
Isolation Boulder





Steep, crimpy boulder with superior rock quality for the area and ok landings.

Limitazioni per l'accesso ereditato da Mount Barker Summit

The main area on the ridgetop is council land. The gates to the car park are open from 8am to 6pm (or 8am to 8pm during daylight saving time)


From the car park take the first track headed North east and follow for approximately 700 meters. When you get to the loan Yakka bush on the right side of the path head immediately left for approximately 50 meters. Slight scramble will land you at the base of the boulder


Grafico cronologico delle vie

A chequered history. Climbed on back in the '90's (when a dubious hold was added), then later rediscovered in early 2012. A couple of lines were established then (what is now called Isolation and Escape from Isolation), and only recently rediscovered again. The majority of the face is blank (central section), hence the previous lack of interest.



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Start in the cave next to A little bit extra. LH on deep side pull RH Gaston on A little bit extra's LH start hold. Straight up the arete to an awkward exit.

Start LH at base of good 2nd sidepull left of arete and RH on protruding pinch. Move up to good sloper at the lip, then traverse up and right to top out on good jug of 'Isolation'.


Start left hand in the manufactured slot on far left of boulder and right hand on the good edge. Bump left to rail before making a big move into a high in-cut right hand. Place your right foot high on the sloping rail before making a dynamic move with the left hand to a high jug above right hand. top out to finish

FA: Paul Kinnane, 2012

Start matched on Isolation's RH crimper, then make a big move RH to a finger jug at 1 o'clock. Top out (effectively Isolation minus two holds). Strangely easier.

FA: Redanon

Start matched on Isolation's RH crimp. Make a big lock/dynamic move with RH to a pocket/finger jug at 2 o'clock (right of the Isolation hold), then LH to a good edge/finger jug, and top out.

FA: Craig Ingram, 2012

As for isolation however after gaining the in-cut right hand cross through left to a side pull and traverse out right avoiding the jugs over the lip. Match on a good hold just below the lip before cutting feet to gain an orange footer on the far right of the boulder. top out to finish

FA: Mark Foyle, 19 Mag 2020

Start matched on sloping diagonal rail and make a big lock move via intermediate crimp to the start hold of 'Escape from Isolation'. Finish up that. Will be an Adelaide classic.

Open Project. Possible left extension to S&S on harder central holds

A very impressive line when complete. Sit start on the large edge on the right hand side. Move into the undercling then the small edge before making a big move to the prominent side pull on the left. Match this then join 'Isolation' at it's right hand starter. Climb 'Isolation' to the top. If you're bouldering double digits check this gem out!


Sit start on low juggy edge, with foot far right on arete. Make a move to a solid edge then bump to top sloping jug and top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, 2020

Traverse boulder from right to left on jugs above lip. Top out as for Isolation

FA: Tom Kane, 19 Mag 2020

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