
Ascensioni in Sydney Metropolitan da Nicholas Budisetio

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Tutti 21 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Mar 30 Ago 2022 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V5 Sloper-Dan Milosevic Boulder 5m Classica
Mar 30 Ago 2022 - Forestville
Sissy Crag
V6 Dentalectomy Original Finish Boulder 3m Buona
Gio 25 Ago 2022 - The Balkans
The Frontline Front and Centre
V7 Boogie Knights Boulder 5m Classica
Mer 3 Ago 2022 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Eastern Bloc
V5 Berlin Blockade Boulder 3m Molto buona
Lun 18 Lug 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
Stranger Things
V5 Stranger Things Boulder 4m Molto buona
Sab 16 Lug 2022 - Lindfield Rocks
Isolated Rock/Overhang
V2 The Overhang Boulder 6m Molto buona
Scary, only challenge is the height. Hands were numb at the top due to the cold rock.

Sab 16 Lug 2022 - Lindfield Rocks
Walkdown Wall
V2 8 Boulder 4m
V1 9 - Walkdown Crack Boulder 4m
V1 10 Boulder 5m
Gio 30 Giu 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
Flagship Boulder
V1 Red Flag Boulder 3m Buona
Gio 30 Giu 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
The Throne
V2 Banana Boulder 3m Buona
V2 Johnny Dawes Slab Part 2 Boulder 3m Media
Quite a height dependent grade

Dom 26 Giu 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
The Throne
V4 Coconut Dyno Boulder 3m Molto buona
Felt good once I found nice feet and the best angle to grab the jug. Perhaps on the softer side of V4.

Lun 6 Giu 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
The Throne
V2 Coconut Boulder 3m Buona
V1 Johnny Dawes Slab Part 1 Boulder 3m Buona
Lun 6 Giu 2022 - Timbarra Boulders
Flagship Boulder
V2 Pink Flag Boulder 3m Buona
Tricky topout

Sab 28 Mag 2022 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V5 Can I Get A Witness Boulder 3m
V0 My Help Meet Boulder 3m
V6 Gomorrah Boulder 4m
V1 I Solemnly Swear Boulder 4m
V4 Thy Mighty Right Hand Boulder 4m Molto buona
Fun commit to scoop on top. My first outdoor climb!


Tutti 21 ascensioni visualizzati.

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