
Ascensioni in South Australia da Daniel Gensemer

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1 - 100 di 368 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Sab 2 Dic 2023 - Waitpinga
Cephalopod Wall
11 Wet Patch Sportiva 23m, 6 Media
13 Magic Mountain Sportiva 23m, 6 Buona
23 Smooth Sailing Sportiva 30m Molto buona
16 Clear and Smooth Sportiva 20m Molto buona
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Sanskrit Boulder
V4 Sanskrit Direct — 2 tentativi Boulder 4m Molto buona
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Sandy Boulder
V0 Freddy J Boulder 2m Media
V0- Purity Boulder 2m Media
V0 Hanging with Sandy Boulder 2m Media
V1 Lunch with Sandy Boulder 2m Media
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Ryker Boulder
V1 ~V2 Parallel Cracks Boulder 3m Buona
V3 Gymnastics — 2 tentativi Boulder 4m Buona
V2 Toddler Spotter Boulder 4m Media
V1 Facile Ryker Boulder 4m Media
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
WMD Boulder
V1 Weapon of Mass Destruction RHV Boulder 3m Media
V1 Weapon of Mass Destruction Boulder 3m Media
V2 Ballistic Missile Boulder 2m Molto buona
V2 WMD traverse Boulder 3m Pessima
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Orbital Boulder
V2 Orbital Boulder 4m Molto buona
V2 Orbital LHV Boulder 4m Media
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Dinosaur Boulder
V1 Big Dinosaur Boulder 2m Buona
V0 ~V0+ Power of One Boulder 2m Buona
V0 Wonderland Boulder 2m Buona
V0 Little Dinosaur Boulder 2m Buona
Ven 7 Apr 2023 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Slight Attack Boulder
V3 Slight Attack Boulder 2m Buona
VB Turbulance Boulder 2m Media
V2 Laminar Boulder 2m Buona
V0+ Campus Board Boulder 3m Media
Sab 26 Nov 2022 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 3 - Right
16 Dura Feltch Me With a Crazy Straw Yeah Direct! - con Florian Tanner Trad 15m Molto buona
Dom 6 Nov 2022 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Main Wall - Lust sector
22 21 Blades Of Glory Sportiva 26m, 9 Classica
Epic. The best route I've done at Onkas to date.

Dom 6 Nov 2022 - Norton Summit
The Cave
21 Peregrine Sportiva 9m, 3 Molto buona
Lun 10 Ott 2022 - Morialta
Far Crag
22 Barad Dur Trad mista 20m, 1 Molto buona
Got three quarters of the way up clean. 22 on trad is tough...

12 Sheoak Corner Trad 15m Buona
The last couple moves are supreme and unfortunately unclimbed due to toproping

16 Asgard Trad 15m Buona
Woo hoo

Dom 14 Ago 2022 - Moonarie
The Ramparts
13 Garden Refuse Removed Cheaply - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 120m Classica
Epic stuff. I led pitches 1, 2, and 4. 2 was the money pitch.

Dom 14 Ago 2022 - Moonarie
Gargoyle Wall
13 Gargoyle - con Jayde Babi
1 11 20m
2 13 20m
Trad 40m Molto buona
Fun stuff

Sab 13 Ago 2022 - Moonarie
The Ramparts
12 Nervine - con Keenan Heng Xiyann
1 11 20m arrampicata in lead da Daniel Gensemer
2 12 20m arrampicata in lead da Daniel Gensemer
3 12 25m arrampicata in lead da Daniel Gensemer
4 11 35m arrampicata in lead da Daniel Gensemer
5 8 20m arrampicata in lead da Keenan Heng Xiyann
Trad 120m Molto buona
Stiff at the grade. When leading the third pitch, save your biggest hexes for the top crux! It's worth topping out - the fourth pitch was my favourite. I didn't do the direct start but should have due to rope drag.

Dom 7 Ago 2022 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
15 Cocolossal Trad 18m Media
Mock lead

24 Extra G Connection Trad mista 17m, 2 Classica
Felt easier than last time

18 Brainrack Trad 19m Molto buona
In sandals

12 Balthazar Trad 13m
In sandals

11 Big Sham Trad 14m
In sandals

Dom 1 Mag 2022 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Jake The Muss Boulder
V1 Rumsfeld's Known Unknown Boulder 2m Buona
V2 Slim Slow Slider Boulder 2m Media
Dom 1 Mag 2022 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Dyno Wall
V0 Just a Taste Boulder 3m Molto buona
Dom 1 Mag 2022 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Reynolds Boulder
V3 Sweet and Low Extension Boulder 4m Classica
V3 Hoops, Snakes and Drop Bears Boulder 2m Buona
V4 Sweet and Low Super Extention Boulder 5m Molto buona
V3 Sweet and Low Boulder 3m Buona
Dom 1 Mag 2022 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Slab School
VB Another Micheal Pearce Climbing Ban Boulder 3m Media
V1 Beta Sprayers Anonymous Boulder 4m Media
V0 Welcome to Slab School Boulder 3m Buona
Dom 1 Mag 2022 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Sanskrit Boulder
V2 Simons Favourite Boulder 4m Classica
V3 Low Traverse Boulder 5m Molto buona
V1 Simple Simon Boulder 2m Buona
V3 So Hum Boulder 4m Media
V3 Noniocal Intelligence Boulder 4m Media
V3 Sanskrit Sutra Boulder 4m Molto buona
V2 Karma Sutra Boulder 3m Buona
V1 High Traverse Boulder 8m Media
Lun 14 Mar 2022 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
23 Witch Hunt Sportiva 15m, 7 Molto buona
Sab 16 Ott 2021 - Morialta
The Billiard Table
10 Petty Theft - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 17m Orrenda
Soloed most of the route to retrieve gear. There is a widowmaker in the corner not far from the top. Would not recommend.

17 Solitary - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 19m Pessima
Did the bolted version of this

Sab 16 Ott 2021 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
11 Clea Trad 18m Buona
Mer 13 Ott 2021 - Onkaparinga
Top Cliff Bacchus Sector
5 Scouts in Kingcabs Trad 20m Pessima
Sab 25 Set 2021 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Far Right
18 Stiletto - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Sportiva 20m, 5 Molto buona
Mer 15 Set 2021 - Mount Barker Summit
Summit Cliff
11 Wizard's Sleave - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 8m Buona
17 Wizard's Sleeve - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 10m Media
Not sure when I did this. The pro was so good it might as well have been top roped.

10 Camtastic - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 13m Pessima
6 Wound up Toy - con Keenan Heng Xiyann Trad 10m Buona
Sab 7 Ago 2021 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Sandy Boulder
V0 Freddy J Boulder 2m Buona
V0- Purity Boulder 2m Buona
V1 Lunch with Sandy Boulder 2m Pessima
Sab 7 Ago 2021 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Sanskrit Boulder
V0 Um So Boulder 2m Media
Sab 7 Ago 2021 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Saddle Horse Boulder
V2 Should've Checked the Map Boulder 4m Molto buona
V1 No Rain Here...Yet Boulder 4m Molto buona
Sab 7 Ago 2021 - Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Dyno Wall
V0 Jug to Jug Boulder 2m Buona
Mer 28 Lug 2021 - Magnetic Boulder
V0 Bung Knee Boulder 4m Buona
V1 Follows Boulder 4m Pessima
V1 INFP Boulder 4m Buona
V2 Skeksis Boulder 4m Buona
Sab 20 Feb 2021 - The Enchanted Forest
Wonderland South West Tweedledum
VB Up In Smoke Boulder 6m Buona
V1 Mustard! Boulder 6m Buona
Sab 20 Feb 2021 - The Enchanted Forest
Wonderland South West Tweedledee
V1 Begin at the Beginning Boulder 3m Buona
V4 Hookah Boulder 3m Buona
V1 Pink Flamingo Boulder 3m Molto buona
V0+ Not too Slabby Boulder 4m Buona
V3 Eat Me Boulder 5m Buona
V3 Drink Me Boulder 5m Buona
V4 Mad Hatters Tea Party Boulder 5m Classica
V3 Directly Possible Boulder 3m Buona
Gio 11 Feb 2021 - Blackwood
Paul's Roof
V2 The Enforcer Boulder 3m Buona
V2 Rampage Easy Boulder 3m Buona
Sab 6 Feb 2021 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
17 Around the Horn - con Florian Tanner Sportiva 20m, 8 Molto buona
Interesting route to try in the rain

Sab 30 Gen 2021 - Blackwood
Smoke Cave
V1 The Kids are Restless Boulder 3m Pessima
V4 Burning Down the House Boulder 3m Buona
Mar 19 Gen 2021 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
24 Extra G Connection Trad mista 17m, 2 Classica
Retroflashed it and it felt easy! (although the top rope made it easier).

26 Geronimo's Cadillac Sportiva 17m, 4 Mega Classica
Fell off the last bad hold on the route

Sab 16 Gen 2021 - Norton Summit
The Bachelor Pad
V4 Chocolate Aftertaste (high traverse) Boulder 2m
Finally. Stupid line

V4 V1 One Five Nine (One Five) Boulder 3m
Mer 13 Gen 2021 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
23 Japetus Direct Finish - con Florian Tanner Sportiva Molto buona
Not too hard! I feel like I could push my boundaries a bit further than I am atm.


1 - 100 di 368 ascensioni.

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