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1 - 100 di 1,059 ascensioni.

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Sab 6 Lug 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Duck Reach Bouldering Upstream of Suspension Bridge The Open Door Wall
V7/8 Pepsicola - con Brad Hutchison Boulder 4m Classica
The Condawg
4 seasons of trying it on and off has worked some how. Really fun and underrated imo

Dom 23 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Tradie Boulder
V6 Dura Milwaukee Boulder 7m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Nice hard crimping on the right hand, mainly a two move problem with a good start and good finish

Dom 23 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Marksman Boulder
V8 Ricochet Boulder 5m
Scott Murray
Sab 22 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V5 Cheers Yabo Boulder 3m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Lun 17 Giu 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Duck Reach Bouldering Upstream of Suspension Bridge The Open Door Wall
V6 Open Door Stand Boulder 3m Buona
Philip C
Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 13
V3 Bold As Love Boulder 6m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Trailer Park Boulder
V2 Dura Two Farts In The Wind Boulder 2m
Brother Odin
V2 Dura Watch List Boulder 1m
Brother Odin
Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Archer Boulder
VB Holy Shit Snacks Boulder 4m
Brother Odin
V1 Pacman Jones Boulder 7m Molto buona
Brother Odin
V1 Do You Want Ants? Boulder 5m
Brother Odin
Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders 99 Boulder
V2 This Babe Needs A Coconut In Her Arms - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 6m Buona
Tommy Krauss
V5 Cheddar The Dog — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 5m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Toe hook was found, it gained three stars, now it has one star. Jokes aside, actually kind of fun. Dancing leeches on top of the boulder made for a nice surprise

V6 Nutriboom — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 5m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
Did this, but went right at the top, will be back and go left at the top

V5 Snackcident — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 5m
Tommy Krauss
Snacks were had, many snacks

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Archer Boulder
V2 Superfluous - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 3m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Trailer Park Boulder
V4 Jungle Bridge — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 3m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Found this quite tricky but good climb! Cramps really started setting in and I had a hard time with even the best holds

V2 Dura Cheeseburger Sandwich - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 4m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
First move is still the hardest part of this for me, great climb though

V2 Dura Watch List — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 1m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
Tricky first move, maybe I did it wrong but my feet were not feeting correctly?!

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Tradie Boulder
V4 Dura As Busy As A One-Armed Bricklayer In Baghdad — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 3m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Looked straight forward but ended up crimping way hard

V4 Steel Capped Thongs — 2 tentativi - con Lochie Spotswood, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson, Patrick Munnings, Hannah Rose, Ali Roush, ElliotShirley Boulder 5m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
Great line, big move in the middle caught me a little by surprise

Dom 16 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Archer Boulder
V1 Just The Tip - con Ali Roush, Tommy Krauss, Hannah Rose, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson Boulder 5m Buona
Patrick Munnings
V9 Terms of Enrampagement - con Ali Roush, Tommy Krauss, Hannah Rose, Brother Odin, Nick Hanson Boulder 6m Classica
Patrick Munnings
epic. caught the top hold with 2 fingers and cut. Somehow held on

Ven 14 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Cragside Boulders
V3 Blue Square - con Patrick Munnings Boulder 3m Molto buona
Nick Morgan
Very good route on big holds

Ven 14 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders 99 Boulder
V1 The Pontiac Bandit - con Patrick Munnings Boulder 4m Media
Nick Morgan
One or two nice moves

V5 Cheddar The Dog - con Nick Morgan Boulder 5m
Patrick Munnings
Not a great problem. One big throw to a blind jug, the rest is easy

V3 Bingpot - con Nick Morgan Boulder 5m Classica
Patrick Munnings
One of the trifecta of classic V3s at Hidden Towers. (probably the best grade at the crag)

V6 Nutriboom Boulder 5m Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
Another great FA. I climbed this with some big jumping cut moves to good holds.

V9 Terry Loves Yogurt Boulder 5m Classica
Patrick Munnings
My Hardest FA to date. Excellent slapping

Gio 13 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Cragside Boulders
Yellow Circle - con Nick Morgan Boulder 2m Media
Patrick Munnings
could barely pull on. The first 3 moves are hard

V5 Pop Pop - con Nick Morgan Boulder 1m Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
Psyched on this. A sloper classic of Hillwood. Only 1 or 2 moves but very good.

Mer 12 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V3 Dap King Boulder 1m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Marksman Boulder
V8 Ricochet Boulder 5m Molto buona
Bevan Ashby
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V5 Cheers Sharon Boulder 3m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Trailer Park Boulder
V4 Jungle Bridge - con min, Irene Boulder 3m Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
Some really good movements, feels hard until you find the right beta and then feels easy

Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Hooters Block
V5 Talons Boulder 2m Media
Patrick Munnings
Hard crimping and a big slap at the end

Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Jungle Block
V8 ~V7 Out of the Jungle Boulder 2m Media
Ali Roush
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Marksman Boulder
V8 Ricochet Boulder 5m Molto buona
Ali Roush
V6 Bring out the Guns Boulder 7m Molto buona
Ali Roush
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Sloper Block
V7 Facile Sissy Style Boulder 2m Molto buona
Ali Roush
Lun 10 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V7 Stroll n Spider Boulder 3m
Scott Murray
Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Marksman Boulder
V2 Just a Touch - con Joe Schwarz Boulder 5m
Tommy Krauss
V2 Gunslinger - con Joe Schwarz Boulder 6m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
Great fun tall slab, quite sustained edging

V8 ~V7 Ricochet Boulder 5m Molto buona
Joe Schwarz
Second go because my footwork sucks

Dom 9 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V3 Sharon Boulder 3m Buona
Joe Schwarz
V0 Karen Boulder 2m Buona
Joe Schwarz
Sab 8 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 13
V2 Bleeding Heart Boulder 4m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Ven 7 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Roadblock Boulder
V6 A Pigs' Tail Sit Boulder 5m Molto buona
Bevan Ashby
V3 Westie Heaven Boulder 5m Buona
Bevan Ashby
V7 Art of the Snake Sit Boulder 5m Classica
Bevan Ashby
Mar 4 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Roadblock Boulder
V5 No Fat Pigs' Tail Boulder 5m Buona
Bevan Ashby
V5 A Pigs Tail Boulder 5m Molto buona
Bevan Ashby
Dom 2 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Tradie Boulder
V7 CSE (Confined Space Entry) - con Hannah Rose, Jacob Dean, Maddie Campbell Boulder 3m Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
V4 As Busy As A One-Armed Bricklayer In Baghdad - con Hannah Rose, Jacob Dean, Maddie Campbell Boulder 3m Buona
Patrick Munnings
Dom 2 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V10 The Stroll Boulder 3m
Scott Murray
V9 The Stroll Stand Boulder 2m
Scott Murray
Sab 1 Giu 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Trailer Park Boulder
V2 Two Farts In The Wind - con Maddie Campbell, Patrick Munnings Boulder 2m
Jacob Dean
V2 Watch List - con Maddie Campbell, Patrick Munnings Boulder 1m Molto buona
Jacob Dean
Mer 29 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Roadblock Boulder
V5 No Fat Westies Boulder 4m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Mer 29 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 15
V1 The Vent Boulder 4m Media
Bevan Ashby
Mer 29 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Hooters Block
V4 Mopoke — 2 tentativi - con Jacob Dean, Maddie Campbell Boulder 6m Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
Fun crimpy problem, harder than it looks

Mar 28 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Archer Boulder
V2 Kids Sketchy - con Jacob Dean Boulder 4m
Patrick Munnings
Mar 28 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Tradie Boulder
V3 Safety Squint - con Jacob Dean Boulder 2m Buona
Patrick Munnings
Mar 28 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Trailer Park Boulder
V4 Jungle Bridge - con Patrick Munnings, Maddie Campbell Boulder 3m Buona
Jacob Dean
Dom 26 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Tradie Boulder
V3 Safety Squint - con Patrick Munnings Boulder 2m
Jacob Dean
Dom 26 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Hidden Towers Boulders Archer Boulder
V3 Danger Zone - con Patrick Munnings Boulder 7m
Jacob Dean
Dom 26 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering The Understory
V1 Holly Boulder 2m Buona
Brother Odin
Dom 26 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V0 Karen Boulder 2m
Scott Murray
Sab 25 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Rotary Block
V4 Right Scope - con Brother Odin Boulder 4m Buona
Tommy Krauss
V4 360 No Scope - con Brother Odin Boulder 4m Buona
Tommy Krauss
Sab 25 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Marksman Boulder
V8 Ricochet Boulder 5m Molto buona
Tommy Krauss
Sab 25 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V7 Stroll n Sharon Boulder 3m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Sab 25 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Pyramid Boulder
V2 Djoser - con James Ridgers, Moses Boulder 4m
V3 Ziggurat - con James Ridgers, Moses Boulder 5m Buona
Sab 25 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Premium Lager Boulder
V7 Facile Wizard Smith Boulder 5m Molto buona
V7 Facile Premium Lager — 6 tentativi Boulder Classica
V7 Facile Premium Lager - con James Ridgers, Moses Boulder Classica
Lun 20 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V10 The Stroll Boulder 3m Molto buona
Bevan Ashby
V7 Stroll n Spider Boulder 3m Buona
Bevan Ashby
V4 Delicate Spider Boulder 3m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Dom 19 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Grytt Boulder
V2 Jack Jumper - con James Ridgers Boulder 3m
Dom 19 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering The Understory
V3 Dogwood Boulder 2m
Tommy Krauss
Super fun heel hooking and tension climbing on a short little face

V1 Holly Boulder 2m
Tommy Krauss
Fun sit start up the centre of the block, great fun but possibly harder? Needs some more people confirming the grade

Dom 19 Mag 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Shady Side Bouldering The Erratics
V2 Erratics Traverse — 2 tentativi - con Jordan Grant, Mitch Malone Boulder 6m
Brother Odin
Dom 19 Mag 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Dewsworld Island Boulder
V9 Freshwater Supply Boulder 4m
Luke Blackburn
Dom 19 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Rock Of Ages Boulders Grytt Boulder
V5 ~V4 Piss-ant — 3 tentativi - con James Ridgers Boulder 4m Buona
Sab 18 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Roadblock Boulder
V6 Art Of The Snake Boulder 5m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Sab 18 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Pit 12
V9 The Stroll Stand Boulder 2m Buona
Bevan Ashby
Sab 18 Mag 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Sunny Side Bouldering 2nd set
V1 A2 - con Clive Reekie Boulder 5m Buona
V4 Five for Five - con Clive Reekie Boulder 5m Media
mixed emotion

V4 4's a Crowd - con Clive Reekie Boulder 5m Molto buona
Good fun

V6 Facile 4C variant - con Clive Reekie Boulder 6m Molto buona
Good to tick the V6 box with the brother Clive

Sab 18 Mag 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Hillwood Bouldering Falcon Crag Bouldering Roadblock Boulder
V5 A Pigs Tail Boulder 5m
Scott Murray
V6 Art Of The Snake Boulder 5m
Scott Murray
Gio 16 Mag 2024 - Brady's Lookout
Hard Times Boulder
V8 Hard times - con arn, Jamal Irlam, Luke Blackburn Boulder 3m Mega Classica
Samuel Melville
Gio 16 Mag 2024 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Gorge - Bouldering Shady Side Bouldering The Erratics
V6 Tiptoe Arete Boulder 3m
Luke Blackburn
V5 Urak Hai Boulder 2m
Luke Blackburn
V5 Lock Lively Boulder 2m
Luke Blackburn
V2 Erratics Traverse Boulder 6m
Luke Blackburn
V5 Ramped Up Boulder 2m
Luke Blackburn

1 - 100 di 1,059 ascensioni.

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