
Nodi in Jilliby

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Small scattered cliffline at the base of Olney State Forest

Minas Tirith

A prominent large boulder approximately 8-10m high at the most. The south side features a beautiful crack which is kept protected from elements by an overhanging cave. The North side features a vertical wall of varying heights and the east face has potential for sport lines.

Minas Tirith
V3 Ungoliant

Highball V3 - Sit start in the crack and follow it until you can go right onto the slab using the hueco for feet. From the slab use crimps to top out into the cave. Exposed and scary, but absolutely classic! located on the south face.

V5 Andúril

Sit start at the base of the crack and go straight up. Stand up on the ledge using undercling and crimp and top out directly above the crack. Hueco, arete slab, and easy top out of Ungoliant are out.

V3 Fool of a Took

Stand start down at base of cliff, proceed up and continue to traverse up and right using any and all the best holds, including the cave mouth, until the point where you can head straight up and top out at the cut-grass using the blind jug on top. More like an easy sport route and a touch sketchy with the steep landing.

Lower deck

4-5m high boulder with some great side pull features and easy walk off.

Lower deck
V4 Mantis Toboggan

Stand start with LH on hip height rail and RH on side pull rail. Use side pull rail and other holds to top out right-of-centre of slab. Sit start from the low rail could be around V8-9 and open for anyone to try.


If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit

Leech Alley

Boulder section with slab on the east side and slight overhang to rounded top boulders on the right side of the alley.

Leech Alley
V3 Parasite

Sit start matched on lowest rail. RH up to pointy jug and left to cool side-pull-pinch feature, RH to side pull and top out.

V4 Blood-sucker

Stand start on slab as low down as possible. Traverse up and left past sharp RH crimp/pinch and top out on tallest part of boulder with jugs to assist.

Tutti 11 nodi visualizzati.

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