenty of holds, maybe 18.

22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Classica
Tim Haasnoot
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Great steep climbing, 1 tough move.

23 22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Nice, slopey middle move. 21.

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Great warm up slab.

20 Yo mama Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 18 Set 2011
nice moves on some big holds, cleaned up well from the moss that was.

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Ago 2011
nice climbing up he arete

21 Trickey Dickey variant finish Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Ago 2011

25 Look mum no tendons Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Ago 2011
tough moves to gain some small mono pockets!!

20 Aerial acrobat Sportiva 11m, 5 Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dic 2011
some bad rock, but not to bad.

27 Portion Control Sportiva 20m, 5 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 29 Apr 2012
Finally got the sequence linked. Tough thin moves up the wall.

16 Rotten Rock'n Rollen Rockmellon Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 12 Ago 2012
Something for the belayers.

26 The Wake Up Call Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 14 Ott 2012
Tough down low, bouldery then keep it together at the top. Go high above anchor for better clip.

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah
Scott Forrester
Sab 18 Giu 2011
Good. Should be nicer and maybe 18 now its been cleaned a bit.

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Classica
Scott Forrester
Lun 11 Lug 2011
Very close on second shot, just missed the critical hold above 3rd bolt! Should go next time now I know the sequence.

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Classica
Nick Kaczorowski
Dom 15 Ott 2006
Its good value at the grade, smashing climbing on smashing rock!

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Nick Kaczorowski
Dom 15 Ott 2006
Thin start then gold sidepulls and lay aways.

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Nick Kaczorowski
Dom 26 Nov 2006
Quite nice, needs a brush though.

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Classica
Nick Kaczorowski
Lun 9 Ott 2006
First half is like lifting a house, second half is a classic layback flake. Gold.

22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Nathan George
Mar 24 Feb 2015
Pumpy and committing in the middle, all round good, quick fun.

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Classica
Melina Beecroft
Dom 22 Giu 2008
One of the best routes I have attempted to climb

23 24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah
Matt Pascoe
Dom 1 Giu 2014
Would be an amazing route on gear. Took the softies option though and clipped it up.

23 22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Lauren Haasnoot
Sab 25 Giu 2011
Tried on TR first, worked the moves out with crimp above bolt at crux, then fumbled on attempt on lead!! Nice route tho! Maybe next time

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Classica
Lauren Haasnoot
Sab 25 Giu 2011
Nice warm up.

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Lauren Haasnoot
Sab 25 Giu 2011
Hard start for shorties. Helped when I ticked the footers up.

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah
John Hollott
Sab 26 Feb 2011
still very licheny, will be good

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Buona
John Hollott
Lun 15 Ago 2011
Lots of rests...nice...

24 Big Man Sportiva 8m, 3 Bulahdelah Molto buona
John Hollott
Lun 15 Ago 2011
Using boulder to start up probably 22

23 22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
John Hollott
Lun 15 Ago 2011
Great, but I'm thinking 21

22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 18 Dic 2011
First 22. Powerful moves in the middle.

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Lun 2 Gen 2012
Good climb. Hard start and crimpy crux. Was told it was 22 and it feels that way

22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Jimmy Mullan
Lun 2 Gen 2012
Had to grab the draw at crux. Nasty crimping there. Didn't have time to do it properly

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Classica
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 8 Gen 2012
Awesome hard underclinging. Getting your feet right realy makes things easier. Fell after the crux on the first attempt from pump. Long draw on 3rd makes it safer but it's a bold start. Will do it clean next trip. Soft at 24

16 Tractor Tippin Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Media
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 8 Gen 2012
Very wandery sort of a route. Crux seemed around 18.

22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Repeat. Still good fun and a bit easier than last time. Pumpy for such a short climb.

22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Done putting the draws on. Much easier than last time I tried. Found a way to do it without using the shitty crimp above the 4th draw.

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Warm up slab.

22 21 Trickey Dickey variant finish Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Only worth doing if you are setting up Portion Control, otherwise head to the main anchors (which is really good and more 22 than 21.)

22 21 Trickey Dickey variant finish Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Only worth doing if you are setting up Portion Control, otherwise head to the main anchors (which is really good and more 22 than 21.)

27 Portion Control Sportiva 20m, 5 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Jimmy Mullan
Dom 12 Gen 2014
Well this was an entertaining jump up in class. Lowering down the route from tricky I was not feeling confident of getting very far. Ended up getting to just under the 4th draw. Crux move between 4 & 5 is not bad after a sit but on link will be hard. The lack of rests will be most problematic though.

22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Buona
Jason Smith
Dom 11 Dic 2011
The Bulahdelah factor strikes again. Steep crankng in a nice shady gully

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah Media
Jason Smith
Dom 11 Dic 2011
Quite a bit harder than it looks. Seems to be cleaning up nicely

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Buona
Jason Smith
Dom 11 Dic 2011
Nice arete, with one really tricky section

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Mega Classica
Chris Bentham
Dom 15 Ott 2006
it cant get much better than this...

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Chris Bentham

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Chris Bentham
it use to have a belay tree till i ripped it OUT!

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Chris Bentham
Dom 15 Ott 2006
love the name, hehehe, great little climb...

19 Wildey on Wheels Sportiva 20m, 10 Bulahdelah Buona
Chris Bentham
Sab 18 Giu 2011
good lenght route

23 22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Chris Bentham
Dom 19 Giu 2011
nice moves, in the gully on the right.

22 20 Yo mama Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Chris Bentham
Dom 18 Set 2011
20! not 22. very good,

21 Tricky Dickey Sportiva 17m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Chris Bentham
Dom 18 Set 2011
great moves up the arete

16 Baby Pinnacle Sportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Media
Aaron Stanger
Sab 1 Nov 2014
Didn't like the beginning 2m but the rest is quite fun.

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Aaron Stanger
Dom 19 Ott 2014
Fun slab

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Aaron Stanger
Sab 1 Nov 2014
makes you feel good because the holds are hard to see but they are there when you feel around.

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Aaron James Spinks
Ven 20 Apr 2007
Will Only Become Better With Traffic. Still Some Light Dirt from removed tree.

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Aaron James Spinks
Dom 26 Nov 2006
Fun adventure through moss. Must give it a final clean.

16 Tractor Tippin Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Media
Aaron James Spinks
Ven 20 Apr 2007
Finishs to the left. Shares anchor with Bumbled Beginings

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Aaron James Spinks
Sab 7 Lug 2007
nice one dude


Tutti 88 ascensioni visualizzati.

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