
Ascensioni in West of the access track da Steffi Quijote

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Tutti 24 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Sab 14 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Electronic Flag - con Gavin, Jacob Bridgeman Trad 40m Molto buona
felt so tired at the end of the trip. did the 17 direct start, that was nails, the rest was easy. that toaster sized loose block is a bit scary.

Ven 13 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Devils Dihedral - con Gavin Trad 45m Classica
did not enjoy this a much as conquistador but mostly due to the fact that thin bridging/chimney is not my style. it went much better then expected even thought it felt really insecure. top is then quite strenuous with the occasional jam to rest

17 Macraderma - con davedave Trad 30m Buona
did this for the experience only. felt quite destroyed after conquistador and DD so jugged after a while of hard chimneying. felt like fun caving!

18 Iron Mandible - con Gavin Trad 24m Classica
awesome climb with a crimpy reachy first half that took a few tries to figure out beta that worked for me and painful fists to finish

21 Conquistador - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 45m Mega Classica
omg this was so good! first hard bit was the fist section but shuffled along and it went well until the crux at the thin hands. couldnt get my hands to stick. after that did a fun boulder sequence (thanks for the beta jacob) with a gaston, a finger lock and a crimp that worked surprisingly well. easier, but not too easy to the top.

Gio 12 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner - con davedave Trad 15m Molto buona
was wet, my head game was poor and i made the start much harder then need be (who wouldnt go for the overhanging fist crack over some easy face moves to the left?) fun climb though!

19 Infinity - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 40m Mega Classica
was an awesome climb! awkward start with some chimney moves, then amazing jams all the way! felt really good on it and got all the moves - just need to milk those rests a bit more.

15 Bad Company - con davedave, Jacob Bridgeman Trad 20m Buona
chimney, stem corner with some face holds

17 Micron - con Gavin Trad 20m Buona
mostly face climbing. weird..

18 Elastic RURP - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 20m Mega Classica
loved this climb. hard out of the cave and then again at the this hands

Mer 11 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator - con Jacob Bridgeman, Gavin Trad 20m Mega Classica
had another go. got it clean this time!

18 Gladiator - con Jacob Bridgeman, Gavin Trad 20m Mega Classica
rest day - kinda. again on top rope. had to rest once after faffing around a long time at the awkward start.

Dom 8 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Thor - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 30m Classica
had an epic on this due to a stuck rope on odin. awesome climb with a tough unprotected start and amazing jams at the top.

22 Odin - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 30m Classica
what an inspiring climb! without the magic block it is apparently 22 now, but did not find it quite so hard with some fists far inside and a side pull (top rope courage? ). start is easy (for the grade) and finish is sustained jams

Sab 7 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Witches Cauldron (Variant Finish) - con Angela P Trad 14m Media
ange really wanted to do this chimney.. awkward size, so i mostly hand jammed in the back

18 Chocolate Watch Band - con Angela P Trad 17m Molto buona
ange got her first 18 onsight! quite easy but the crux packs a punch with insecure fists/armbars

20 Juggernaut - con Angela P Trad 30m Classica
top rope session to learn how to stack. hand/hand and hand/fist stacks went super well, but the top was incredibly hard - resorted to face holds a fair amount

Gio 5 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Devil's Wart - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 27m Mega Classica
such an awesome climb. unfortunately it started raining at the stem section at the top. had a bit of a freak out and then just pushed on to finish when the rain got heavier - good motivator

Mer 4 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Worrying Heights - con Jacob Bridgeman, davedave Trad 30m Buona
rest day. intro to aid climbing. tried some skyhooks and camhooks, watched jacob rip some gear and knock himself in the eye, and jugged up the climb

Mar 3 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Satans Smokestack - con Angela P, Jemma Herbert, Georgina Meikle, Jacob Bridgeman Trad 40m Mega Classica
smokestack party on sunset! It was epic. face climbed around the horrible thrutch at the bottom, chimney is quite sustained and then watched satan himself aka Jacob ascend in the dark with out of the red glowing chimney

Lun 2 Lug 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Faki - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 13m Classica
fun corner

12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 12m Classica
mega fun moves

18 Gladiator - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 20m Mega Classica
couldnt commit to climb above gear on jams, dogged around for a while and then decided to practice it on toppy a bit more

19 Plume - con Jacob Bridgeman Trad 25m Classica
feels a bit harder than 18...


Tutti 24 ascensioni visualizzati.

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