
Ascensioni in South Australia da Guy Moore che possiede sport-cpr o ascent-date

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1 - 100 di 352 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Ven 29 Dic 2023 - Morialta
The Buttress
21 Gorilla My Dreams DS Sportiva 15m, 3 Molto buona
Dom 6 Ago 2023 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
21 Smash and Axe Demolition Company Sportiva 9m, 3 Pessima
Dom 6 Ago 2023 - Onkaparinga
17 Upstairs at Erics Sportiva 30m
Nice climbing. The top is great. Fully bolted now.

20 Born Painless Sportiva
Alot of fun. indeed. New linkup of the start of born under punches, taking the overhangs of this route. Instead of trending right to the corner, start left and finish up the arete.

16 ~18 Crosseyed and Painless Sportiva 26m, 8
Assuming this is the arete directly up after the beginning of Erics. Seems more like an 18 to me. It moves left avoiding the overhangs, but apart from this pretty much straight up?

19 ~20 ~20 Snake Oil Sportiva 28m, 10
The top is crazy tenuous. Sorry Paul but I think you are dreaming at 18.

Dom 30 Lug 2023 - Morialta
The Billiard Table
19 ~20 Entelechy Sportiva 10m
18 ~16 Brass Knuckles Sportiva 12m Molto buona
15 Meteorite Sportiva 19m, 5 Molto buona
17 ~16 The Albatross Sportiva 17m, 6 Molto buona
Sab 5 Nov 2022 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
19 Super Furry Beaver Sportiva 16m, 4 Pessima
Dom 30 Gen 2022 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Terra Incognita Sportiva 20m
25 The Stench Before the Storm Sportiva 19m
22 Sardine Sportiva 21m, 6 Buona
21 October Sportiva 12m, 3 Buona
Ven 14 Gen 2022 - Morialta
The Nether Regions
19 Sensitive Debate Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona
18 Lateral Thinker Sportiva 10m, 3 Pessima
14 Uninvited Speaker Sportiva 10m, 3 Pessima
Mer 29 Dic 2021 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
23 Witch Hunt Sportiva 15m, 7
15 The Full Monty Sportiva 10m, 4
16 Septic Tank Sportiva 11m, 4
Ven 24 Dic 2021 - Morialta
The Lost Walls
16 Surfactant Sportiva 15m, 5
16 Twist and Shout Sportiva 15m, 4
16 Begging for Forgiveness Sportiva 15m, 8
16 Beggar's Banquet Sportiva 10m
Sab 22 Mag 2021 - Morialta
The Billiard Table
20 Logical Variation Sportiva 16m, 6
23 Potluck DF Sportiva
22 Potluck Sportiva 4
Dom 14 Mar 2021 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 2 - Central
11 Sexy Love Clam Sportiva 10m, 4
19 Wham Bam Thank You Clam Sportiva 8m, 3
20 Fish Dreams Sportiva 8m
Dom 14 Mar 2021 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 3 - Right
23 Bad Taste Sportiva 12m
18 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Sportiva 14m, 5 Buona
Mar 30 Giu 2020 - Norton Summit
The Cave
26 Itchy Fingered FNG Sportiva 10m
21 Peregrine Sportiva 9m, 3
23 Peregrine RHV Sportiva 9m, 3
23 Anzac Highway Amble Sportiva 25m, 7 Molto buona
22 Grurper DS Sportiva 10m, 3
Dom 28 Giu 2020 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Main Wall - Lust sector
24 Stalagmite Addiction Sportiva 15m, 6
26 Lust Sportiva 20m, 8
22 21 Blades Of Glory Sportiva 26m, 9 Molto buona
22 The Hat Sportiva 25m, 8 Molto buona
Dom 28 Giu 2020 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
25 Any Colour You Like Sportiva 18m, 7
17 Around the Horn Sportiva 20m, 8
15 Water Dragon Sportiva 22m, 5
Dom 28 Giu 2020 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Far Right
18 Stiletto Sportiva 20m, 5
15 Twitching with Steve Sportiva 7m, 3 Buona
Ven 17 Apr 2020 - Dry Creek
Sorry Andrea Wall
18 Sorry Andrea Sportiva 12m
18 Spank Me Sportiva 12m
Sab 22 Feb 2020 - Morialta
The Billiard Table
22 Resisting a Rest Sportiva 19m Buona
Sharp AF

Dom 16 Feb 2020 - Onkaparinga
Doom Wall
21 Mud and Shit Sportiva 13m, 4 Media
23 The Toxic Avenger Strikes Back Sportiva 13m, 3
Bullshit close

24 Your Body Belongs to the State Sportiva 12m, 4 Classica
Very ducking good

24 Dark Mountainside Sportiva 12m
Brutal lower sequence

Mar 28 Gen 2020 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 4 - Graffiti Wall
23 Gonad Orator Sportiva
Sab 28 Dic 2019 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Terra Incognita Sportiva 20m
25 The Stench Before the Storm Sportiva 19m
Lun 16 Dic 2019 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Terra Incognita Sportiva 20m
23 Japetus Direct Finish Sportiva
25 The Stench Before the Storm Sportiva 19m
Sab 23 Nov 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
23 Cossack Sportiva 25m, 8
24 Power Steer Sportiva 25m, 7
Ven 22 Nov 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
15 Gay Bar Loiterer Sportiva 22m, 8
15 Water Dragon Sportiva 22m, 5
14 Blondes in Beanies Sportiva 20m, 7
15 April Sun in Cuba Sportiva 20m, 6
Dom 13 Ott 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Main Wall - Lust sector
22 21 Blades Of Glory Sportiva 26m, 9 Molto buona
Dom 13 Ott 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
15 April Sun in Cuba Sportiva 20m, 6
16 Elephunky Sportiva 20m, 5
Dom 13 Ott 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Far Right
18 Stiletto Sportiva 20m, 5
Dom 13 Ott 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Main Wall - Trade sector
24 Trade Route Sportiva 12m, 6
1sit, three Times, Fuck!

Sab 20 Lug 2019 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Sardine Sportiva 21m, 6 Buona
Alzheimer’s onsight

21 October Sportiva 12m, 3 Buona
19 Super Furry Beaver Sportiva 16m, 4 Pessima
One move wonder

Dom 30 Giu 2019 - Norton Summit
The Cave
23 Anzac Highway Amble Sportiva 25m, 7 Molto buona
21 Peregrine Sportiva 9m, 3
23 Peregrine RHV Sportiva 9m, 3
Dom 16 Giu 2019 - Onkaparinga
Red Cliff Right Tier
17 Around the Horn Sportiva 20m, 8
18 Around The Hat Sportiva 25m, 11
22 Thai Boxes Sportiva 20m, 5 Buona
Mar 28 Mag 2019 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 2 - Central
17 Running to a Standstill RHF Sportiva 10m, 3
16 Exodus Sportiva 8m, 3
18 Exodus RHS Sportiva 9m, 3
15 Rainbow Wall LHF Sportiva 8m, 3
20 Running to a Standstill Sportiva 10m, 3 Media
Mar 28 Mag 2019 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 1 - Left
21 Technicolour Sunfish Sportiva 12m, 4 Molto buona
Repeat. Alzheimer’s

Sab 11 Mag 2019 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
24 Extra G Connection Trad mista 17m, 2
26 Geronimo's Cadillac Sportiva 17m, 4
Sab 27 Apr 2019 - Morialta
Thorn Buttress
22 Terra Incognita Sportiva 20m
23 Japetus-Stench Connection Sportiva 20m
Second shot

Lun 22 Apr 2019 - Morialta
The Boulder Bridge
26 Geronimo's Cadillac Sportiva 17m, 4
Dusting off the static for a tickle of this classic. Solid past the second draw.

Ven 22 Mar 2019 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 4 - Graffiti Wall
23 Advertiser Ground Fall Watch Sportiva 8m, 3
mid height was stout but managed it after a rest. sneaky knee bar. not sure if i was slightly left.

23 21 Elephantiasis of the Gonads Sportiva 8m, 3 Media
24 Mercey Street Sportiva 8m, 3
will be good to try and repeat this next time. still feels solid.

22 21 The Electric Lavender Vacuum Cleaner Sportiva 8m, 2
x5 in one push. well pumped.

22 Perceptive Orators Sportiva 8m, 3 Buona
Dom 17 Feb 2019 - Norton Summit
The Cave
25 Crossroads Sportiva 20m
25 Crossroads Sportiva 20m
Getting close. The pump is real!!

Ven 15 Feb 2019 - Mitcham Quarries
Car Crash Quarry Sector 4 - Graffiti Wall
24 The Electric Lavender Vacuum Cleaner RHV Sportiva 8m
12 What time is love? Sportiva 8m Media

1 - 100 di 352 ascensioni.

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