
Vie in Tribute Wall Lower

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Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
15 Maiden China

Imposing ringbolted wide crack on left end of 'Tribute Wall'. Luckily there is an abundance of jugs on either side of the crack to make it a nice stemming problem. Start on left side of pit. Step right to RB on right side of crack, then mantle onto ledge. 'Problematic' move up wide crack gains jugs on right wall, then easier (put steep!) climbing to top. 5 RBs and lower-off.

FA: Neil Monteith & Kathy Dicker, 2008

Sportiva 13m, 5
16 Hot Play

Steep climbing on big jugs. Nice, easy warm up.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2008

Sportiva 9m, 4
17 Inxcessive

A bouldery start, eases to good holds.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2008

Sportiva 13m, 5
18 Lines N' Noses

Fun little jug fest up the left side of the wall on a subtle arete. Starts 1.5m left of 'In Halen' at left edge of main wall.

FA: Neil Monteith & Will Monks, 2005

Sportiva 12m, 4
19 In Halen

Grey slightly overhung gritty wall climbing. This climb is a very good warm-up for harder routes in the area at it is pumpy with no sharp holds. Originally a trad route.

FA: Neil Monteith Gareth Llewellin, 2004

Sportiva 13m, 4
22 Midnight Soiled

Excellent wall climb that was originally led (boldly) on trad gear. Start in the 'green', 3m left of 'By Jovi', directly below orange jug and very large pocket.

FA: Steve & Robin ect

Sportiva 14m, 5
23 By Jovi

Fingery and sustained climbing with nigh all rests. Starts 4m left of Jet at central line of RB's up turtle shell featured wall.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2004

Sportiva 14m, 4
24 Jet

Less sustained but cruxier than 'By Jovi'. Bolted route starting in front of small pine tree. Don't fall off between 2nd and 3rd - you will hit the boulder. Needs extra bolt !!

FA: Nick McKinnon Neil Monteith Kent Paterson Will Monks, 2004

Sportiva 14m, 4
25 Noasis

Starts up Jet for two bolts then veers right past 3 FH's to lower off. A little run out.

Sportiva 12m, 5
25 Justin Tymerlake

Was once dodgy piece of trad climbing - now retrobolted. Starts at the entrance to 'Tribute Wall', 10m before Jet. Boulder problem start then climbing eases quickly. There is an easier start to the right which makes the route a consistent 18.

Sportiva 12m, 4
18 Justin Tymerlake 18 variant

Was once dodgy piece of trad climbing - now retrobolted. Starts at the entrance to 'Tribute Wall', 10m before Jet.

Sportiva 20m
15 10am

Curving right facing slabby flake near the east entrance of the 'Tribute Wall' ravine. A tree touches the wall about 7m up making upwards progress difficult!

FA: James McIntosh & Mick Jennings, 1998

Trad 15m

Tutti 12 vie visualizzati.

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