
Vie in The Delah Wall

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Tutti 25 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Chiusa The Dreaming Wall
16 Rotten Rock'n Rollen Rockmellon

On the left side of The Dreaming Wall, up the slab to exposed moves up to lower off.

Tracciata: Tim Haasnoot & Jason Piper

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

Sportiva 12m
Ya Dreaming (crispy project)

Project Chris

SportivaProgetto 18m
Dreaming Right Hand Varient

Start as for Ya Dreaming but finish up TWUC.

26 The Wake Up Call

Right of The Dreaming Wall, just left of the big tree. Up thin start to an interesting finish below the upper wall. Lower off as for Dreaming Project.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2012

SportivaProgetto 15m
Chiusa No cams area
21 Tricky Dickey

Start just left of the burnt out tree stump, tough move to start, then up and left onto arete to lower off.

FA: Adian Smith, 2011

Sportiva 17m
21 Trickey Dickey variant finish

After the 6th bolt on Trickey Dickey step right past one bolt to anchors of route to the right

Sportiva 15m
27 Portion Control

Start below burnt out stump, up the thin steep wall past 5 fixed hangers.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

SportivaProgetto 20m, 5
Project Tim 2

Up the middle of the wall, thin at start.

SportivaProgetto 18m, 6
28 The Beast Factor

Thin climbing to finish right of the large stag horn. Some interesting small and slopey holds.

FA: Jason Piper, 2012

Sportiva 18m
25 Look mum no tendons

Start next to the small fig 4m left of the "look mum no cams" start. Up past two fixed hangers to join LMNC to top.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

Sportiva 18m
24 Look mum, no cams!

climb obvious bolted crack. Careful at 3rd bolt.

FA: Nick kaz., 2006

Sportiva 18m
20 Yo mama

Clip first bolt of LMNC, then head straight up following fixed hangers to lower offs.

FA: Brad Williams, 2011

Sportiva 15m
Chiusa Bumble Buttress
24 Big Man

Short and crimpy little climb at the left end of wall.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2011

Sportiva 8m, 3
19 Wildey on Wheels

Starts 10m left of baby pinnacle on main wall. Through bulges passing 2 RBs to ledge then up following bolts to slightly tricky finish and DBB..

FA: V Wills, 2011

Sportiva 20m, 10
16 Baby Pinnacle

Bouldery start then up front of pinnacle to anchors

FA: J Wilde, 2010

Sportiva 10m, 4
20 Aerial acrobat

at base of gully, on small pinnacle. Common anchors on top of pinnacle

FA: V Wills, 2011

Sportiva 11m, 5
20 Shortcomings

On small pinnacle closest to MM, need to rap off.

FA: V Wills, 2011

Sportiva 9m, 4
22 Man Mountain

The steep white overhung rock behind the baby pinnacle

FA: Aaron Sphinx

Sportiva 15m, 4
19 Man mountain direct

Start 2m left of MM, up the crack on gear.

Sportiva 15m
22 Nick and the Amazing technicolour Dream Tights

The overhanging blunt arete in the gully opposite the pinnacle. Easier if you are tall.

FFA: V Wills, 2011

Sportiva 15m, 6
14 Bumbled Beginings

The left hand end of the big slab. Fixed hangers.

FA: Aaron Sphinx

Sportiva 18m, 6
16 Tractor Tippin

Climb 4m right of arete, up fixed hangers.

Sportiva 18m
19 The Devil Wears Prana

3rd route on the buttress. Care clipping second bolt if short. Has own anchors.

FA: Aaron Spinks, 2006

Sportiva 18m, 6
20 Devil Diect

Up past 3 rings to rejoin TDWP at it'3rd last hanger.

Sportiva 15m
20 Muffin top

FA: Nick kaz., 2006

Sportiva 18m

Tutti 25 vie visualizzati.

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