
Vie come trad in Wondabyne East

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  • Pendenza avvicinamento
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Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
17 Granuous

The crack at the right hand end of the undercut section at the bottom left of the Black Slab.

FA: Will Monks (TR), 1998

Trad 25m
15 Excrescense

The crack 20m right of 'Granuous'.

FA: P. Stallard & S. O'Brien, 1977

Trad 18m
13 Rugosity

The twin cracks 7m right of 'Excrescense'.

FA: P. Stallard, S. Hoy & S. O'Brien, 1977

Trad 15m

Tutti 3 vie visualizzati.

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